Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 644 Who is the Demon Lord?

Chapter 644 Who is the Demon Lord?

Ma Shoushan shot down the flying boat and quickly, a large number of soldiers surrounded Zhebu and the flying boat, and no one's body was found in the flying boat, or when they arrived, they were all dead. Slip away ahead of time, or there is no one in this flying boat at all.

"Damn it, I fell into the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain!"

Ma Shoushan immediately realized that it was not good, and slapped his thigh. Under the current situation, as long as it is not from his own side, anyone who enters the city has an impure purpose and is counted as an enemy.

"General, we have found one of the strongholds in the hell camp, and we are now fully surrounded!"

Even a strong dragon can hardly suppress a local snake.

After all, this Dongfeng City is their territory, and under such familiar circumstances, they quickly found the hiding place of Lengque and others.

The sick cat was seriously injured, and he couldn't escape very far. To be able to make them persist until now before showing their feet, in fact, these people can be regarded as amazing.

"The two of you lead people to seal off this place, and then lead a group of people to find out who broke into the city. You must find them out before dark."

Ma Shoushan quickly ordered.

"The rest follow me!"

Immediately, the war horses roared, and rushed towards the hiding place of Leng Que and the others.

The shock of a large number of people also made the residents of the city feel a little uneasy. It is impossible for the people under them to know what happened during the strict investigation every day.

In the northwest corner of Dongfeng City, there is a house that has not been lived in for many years. In this city, the safe house established by the government was completely destroyed.

And this place was secretly arranged by the branch president of the local swordsman union.

After all, the branch leader is just a branch leader, and the swordsman guild exists in many places in the form of a guild. With the strength of the city lord, if you want to destroy your swordsman guild, it will basically be a matter of minutes.

But fortunately, Ye Dong didn't directly attack the swordsman union in Dongfeng City.

However, strict monitoring was also carried out, and at this moment I know that the compatriots in the hell camp are in critical condition.

He sent someone to bring healing medicine, and at the same time secretly assisted Hell Camp and others.

But just now, it seems that someone under his hand exposed his whereabouts.

The president of the swordsmen's union immediately sent someone to inform Lengque and the others.

But before he got close to notify, he had already discovered that a large number of soldiers were shaking around, as if they were conducting an investigation.


It was Qin Xiaozhi, the daughter of the president of the local trade union, who came to report the news.

Qin Xiaozhi was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

"By the way, there seems to be a small path over there!",

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaozhi immediately walked in that direction.

And that was already in a room that was quietly sealed off.

Lengque, Heibing, Weasel, and the fat sick cat lying on the bed are all here. ,"

"Something is wrong, we seem to be exposed here."

Leng Que said in a deep voice, looking out of the window but there was no movement, so Leng Que couldn't help but worry in his heart, their group has been tossing for too long, and the most tossing is the injured fat man.

"If you continue to transfer, I'm afraid the fat man won't be able to hold it!"

said the Weasel.

Looking at the dying fat man, everyone's hearts became extremely heavy, because after the sick cat was injured, at first he smiled and comforted them and said it was fine, and he knew his own situation, but he fell into a coma in a blink of an eye. Now that I have not come to my senses, how can I feel at ease!

Moreover, Hei Bing also conducted some tests and found that the sick cat's body seemed to be poisoned.

Not only that, but the rest of the people were more or less poisoned. If they didn't use their kung fu quickly to force out the toxin, they would be poisonous.

"I'm going to catch their leader!"

Hei Bing said.

"No, with our current state, there is no one out of ten fighting power. If we act alone, it must be very dangerous!"

Leng Que said in a deep voice: "What's more, only your spiritual power can relieve the sick cat's physical condition and stabilize the injury."

"Then what do we do?"

Hei Bing asked, Leng Que remained silent.

"If it really comes to that time, kill it!"

A cold light flashed in Lengque's eyes,
If they were to fight out, there would be rivers of blood. They would not retreat this way, and it was impossible for Leng Que and the others to surrender, so they had to fight head-on.

"Remember to send out the signal for a while, the prison warden and the others should be out of danger, and we must put all our eggs in one basket."

Lengque now has no better way.

If it is said that the sick cat is to be abandoned, then relying on the abilities of the three of them, it is not a problem if they want to leave. They can hide wherever they want, and even give them time to recover and kill the enemy at the same time, and kill the relevant people in the city. It is not difficult to kill them all.

In the case of such a forcible target, in the end, there must be an extremely tragic situation.

However, from the faces of the three of them, they did not see any regrets, only the expressions of wanting to persevere.

dong dong!

"it's me……"

Qin Xiaozhi yelled softly outside the house, and the weasel stepped forward and opened the door.

"It's not good, your whereabouts have been exposed, and now they are bringing people over."

"Come with me quickly. I know a small road that can take you out. Now the surrounding roads are blocked by them."

Qin Xiaozhi said.

But at this moment, there was also a terrifying sound of iron hooves outside the house.

"Listen, people inside, put down your weapons and surrender, we won't embarrass you, all you need is to follow me and wait for the city lord to deal with it!"

Ma Shoujun came with people, looked at the house in front of him, and was not in a hurry to attack, but ordered the surrounding people to surround this place, if they rushed in rashly.

Wouldn't that be an embarrassment for myself? You must know that the people in this room are extremely dangerous people.

If they rushed in directly, there would be heavy casualties, so the easiest way was to force them to surrender.

"It would be great if that kid, the Demon Lord, was here."

The weasel couldn't help but said, looking at the army that was constantly being mobilized outside, he sighed helplessly in his heart.

Qin Xiaozhi didn't expect these people to come so fast. ,

"Who is the devil?"

Qin Xiao couldn't help asking.

In her capacity, these soldiers wouldn't embarrass him too much, after all, the father of the president of the swordsmen's union was not just a show.

"A very powerful man."

Weasel said with a smile.

But at this moment, there was a whistling sound in the sky, it seemed that there was a sword light plundering from the sky.

Weasel and the others couldn't help but look at the sky through the window.

Ma Shoujun and the others also looked up at the sky.

call out!
A figure landed between the house and the army of Ma Shoujun!

(End of this chapter)

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