Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 640 The situation is urgent

Chapter 640 The situation is urgent

Inside Dongfeng City, the City Lord's Mansion.

Everyone present was silent,

At this time, there was an iron box on the table.

Inside the box is a human head!
And this head is the daughter of the city lord Ye Dong.

Those gangsters hiding on Dongliao Mountain actually tore up votes!

In less than three days, people were already killed.

Ye Dong, the angry city lord, directly clenched his fists tightly. He was afraid that anyone who approached would be beaten to death by Ye Dong.

Sitting opposite Ye Dong was the warden of the first prison in the Hell Camp, Kuang Dao.

It was this and Crazy Sword that organized the rescue operation.

The main person in charge of this operation is the first prison, and the second group of the nine prisons and the first group of the seventh prison are responsible for support.

However, after a strong attack, many people were lost in the hell camp.

Up to now, the sick cats in the second group of the Nine Prisons are still in danger.

In order to cover everyone's retreat, the sick cat was seriously injured.

Even Kuang Dao himself didn't expect that a mere bandit in this district would have such great strength, but during the process of disarming, Kuang Dao naturally knew that these people were unusual.

"My condolences to the city lord, it seems that the purpose of the other party is not to kidnap at all, but to anger us!"

Kuang Dao said in a deep voice.

Ye Dong, the city lord, didn't show any expression. He dedicated his life to the Zifu dynasty, but in the end, he got one, the head of his own daughter!
"My condolences, huh, huh, how sorry! Since those idiots want to play, then I will play with them!"

Ye Donghan said in a cold voice.

Dongfeng City can be regarded as a peaceful small city, but such a bad thing happened, so how can this thing pass away so easily, Ye Dong must show something!

Otherwise, what's the point of being a father, a city lord.

He didn't even dare to tell his wife about this matter. ,

"City Lord Ye! You have to calm down and don't be impulsive!"

Crazy Sword said.

At the same time, I also signaled to the people in the hell camp around me that Ye Dong's emotions seemed to be a little out of control at the moment. If necessary, he would definitely take action and take Ye Dong down directly to prevent Ye Dong from falling into mania. There is no other action!

"Calm down, how calm do you want me to be! If it weren't for your incompetence, my daughter would be decapitated! I am loyal to the dynasty and have devoted my whole life to it. What the hell am I going to get! Get lost!"

"Li Jun, give me an order to confine the whole city and gather all forces. I want to flatten that Dongliao Mountain!"

Ye Dong got up and said, the general Li Jun who had been waiting in the back row also stood up immediately.

He is the general of Dongfeng City, so he naturally obeys the city lord.

"Do you want to rebel!"

Seeing this, Kuang Dao immediately slapped the table and stood up.

"My daughter's death, you have to pay half of the responsibility, take them down too!"

Ye Dong didn't care at all at the moment.

Li Jun heard the words, and with a groan, he drew out the long knife in his hand.

"Take it!"


Crazy Dao yelled angrily. He has been out on mission for so long, and he has never seen any kind of thorn or difficult situation. These people in front of him are simply trying to rebel.

With the level of their hell camp, although there is no time for rebellion now, the behavior of Ye Dong and others is enough to form such a bad behavior, and there are even signs of it.

But the number of masters under Crazy Saber is not many. After a big battle, the three teams were basically severely injured, and they are all lying in the medical center now.

In Yang Fan's team, the sick cat was the most injured, and it still hasn't woken up yet.

In addition, Hei Bing and others were basically injured.

So Kuangdao felt that the matter in front of him was very difficult!
If it's just ordinary bandits and bandits, how can they have such strength, there must be someone behind them to support them.

But this matter has just been passed back to the headquarters, and is waiting for the next arrangement plan.

Ye Dong was already the first to lose his balance.

There was a scuffle at the scene, Crazy Knife wanted to take down Ye Dong quickly, but the main general Li Jun was also not weak, and he shot suddenly, plus Crazy Knife was injured himself, and the injury was not healed, so it was difficult to win for a while, not only that , There are four masters beside Li Jun.

For the matter of the city lord's daughter, Li Jun and the city lord Ye Dong also made a lot of preparations, and even recruited many masters in the world. This time, Kuang Dao and others suffered a big loss.

Immediately, Kuang Dao saw that the situation was not good, and immediately shouted.

"Everyone, withdraw!"

Immediately, the seven people who were present rushed to the roof one after another, and rushed out from above the roof.

The other party was just dazzled by anger, so the Hell Camp did not kill directly. The key is to stabilize the situation. Their key is not to kill people. If they kill Ye Dong in front of them, it will only kill them. cause more trouble.

Bang bang!

Bang bang!

Qi fled away one after another, and then Kuang Dao also jumped.

A total of eight people left the City Lord's Mansion very smoothly.

A round of arrow rain pursued, but it didn't work.

"They can't escape!"

Ye Dong's eyes were full of anger. If he couldn't protect his family, what kind of city lord would he be?

"Go to the medical center and escort the rest of the people back to me!"

"Yes, City Lord!"

Li Jun immediately sent someone to make arrangements.

"These people cannot be allowed to leave. When I level up that Dongliao Mountain, I will naturally come back and apologize!"

Ye Dong waved his sleeves.

"Call me the top family leaders in the city. If anyone doesn't come, they will ransack their homes!"

With the prestige of the city lord, you can easily mobilize tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and copy your entire family in an instant. , everyone makes money with harmony, but now is an extraordinary period, and even a very critical situation has emerged.

My daughter is dead, who is still joking with you!
In an instant, heavy armored soldiers could be seen patrolling the entire Dongfeng City.

Kuang Dao and others who escaped temporarily hid in a dilapidated old house.

"This Ye Dong is being pushed into a hurry, but even if he sends out an army, he will definitely not be a match for those people on Dongliao Mountain."

"The situation here must be quickly reported to the headquarters!"

"Prepare me the Thousand Miles Piercing Cloud Arrow!"

Crazy Sword said.

"Yes, Warden!"

Thousand Miles Piercing Cloud Arrow.

It is a combined signal arrow, which is usually only used when it is very urgent, and once this signal arrow is launched, it means that the problem is very serious, and it often needs the approval of three members before it can be launched, because things All scattered on the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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