Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 624: Akiyama Sword Sect?

Chapter 624: Akiyama Sword Sect?

When Yang Fan himself merged with the Frost King Sword.

He clearly felt the change in his own spiritual power, and it seemed that every move would be filled with cold air.

The purity of this cold air is also beyond imagination.

Mastering this kind of power is also extremely exciting for Yang Fan.

As Yang Fan concentrated his thoughts, the power of Xue Ji's divine ice gradually emerged between his palms.

It was cold all around.

Soon it was swallowed by the terrifying cold air, and the surrounding caves also became an ice cave.

Yang Fan tried to control the Xueji Shenbing in his hand.

Another day passed. ,
Yang Fan is already proficient in manipulating this snowy and magical ice.

"If it's a close fight, my palm is enough to slow down the spiritual power in the body of that strong swordsman at the peak by at least half!"

Yang Fan thought.

If it were two palms, that person would probably turn into an ice sculpture.

It's that brutal.

"Although the power of Xueji Divine Ice is powerful, its characteristics are too obvious. If you are not careful, you will be discovered. If it is not necessary, don't use it yet, and temporarily seal it up!"

Yang Fan thought that anyone would want such a good thing.

What's more, there is no way to disappear the power of the Xue Ji Divine Ice.

If Yang Fan dies, this Xue Ji Shen Bing will not disappear, it will be spit out directly like a piece of iron eaten into the stomach.

And Yang Fan is now in a state where the human sword is united, if he dies, a Frost King Sword will even explode from his body!

How could I have become a small boss before I knew it.

Yang Fan couldn't believe it either, but when he thought about it, they were indeed somewhat similar.

Equipment will explode when you die.

In this way, the reason why those big monsters in the game are so strong, maybe they also have skills similar to this man's sword fusion.

"I don't know yet, but three days have passed."

Counting the time when he first entered this barren ancient forest, four days had already passed in a blink of an eye. According to this speed, he would have already arrived at the Prince City of Zifu.

"Go back quickly."

"If I miss something, there is no way to challenge this leader, and I will be wiped out by this system."

Yang Fan thought.

That difficult challenging task is like a shadow, and it is always in Yang Fan's mind.

Remember it anytime, anywhere.

And Yang Fan gave himself two months, not three months!

With Yang Fan's strength now, he has a chance to defeat the opponent.

Of course, Yang Fan doesn't know about the means of the commanding wind, maybe this guy has some kind of life-saving nirvana in his hands, so he must be careful!

Since the name is so insidious, it might be the one who likes to make insidious tricks the most.

Just when Yang Fan was about to leave.

Suddenly, I felt my Mo Jue sword tremble!
The next moment, Mojuejian erupted with a terrifying aura.

Directly blow up this cave.

Under this power, a light curtain was released.

It is the light curtain of the Mojue Sword.

Resisting in front of Yang Fan, Yang Fan also looked up at the scene in front of him.

A figure fell from the sky.

Yang Fan moved a little distance to the side, and the falling figure landed right next to Yang Fan. When he looked at this person, Yang Fan also widened his eyes and blinked.

"I wipe, what's the situation?"

The embarrassing figure in front of him was the high-spirited young suzerain that he had seen three days ago.

"The tyrannosaurus rex is chasing it again?"

That's all Yang Fan thought of.

But when he turned his head, he happened to see two figures descending from the sky, hovering in mid-air, staring at the situation below.

One of them, Yang Fan also knew, was the elder who was guarding the young suzerain that day, and the other one next to him was unknown, but judging by his aura, he seemed to be on the same level as the elder.

It also has a strong momentum.

The young woman also saw Yang Fan at the side.

There was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were calm.

Standing up from the ground, there was a large puddle of blood on the left shoulder, continuously flowing and oozing out.

That half of the clothes had been dyed red.

The hair that was originally neat and tidy is also floating at the moment.

"Why are you here, kid? Didn't I say, don't let me see you again?"

Seeing Yang Fan, the elder snorted coldly, in his eyes.

This Yang Fan is basically a weak ant. Such a person should have been eaten by the surrounding spirit beasts in the past few days, so why did he still appear here.

Since it appeared and saw things that shouldn't be seen, there is no need to spare his life. ,

"Don't talk, just run away, their target is me."

The woman next to him said lightly.

The blood trickled down from the palm of his hand.

Obviously, the entire left arm has been directly crippled, but he still looks at it with a kind of strong and stubborn eyes. In fact, today's scene has already been expected, but he did not expect that the other party would actually be there in the sword Zen. A self-destruct symbol was pasted on his body.

Use the way of sacrificing Jian Zen to break her defense.

Otherwise, even if these two join forces, they may not be able to hurt her.

Yang Fan pretended not to hear the same thing, but raised his hands and made a throwing gesture.

"Don't don't kill me, I'm just a blind man, I didn't expect to meet you here, I didn't see anything, I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now, you go on!"

Yang Fan said.

He stepped forward to pick up his Mojue Sword, turned around and ran towards the distance
When the Mojue sword released its defense just now, it was also knocked aside.

"It's too late to go now." The elder snorted coldly, and then made a gesture to the people around him.

The person beside him chased after Yang Fan with a whoosh.

Shen Jianyi looked at the fleeing Yang Fan.

He didn't even use any footwork, and he seemed to be frightened. If this was the case, he would be caught up and killed in a short time.

Another innocent victim.

There was a hint of anger in Shen Jianyi's eyes.

"Ge Qing, if you betray the sect, you will surely die a terrible death."

Shen Jianyi said lightly.

'Betray the sect?Hehehe, lord suzerain, don't get me wrong, the one who betrayed the sect...is you! "

"At this point, you have no choice. Hand over the sect master's token and sword manual, and I will keep your whole body. Akiyama Sword Sect, you can't hold it."

(End of this chapter)

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