Chapter 67 Butler
Yang Fan also obtained a set of sword skills from the Nancheng Sword School cheat book, called the Nanyang Three Swords.

The first sword is Nanyang Skyfire Sword, the second sword is Nanyang Purple Fire Sword, and the third sword is Nanyang Ice Fire Sword.

This set of sword skills is combined, and the combination of the three swords can reach the level of B-level. It seems that Nan Haoyang is nothing more than that. Now Yang Fan has practiced A-level sword skills. For this B-level Super sword skills don't care either.

After looking at it, I didn’t learn it, but kept it, maybe I can sell it for money in the future. Although the B-level sword skill is nothing to Yang Fan, it is quite expensive to others of.

After completing the task, he also got a book of A-level sword skills and an A-level fire attribute gem. After the fire attribute gem was exchanged, the value of the fire attribute of the sword pulse soared to [-] points of damage!

Now that Yang Fan strikes out with a sword, he can easily deal [-] points of damage!

After all, the critical damage that Tyrannosaurus Rex Sword Spirit brought to him was too high.

"Ding—congratulations to the host for obtaining the A-level sword skill vertical kill."

"Vertical Kill (A): Level 1, consumes 1000 points of essence, causes 20 points of damage within 5000 meters, and needs 500 skill points to upgrade."

Finally, a group attack skill appeared!
Yang Fan was overjoyed. With this move, if he was surrounded by more than 200 people that day, he could kill everyone within a 20-meter radius with a single blow of his sword!

After a great battle, coupled with today's harvest, Yang Fan also took a rest on the bed.

At night, Fang Wu had already sent all the things seized by the Nancheng Sword Sect to Yang Fan.

All are installed in a space ring.

"Everyone wants to treat you to a meal. We are gathering together. What do you think?"

Fang Wu took the opportunity to explain the purpose of this visit. Yang Fan's strength is so strong that there is no doubt that he can even easily become the master of Xiaonanshan City. If Yang Fan has any ideas, the other big families will naturally have to weigh it carefully.

Therefore, everyone also wanted to find out what Yang Fan said.

"Brother Fang, you don't need to eat this meal. I, Yang Fan, will not offend me, and I will not offend anyone. I am just an unknown pawn in Xiaonanshan City. You don't have to worry. I will participate in the Swordsman Contest soon. "

Yang Fan smiled slightly and said, for the gift that came to the door, he also accepted it as it was ordered. This was obtained by himself through hard work, how could he hand it over easily.

It is also necessary to honor yourself.

Originally, Fang Wu wanted to win over Yang Fan, but now he heard Yang Fan's words, and knew that there was no hope. For a person like Yang Fan, there is no way for a small Nanshan City to restrain him. Sooner or later, he will fly to a wider place.

"In this case, let me tell everyone what Brother Yang Fan means."

Fang Wu bid farewell to Yang Fan, and felt relieved. Although Yang Fan will leave Xiaonanshan City, Yang Fan's status in Xiaonanshan City will not dissipate, and will even become bigger and bigger with Yang Fan's fame.

"It seems that my Xiaonanshan City is about to produce a legend."

Fang Wu sighed in his heart, the reason why Xiaonanshan City was so down and out that even a sword faction dared to come in and seize resources was because Xiaonanshan City was not valued, it was nothing in the entire Zifu dynasty, the empire would not to govern such a remote place.

But if there is a peerless powerhouse, then the whole Xiaonanshan City will be different, and the eyes of all walks of life will be cast here. The appearance of a big man is enough to change the entire Xiaonanshan City.

Fang Wu and the others have no chance in this life, and the only expectation is the next generation.

Yang Fan held the space ring in his hand and played with it in the room. This thing was bound by the system as soon as he bought it. Although it is not a high-end product, it is still good for storing some sundries.

This interspatial ring contains most of the property of the Nancheng Sword Sect, most of which are gold, silver and jewelry, and there are very few cheat books. Yang Fan doesn't care about these cheat books. What interests him most is the big bag of soul stones!

Most of them are the soul stones of those level 3 monsters. For Yang Fan, these are some good things. You can do many things in exchange for soul value!
A total of 20 level 3 soul stones were exchanged by Yang Fan for soul value, totaling 500 points.

When killing Na Nan Haoyang and others before, he also gained a lot of soul points, and now the addition of them also made Yang Fan's soul points reach 4800 points.

"As soon as you save [-] points, you can upgrade the Bajue Bahuang Sword Art!"

When it got dark, Yang Fan integrated the silver epee into his body, entering the state of human-sword integration, and then walked around Xiaonanshan City for a few laps. When he returned to his home, he found that the whole street had changed.

The surrounding houses seem to have been emptied out in the past few days, and they have become quite quiet and the environment is very good.

Yang Fan returned to the door of his house. The door had not been opened, but there were knocking sounds and some workmanship sounds from inside.

"What's going on, why is the wall completely broken through?"

After Yang Fan walked in, he saw that Yan Zhu was leading a large group of workers to work. The small yard that originally belonged to him was directly opened up, and the area was almost tripled. Moreover, the mechanical attic and the foundation in the previous planning drawings Also expanded a lot.

"Yanzhu, what's going on?"

Yang Fan approached Yan Zhu and asked, Yan Zhu saw that it was Yang Fan who came back, immediately stood up excitedly and put down the work in hand.

"Mr. Yang, we are rushing to work, and it is expected to be completed within six months."

Yan Zhu wiped away her sweat.

"But, what's going on on these two sides, there are so many workers, don't you want money..."

Yang Fan was a little surprised. There were at least 50 workers on site carrying out construction work. The price must not be cheap to recruit so many people. Is the 5000 taels really enough?

"Master Fang from the Fang family came here before and said that all the expenses were contracted by the Fang family. The yards on both sides were bought by Mr. Fang and given to you, Mr. Yang. He also said that it was your intention, according to the original plan. Just build it...Look at these people, these materials are all obtained through the relationship between Mr. Fang and him, and they are the best materials on the market."

Yan Zhu said excitedly that as a designer, it is a joy to devote himself to the construction of his own design, and there are so many skilled craftsmen working together, so he can learn a lot.

"So it's like this...By the way, Yanzhu, I have something to discuss with you." Yang Fan said suddenly.

"Sir, tell me."

"I may leave Xiaonanshan City at that time, so after the house is built, I need a housekeeper to help me maintain it. Look, I don't know anyone else. I will give you 1000 taels of silver every month. You can help me look at it." How about home, you treat it like your own home."

Yang Fan did this out of consideration. After all, he came back after participating in the competition of the Swordsman Union. Such a big home also needs someone to take care of it here, and so many organs also need professional people to maintain it. Yang Fan didn't want him to abandon his own house.

Yan Zhu is a trustworthy person.

"Is this true, Yan Zhu is willing to serve the master!"

Yan Zhu's eyes sparkled with excitement, how happy and happy it was to be able to stay in the house he built.

Then Yang Fan gave Yan Zhu 1 taels of silver and paid ten months' salary.

In fact, even if Yang Fan is not in Xiaonanshan City, the latter's current status and demonstrated strength are enough for the four major families to maintain the latter's property, and even protect the entire street!

(End of this chapter)

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