Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 65 Immortal Sword Domain

Chapter 65 Immortal Sword Domain
For some reason, hearing Yang Fan's words, Nan Haoyang felt a chill in his heart. He was full of confidence and could easily take down Xiaonanshan City, but he unexpectedly ran into Yang Fan, and he was also a A famous swordsman-level powerhouse, the strength of the latter is very strong.

It exceeded Nan Haoyang's estimate.

I have made myself so embarrassed now, no matter what, I must kill Yang Fan today, either he will die or I will die.

"Then let me see your last resort."

Nan Haoyang suddenly swallowed a red pill, which instantly raised Nan Haoyang's aura to an extremely high level.

Yang Fan estimates that Nan Haoyang's attack has at least doubled, at least reaching [-] points of attack power.

"No, it's the Violent Blood Pill!"

"What! Violent Blood Pill!?"

"That's right, you can double your combat power in a short period of time!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Zhengquan immediately said, the effect of this Violent Blood Pill is very strong, but the after-effects are also very serious. Nan Haoyang took out this pill, apparently desperately. It seems that Yang Fan really gave the opponent a lot pressure.

But now it seems that it is still very difficult for Yang Fan to solve the latter.

And as Nan Haoyang said before, Yang Fan's strength is only temporarily improved, and when he can't maintain it, that is when Yang Fan loses.

"believe him."

Wang Shouzhong, who had been silent for a long time, said in a deep voice, and the rest of the people also calmed down and continued to watch the battle in front of them.

"Control the disciples who enter the city, and don't let them mess around. We will make a decision after this matter is over." Ye Hai said, and the disciples behind him rushed to handle the matter.

Nan Haoyang, who had swallowed the Violent Blood Pill, had an obvious change in his momentum. Yang Fan glanced at his essence value and counted the time silently. He couldn't delay any longer, so let's deal with the opponent now.

"Now I have close to [-] battle points, Yang Fan, you are not my opponent, your strength is only [-] points!"

Nan Haoyang laughed out loud. The Violent Blood Pill can only last for a short time, and after the effect of the medicine wears off, there will be a period of weakness. It cannot be delayed any longer, and Yang Fan must be killed here!

At that moment, Nan Haoyang rushed out, waving the Vajra sword in his hand towards Yang Fan.

"Nanyang Purple Fire Sword!"

The sword energy turned into a purple flame and burned on the sword. This purple flame was obviously stronger than the previous Skyfire. Before it got close, a strong destructive aura approached.

At this time, Yang Fan seemed to have lost the power to fight back and stood there, watching Nan Haoyang approaching.

The attack power of Nan Haoyang's sword is already close to [-] points!
An ordinary first-rank great swordsman, even in his heyday, would not be able to unleash such terrifying fighting power.

"What happened to Yang Fan, why didn't he escape!"

"Could it be that Yang Fan was injured! This Nanyang Purple Fire Sword is ten times more powerful than the previous Sky Fire Sword!"

Ye Hai and others were shocked, not knowing what Yang Fan was doing.

The realm and level of the battle between the two has gone beyond imagination.

At this moment, no one understood what Yang Fan was doing, even Zhao Xue couldn't understand, but just when Zhao Xue couldn't help but rushed out, Yang Fan finally moved.

"Enjoy death."

Yang Fan said with a light smile.

At first, Nan Haoyang didn't feel anything, thinking that Yang Fan was bluffing, but when he was within ten meters of Yang Fan, Nan Haoyang's face changed completely.


The surrounding air instantly became quite intense, making Nan Haoyang feel suffocated, even afraid!

The Nanyang Purple Fire Sword in his hand fell to the ground with a bang, and the surrounding world seemed to be out of place, as if this was a brand new realm. After this realm, Nan Haoyang's whole body became dull, The atmosphere of the surrounding space is no longer as familiar as before.

"This is……"

Such a strange feeling made Nan Haoyang feel deep fear!
This comes from the fear of the unknown!
Suddenly, Nan Haoyang thought of a possibility. It is said that after breaking through to the realm of swordsman, such an absolute realm will be formed. Swordsmen can create their own world. In this world, Will become an invincible existence!
"This is the Sword Domain!"

Nan Haoyang looked at Yang Fan in horror, and Yang Fan also sneered, his aura soared to the realm of a fourth-rank great swordsman!
A full 40 battle value!
Enough to crush any first-rank great swordsman.

"This is my... Immortal Sword Domain!!"

Yang Fan didn't waste time, the silver epee in his hand smashed towards Nan Haoyang's head neatly.


In the sight of outsiders, you can see that Yang Fan swung his sword and directly smashed Nan Haoyang's head into pieces. It seems that at that moment, Nan Haoyang chose to stand where he was, waiting for Yang Fan's attack. .

It seemed that it was the sword that Nan Haoyang estimated had crashed into Yang Fan's hand.

Blood was flying all over the sky. At this moment, everyone felt in a trance, as if they were dreaming. Everything was so incredible.

Was it Nan Haoyang, the head of the Nancheng Sword Sect who died?
It is the one who established the Nancheng Sword Sect for more than 20 years. It has developed to this day, with more than a thousand disciples, and even the entire Xiaonanshan City was almost reduced to the latter's palm. Under Yang Fan's sword.

Under the sword of a boy under the age of 17!

Although I couldn't believe my eyes, the blood was right in front of my eyes. Nan Haoyang's body was lying on the spot peacefully, his head was no longer in shape, and it was broken into countless halves.

"Ding—kill the great swordsman, gain 5 experience points and 100 soul points!"

"Ding—congratulations to the host for beheading the head of the Nancheng Sword Sect and obtaining a set of cheats for the Nancheng Sword Sect's sword skills."

"Ding——congratulations to the host for completing the task, destroying the Nancheng Sword Sect, rewarding 10 experience points, 50 skill points, one big redemption pill, one small redemption pill, one A-level sword skill, one A-fire gem .”

"Ding—the system random task [Swordsman's Road to Fame], become the most famous swordsman in the Zifu Dynasty, participate in the national competition of the Swordsman Union, and get No.1!"

"Mission rewards, 1000 million experience points, 1000 skill points, a copy of S-class sword art, a book of S-class sword skills, a scroll of sword spirit upgrade, an ancient map, and a mysterious gift bag."

"Ding——Open the dungeon mission system, the host can choose by himself."

(End of this chapter)

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