Sword King
Yang Fan is deep in the center of the explosion.

If Nan Tiange can be dragged into the water together, then it can be regarded as not a loss.

And Yang Fan also used this last move.

Invincible Golden Body Potion!

Yang Fan opened the backpack, and drank the invincible golden body potion under extremely difficult circumstances.

This is the last bottle of golden body potion on my body. When I drank it, I still felt a hard steel-like feeling on my body. The surrounding power is enough to destroy the world, but it also won eight seconds for Yang Fan. Time is enough for Yang Fan to escape within this time, as long as he uses spiritual power, the center of self-explosion, he will be able to escape!

However, when Yang Fan was about to leave.

But saw the void.

It seems that there is a giant palm that breaks through the world.


When Yang Fan saw this giant palm coming through the air, he immediately realized that it was not good. The opponent first took away Nan Tiange's body.

When seeing this giant palm, Yang Fan's heart was also extremely shocked. It seems that under this palm, there is a power that can destroy the world. Under this palm, any power is so pale .

"Sword King!"

There was a ray of light in Yang Fan's eyes.

Such power is the power of the sword king

Only those who are strong in the realm of sword kings can possess such terrifying power.

Replace the sword with the palm.

Shatter the void.

The scene in front of him is the means possessed by a sword king level powerhouse.

In the territory of the Zifu dynasty, there is actually a sword king level powerhouse.

Yang Fan's heart was greatly shocked by the birth of a sword king level powerhouse.

After making a quick move, he discovered that Nan Tiange had been rescued by the other party.

The next move turned out to be towards Yang Fan.

"not good!"

Yang Fan subconsciously grabbed the Mojue Sword in his hand, facing this vast palm, Yang Fan's only choice was to kill with the wrath of the sky.

Only Heaven's Wrath Kill can save Yang Fan's life.

But under that giant palm, it was already too late for Yang Fan to use it.

At this moment, he couldn't move his entire body!

However, the moment this hand was lowered, it seemed that the aura of a giant sword was swiftly plundered from the direction of the former Dongfeng City.

He slashed towards the giant palm.

The giant palm was quite afraid of the appearance of this sword, and flicked at Yang Fan at a certain distance.

Immediately, Yang Fan felt that the space around him was about to shatter.


Yang Fan glanced at the space behind him, he actually wanted to throw him into the turbulent flow of this space. After reaching the level of Sword King, Yang Fan was shocked to have such power.

Although it is said that there is a golden body potion to protect the body at this moment, in the turbulent flow of this space, it will not last long at all.

The broken space has been closed.

The giant sword reaching the sky was obviously enraged.

He raised his sword and slashed at that giant palm.

But at this moment, Yang Fan, who was thrown into the turbulent flow of space, has long since disappeared.

"Grandpa, I will never let you go!"

Yang Fan roared angrily.

Unexpectedly, it ended up like this in the end. In this final battle, she became a pawn in the hands of others. For Nan Tiange, after being left by others, it will not be long before she recovers.

All is well, but he, Yang Fan, is in this turbulent flow, and the surroundings are extremely dark. If his golden body is broken, it must be washed away by the turbulent flow of this space, and even a little corpse will be gone. never stayed.

Just when Yang Fan thought he was dead.

Suddenly a green figure appeared in front of Yang Fan.

Apart from anything else, the tail curled around Yang Fan easily, and when the small wings vibrated slightly, his figure penetrated the space.

The world in front of him changed again, but before crossing, Yang Fan was directly bombarded by the space turbulence and fell into a coma, because the effect of the Invincible Golden Body Potion had just ended.

And Baby Long didn't know where he took Yang Fan.

But when Yang Fan fell to the ground, he could clearly feel the smell of the air and aura.

The familiar place should still be the Jianxuan Continent.

No one knows where Yang Fan went.

But outside of Dongfeng City, a truly earth-shattering battle broke out.

The person who made the shot must be a sword king level powerhouse.

The two sword kings fought for only a moment, but they stopped fighting one after another. If it continues, it will only be the aftermath of the battle, and it may destroy Dongfeng City.

Kuang Dao and the others did not see the scene where the sword king level powerhouse fought.

Just after seeing a flash of white light.

All things are gone.

Even the huge Dongliao Mountain, the Dongliao Mountain that fell on the ground, was still completely destroyed, and all that could be seen along the road were the horrible scorched marks.

It seems.

Under that explosion, everything was burned directly.

"What about the mountain, what about the Demon Lord!"

Kuang Dao and the others were shocked.

That explosion almost shook Kuang Dao and the others to pieces.

But he never saw Yang Fan's figure, and even Yang Fan's aura disappeared without a trace.

It made Kuangdao and others startled immediately.

The empty everything in front of him seemed to have been leveled out. The appearance of such a terrifying scene made Kuang Dao and the others panic.

Lengque and the others rushed towards the explosion first.

Although the warden of Crazy Knife had issued an order earlier, for them, the crisis has been resolved, and they can go forward to investigate, and they must find Yang Fan's location.

"You can't die, you must hold on!"

Leng Que and the others rushed towards the center of the explosion, but the terrifying power left behind by the explosion made Leng Que and the others horrified.

Even now, they have to exert all their strengths to get close to this central area. This is just a residual power. If it is the moment of the explosion just now, no one knows how powerful the power is.

After rushing in a circle, Yang Fan was never found.

"Captain, you shouldn't stay here for long!"

Weasel said in a deep voice.

Obviously, the strength of the three of them can't last long here. After a while, it is estimated that they will all be blind here, so now they can only retreat.

It's just that Yang Fan was not found, and even Yang Fan's body never appeared, which made it difficult for Leng Que to accept.

"Captain, leave first!"

Hei Bing also stepped forward and said, and in the end, he and Weasel took the Lengque away directly.

(End of this chapter)

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