Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 620 Savage Land

Chapter 620 Savage Land
This ancient forest is considered to be in a relatively remote area.

The nearest city to this desolate ancient forest is also more than 1000 miles away, and it will take three or four days for ordinary fast horses to arrive. ,

And compared to this desolate ancient forest, the scope is so large, if people get into it, it will appear extremely small.

In this forest, there are often no signs of activities such as adventurers and mercenaries, but if you are injured here, when you meet someone, don't be too happy, no matter what the smell is, or it is Any traces of murder are within this ancient forest.

Neither can exist for more than a day.

This is an excellent place to kill people and hide corpses. If you die here, the next day, whether it is your body or anything, even some fluctuations in battle, will be washed away by this ancient forest clean.

Except for some mysterious spirit beasts.

In addition, every morning, there will be a wave of extreme cold in this barren ancient forest.

This cold wave will appear every morning, covering up all the breath of the previous day, freezing it, and finally shattering it.

Even the extremely strong blood evil spirit will be cleaned up.

Yang Fan stood on the top of the mountain here, and if he wanted to find this place to retreat and practice, then this place couldn't be more suitable.

However, Yang Fan took a look at his soul value, and it decreased by [-] points every day, and now there are only less than [-] points left.

The time of retreat cannot exceed five days.

Otherwise, the baby dragon will die outside.

I don't know where this damned thing escaped to.

The space dao fruit was eaten by this baby dragon. If Yang Fan hadn't been enslaved for more than ten years, decades, no, hundreds of years, how could it be easily let go.

"The sky has just dawned, the cold wave has just passed, and now is the time for spirit beasts to move around! Just find a stronger spirit beast to occupy his territory,"

Yang Fan thought.

If you want to be safe, you must find a place where powerful spirit beasts have stayed, otherwise, any other place will also be attacked by spirit beasts.

And where a powerful spirit beast has been, with territorial awareness, if those spirit beasts break into it, they will be killed easily, so in this barren ancient forest, ordinary spirit beasts are Not scurrying around, unless it's the kind that was kicked out, wandering around.

Yang Fan walked into this ancient forest.

A dark cloud was already brewing in the sky. Although the sky had just dawned and the cold wave had just receded, another storm was about to fall in the blink of an eye, which showed how difficult the living environment in this ancient forest was.


A huge foot landed on the ground, and with a loud bang, a deep pit was stepped on the ground.

Yang Fan subconsciously pulled out the Mo Jue Sword. The opponent's figure was so huge that he hadn't noticed it before, so it must be because of his fast speed.

I saw a huge four-legged beast running quickly towards the distance. The jungle trees here are all twenty or thirty feet high, and this giant beast is also about fifteen feet tall. I saw a lot of trees, and the appearance of this giant beast was similar to the dinosaurs I had heard of before.

With such a huge size, Yang Fan thought that there was a fierce battle, but he saw the giant beast directly passing Yang Fan and rushing towards the distance.

"Huh? They didn't come to eat me."

Yang Fan was a little surprised, but soon realized that something was wrong. Even if such a guy fled in a hurry, he must be hunted down by something more terrifying.

Soon Yang Fan knew something.

I saw three or four animals that looked like wild wolves, but they were not that big. They quickly caught up with the giant beast in front of them. With a leap, they landed on the giant beast. On his body, the sharp claws cut through the surface defense, and the other end went straight in.

The internal organs were taken out directly.



After several consecutive mouthfuls, the giant beast's body crashed to the ground.

Unable to struggle anymore, he was finally easily bitten clean by these three wild wolf spirit beasts.

"It's so bloody."

Yang Fan was surprised.

But at this moment, the three ferocious hungry wolves stood on the body of the giant beast and looked in Yang Fan's direction. They suddenly raised their heads, and their fierce gazes, as if they were indifferent to life and death, stared closely at Yang Fan. Look at Yang Fan.

Although Yang Fan has also come into contact with many spirit beasts.

However, this kind of bloody scene is also very rare, and the fighting speed of these spirit beasts is quite fast, without the slightest sloppy, and any part of the body is also used to the extreme.

Yang Fan also swallowed his saliva. The paws of these wild wolves were still stained with blood, and there were pieces of internal organs at the corners of their mouths. Most importantly, they stepped on the back of a giant beast.

The giant beast's belly was bitten open, and blood and internal organs were constantly pouring out.

"Come on, you things!"

Yang Fan clenched the Mojue Sword in his hand, ready to have a fierce battle with these creatures. The primitive aura emanating from these spirit beasts is indeed quite terrifying. This is clearly the feeling of being in a primitive forest, surrounded by desolate people, There are only some reclusive, but bloodthirsty beasts as companions.

But it didn't wait for Yang Fan to fight.

Seeing these wild wolves, he suddenly looked up and looked around, as if he smelled something, and when he was about to escape, a huge figure descended from the sky.

One paw directly crushed the bodies of the two wild wolves.

The remaining one wanted to escape, but saw a huge head bit off, biting the hungry wolf's body in one bite, and then threw it into the air.

When it was eaten, it was obvious that the wolf's body was still struggling and twitching. After Yang Fan saw this scene, Yang Fan almost opened his mouth wide.

"Fuck, it's so bloody, it's probably the ancient world!"

Yang Fan has also seen a lot of spirit beasts, but the spirit beasts cultivated are more or less intelligent, so after they are formed, they are even more unwilling to be contaminated with these vulgar blood.

Most of the time, one chooses to cultivate. For some intruders or offenders, the usual choice is to kill and expel them, and occasionally eat people or something.

But for the spirit beasts in this barren ancient forest, they are completely beasts that have mastered power.

If the strength is not enough, then it will be eaten.

The giant beast that suddenly killed in front of him has a body about 20 meters in size, with a pair of small wings growing on the back, and it is these wings that allow him to descend from the sky.

After eating these three, the eyes of this ancient giant beast were also locked on Yang Fan.

(End of this chapter)

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