Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 651 8th Class Golden Corpse

Chapter 651 Eighth Class Golden Corpse
On the mountain peak, the old man standing beside Nan Tiange looked at the scene below, and took a step back at this moment, begging Nan Tiange: "Master, let this old slave capture this son!"

Nan Tiange looked at the burning flame, as if it was the power that was gradually brewing and bursting out in his chest.

more than a year.

For more than a year, he has experienced countless life and death struggles, just to capture and kill this person. It was this Yang Fan who killed his Nancheng Sword Sect.

killed his father.

The revenge of killing the father is never shared.

Now he finally caught up with this Yang Fan, and the one who hid in XZ turned out to be hiding here.

"You go," Nan Tiange nodded.

The old man's name was Tieshan, and his eyes were shining with light at this time. When he heard the words, he slowly got up and shouted to the four masked people behind him.

"Come with me!"

Immediately, Tieshan was the first to jump, and the height of hundreds of meters fell directly towards the people below.

boom! ~
The four people behind also jumped up one after another, following behind the iron mountain.

Yang Fan drove away the two of them.

Immediately, he sensed several auras falling from the sky above, and before he even had time to look up, he felt the terrifying power of the other party descending from the sky.


The ground exploded instantly, almost sending Yang Fan flying.

Next to it, several figures fell one after another.





Five figures are arranged, and they are in the circle of flames of the chaotic snake flames, covering all these forces, and never extinguishing the chaotic snake flames.

Tieshan couldn't help but glanced back at the circle of fire around him.

"Yang Fan, I have been waiting so hard for you!"

Tieshan looked at the scene of the ruins in front and said, the circle of fire itself is not very big, just now they fell down, their bodies shook, and they directly smashed several holes in the ground.

But Tieshan knew that with Yang Fan's skill, it would not be difficult to escape.

If it can be done easily in this way, then there is no need for Yang Fan to keep them waiting for so long.

After massacring one village after another, he hid in the XZ every day, and now he was finally able to face Yang Fan head-on.

"I don't remember, I know you guys."

Yang Fan's voice appeared behind them.

Tieshan turned around, his hunchbacked figure, with a green light shining in his eyes.

"I don't remember us, hehe... A year ago, among the Nancheng Sword Sect, you were very majestic, why don't you know each other today!"

The old man sneered a few times, and suddenly the light became murderous.

"Today is the day you die! Kill me!"

The four masters around him immediately rushed towards Yang Fan.

Yang Fan also sneered in his heart.

It's all about the year of the monkey. It turned out to be the remnants of the Nancheng Sword Sect. For Yang Fan, although he has killed many people and can't do little in these years of wandering, every knife should be killed. people.

Whether it is in the eyes of others that he should be killed, or in the eyes of others, he should not be killed, in short, in his Yang Fan's eyes, all of them are people who should be killed.

So anyone who came to seek revenge from Yang Fan was nothing to Yang Fan.

It can be said that there is no psychological burden, since you dare to come to the door, then at most I will kill you one more time.

Yang Fan couldn't even remember things about the Nancheng Sword Sect very clearly.

But the feeling that the Nancheng Sword Sect wanted to kill Yang Fan at the beginning is still clearly remembered.

Let's not talk about the distance, just these people, now deployed here and killed so many innocent people, then Yang Fan also has a very good reason to bring these people to justice.


The four figures surged out instantly, enveloping Yang Fan.

At the same time, it grabbed Yang Fan's head from all directions, and the sharp claws between the fingers gave people a feeling of penetrating into the scalp.

Yang Fan turned his Mojue sword on his wrist, and slashed at the four of them very quickly.

However, a series of flames splashed up, and the counter-shock force made Yang Fan's wrist numb.

"What a strong defense!"

Yang Fan was taken aback, even if his Dragon King Sutra had been cultivated to such a level, it would be extremely difficult for his own defense to resist his own Mojue Sword.

Seeing that the other party's finger was about to be inserted into his body, Yang Fan immediately pulled back and swept towards the distance. During the process, the Mo Jue Sword also collided with the other party continuously, but these people seemed to have nothing at all. As fearful as they were, the flames splattered in all directions, and even the sharpness of the Mojue Sword couldn't shake them. This shows how tyrannical these people's bodies are.

But Yang Fan's sword moves are also extremely dexterous, and the opponent is sometimes afraid of some vital points, so when Yang Fan's sword stabs at their vital points, he will choose to back down, and then Yang Fan leaps and falls to the side .

The footsteps just landed.

I saw a figure descending from the sky.


A flying kick came from the opponent, Yang Fan only had time to raise his sword to block it, and was immediately kicked away by the opponent.

This strength is surprisingly great.

Yang Fan also felt that his internal organs seemed to have been impacted, and a burning pain hit him, but this pain was quickly recovered and settled down again.

With one's own cultivation base, recovery of such injuries is naturally a no-brainer.

But the person who made the move directly hurt Yang Fan with just such a move, and Yang Fan had to be vigilant.

"I thought that in a year, you can grow to such a monstrous level, but looking at it now, it's nothing more than that."

Tieshan said lightly.

Staring at Yang Fan on the opposite side, his eyes were full of disdain.

"System, check the status of these people in front of you."

Yang Fan summoned the system, and these people on the opposite side were obviously weird.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

"Ding—the test is complete."

"One eighth-class gold corpse, four sixth-class silver corpses."

Eighth class golden corpse?

Yang Fan immediately called up some information about the golden corpse.

The golden corpse is a high-quality corpse refined by the method of refining corpses, devouring the blood essence of thousands of people to cast a golden body that is immortal and uninjured.

Cultivate to the Golden Corpse Realm, you can not rot for ten thousand years, you can't die or melt, and you can't enter water or fire!

"It turns out that people are turned into corpses with the method of refining corpses. What a vicious cultivation method!"

But Yang Fan also noticed the level of the eighth-rank golden corpse, which is quite the realm of the eighth-rank sword hero.

With such strength, coupled with this immortality, it is basically a state of rampant invincibility.

It's just that if you want to achieve such a combat power, you need to suck the blood of thousands of people!

so vicious.

(End of this chapter)

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