Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 617 Changes

Chapter 617 Changes
Taishan walked up to meet Yang Fan.

"What happened in this city?"

Yang Fan stepped forward and asked, the brothers behind Taishan were all brothers who used to guard the flag camp, and they had seen each other before.

"You still don't know this, that's right, you went to find the ruins, and let me tell you, something big happened in this city..."

Later, Taishan also described the recent situation.

This Taishan's ability to summarize is average, and Yang Fan only understood what happened after listening to it.

When Mr. Beiyun was escorted back, he was directly rescued by the people from the Tianyan Dynasty, and the two Zilongwei were brutally killed.

This is an extremely provocative behavior, which in the eyes of ordinary people is a very shocking thing.

Because of this incident, it also accelerated the deterioration of the relationship between the two dynasties.

Therefore, the city of Bin-Hur has been under martial law as much as possible recently.

Any unfamiliar face will be taken down instantly.

Now in this Binxu city, the relationship between the north and south cities is also like fire and water.

There are clear boundaries between each other.

The south side belongs to the Zifu Dynasty.

To the north is the territory of the Shengyan Dynasty,

The anti-dumping and countermeasures have already pulled up the cordon,

The territory between the two dynasties is only separated by a river and a bridge.

It is almost impossible to go back and forth. After passing, don't think about coming back. After countless people have gone, there is no way to come back.

"The supervisor of Zilongwei also personally led the team here. This is a high-ranking official of the imperial court!"

Now the size of this Binxu city is suitable, and all of them are under the control of this supervisor. The supervisor set up the capital to work, and it is in this Tianfeng mansion.

Today, the Tianfeng Mansion has also been directly appointed under the Purple Dragon Guard.

The mansion master Xu Tianming also became the counselor of the supervisor.

Yang Fan understood after listening.

Before that, there was a bit of sympathy between the two dynasties here, you give me a little face, I will give you a little face, everyone lives in peace here.

To fight secretly is to send your own puppet, if there is any conflict, just abandon it directly, and you can also wash away the suspicion and get rid of the relationship with yourself.

But now.

Because of the matter of Prince Beiyun.

Offending the border has already violated the bottom line of the Zifu dynasty, and openly beheaded two Zilongwei, which is directly pulling the tiger's beard. Now, although the two sides have not yet reached the point of fighting each other, But it is already in preparation.

Therefore, Bin-Hur City is under martial law, and people are in panic.

"By the way, I heard Battalion Commander Liu Xin say that your term of office is over and the transfer order has been issued. Are you going back to Zifu Wangcheng?"

Taishan looked at Yang Fan and said. ,

Counting with your fingers, this month is almost here.

There are quite a lot of experiences in this Binxu City, especially the later incidents, which turned out to be directly against the Ninth Palace. Although Yang Fan is unwilling to take the initiative to provoke the enemy, some things in the Nine Palace, such as the Green Snake Help, what you have done is too much.

Now that he did it, Yang Fan didn't regret it either.

And now this Yang Fan can be said to have made a big mistake. Who doesn't know that Yang Fan chopped off the arm of Prince Beiyun. If the two dynasties re-establish their friendship, the first to bear the brunt is to hand over Yang Fan to apologize.

If the two sides deteriorate, then the North King of the Yan Dynasty will never let Yang Fan go on this battlefield!
"Yes, I have to go back. If the war between the two dynasties breaks out, Binxu City will definitely become the center of the exchange of fire. Brother Taishan, you should go back as soon as possible, otherwise, it won't be worth it."

Yang Fan looked at Mount Tai and said.

The people in Taishan are good, although they are a bit straightforward, but the most important thing is sincerity.

Taishan stopped Yang Fan's words and smiled.

"Thank you brother, it's just that this city of Ben-Hur is my home, if there is a fight, I, Taishan, will definitely be the first to go to the front, and whoever dares to step on the door of my house, then I will cut off his leg! "

Hearing that Mount Tai was like this, it was inconvenient for Yang Fan to say more.

He patted Taishan on the shoulder, and then handed Taishan a porcelain bottle.

There are ten Qi and Blood Pills inside.

If something really happened, it could save a life to some extent.

"Take it."

Yang Fan said.

"Thank you, brother! Brothers, let's go, continue patrolling, if I really catch Yangouzai, I won't break them!" Tai Shan gave an order, and the guards behind him continued to step forward with high spirits. patrol.

You know, the land under their feet is their home, and the people on the road are their relatives. Although there may be some unpleasant things at ordinary times, by this time, there are no longer those disputes. Stand in this righteousness.

Yang Fan returned to Tianfeng Mansion.

When he arrived at the door, he saw four guards in golden clothes standing at the door, majestic and murderous, with the golden knife on his waist, that was also the cold light Yeye.

Jin Yiwei's judicial function is under that Zilongwei.

It can be regarded as a subordinate organization of Zilongwei.

After all, Zilongwei is a public power. Once it does something, it likes to draw most of the people to come. This Jinyiwei provides manpower. Of course, if you perform well in this Jinyiwei, you also have a chance to be accepted Selected into this purple dragon guard for further study.

That level and level will become different.

The Hell Camp can only be regarded as a legal force, not a public one.

Because the Hell Battalion is directly under the swordsmen's union.

All the subsidies and all the consumption are from the swordsman union.

Otherwise, the Zifu dynasty would consume a lot of financial resources and energy just to support these special organizations, and there would be even bigger and more serious corruption.

Even if the swordsmen's guild has cultivated such a team of soldiers, they can only serve the dynasty, because the heads of the high-level leaders of the swordsmen's guild are all attached to the dynasty, so it is much more convenient.

This is also the wisdom of the current emperor,

The power is delegated to you, but it can be invisibly restricted to you.

"Stop, who the hell!"

Jin Yiwei immediately stopped Yang Fan, with a bad expression on his face, Tianfeng Mansion has become the territory of their Zilongwei supervisor, anyone who comes here needs to be notified.

Yang Fan took out his hell camp token with a blank face.

At this time, the signboard of Hell Camp must be more effective than the signboard of Tianfeng Mansion.

Seeing the token of Yang Fan's Hell Camp, the four Jin Yiwei immediately became respectful.

"See your lord!"

"Sir, please!"

A Jin Yiwei came to greet him, Yang Fan nodded and followed him in.

Hell Camp and Zilongwei are at the same level, so the Jinyiwei naturally had to kneel down to greet them.

If it is calculated according to this and the official rank of the dynasty.

Any person in this hell camp is at the level of the deputy fourth rank.

And once a rebellious party is discovered, the status will rise directly!

Reach the second grade!
Even the city lord had to obey orders.

(End of this chapter)

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