Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 681 One Move Lost

Chapter 681 One Move Lost

"I will also go together for this operation."

Haifeng Jianhao said, when everyone heard that Haifeng Jianhao was also preparing to attack, they became even more excited. If Haifeng Jianhao made a move, then there was nothing to be afraid of.

It's just that this matter actually requires the use of a strong man in the Shura Temple, which is indeed beyond imagination, but it is enough to see that the Hell Camp attaches great importance to this operation.


Imperial envoy.

The imperial envoy Luo Dingtian has obeyed the decree, and now he is serving as the imperial envoy, inspecting all officials and quelling public grievances.

Writing such a memorial as an imperial envoy naturally had a great impact on the Ninth Prince, and most importantly, there were many things before, which seemed to have been discovered by Luo Dingtian.

This put Luo Dingtian in a dangerous situation, and even suffered many inexplicable assassinations. Although the other party failed, it also made Luo Dingtian aware that his situation must be getting more and more dangerous .

When the Yin Feng came, it also surprised Luo Dingtian and Luo Dingtian.

But since the hell camp was here to protect him, he naturally had nothing to say and obediently followed.

All the preparations were in place, and a large number of firearms were aimed directly at the imperial envoy's mansion.

The other two major sword sects also sent people to contact them, and they all sent masters to come. The number of sword masters dispatched this time alone is almost more than 50 people. With such a huge lineup, if there is no way If the alien is to be dealt with, then either the Hell Camp is not good enough, or this guy is too strong, and he is simply not an object they can resist.

Tian Lan and Lei Ting stood guard on the calm river.

In the hands of the commander of Thunder, he directly held a Thunder glove, and from time to time, he was able to rub some thunder and lightning out of these hands, which was quite powerful.

Behind the two, a large number of masters of the hell camp are also lurking in it.

At this level of participation, even the warden has no way to participate, and can only do some logistical work. Basically, they are all strong at the deputy commander level, plus the strong of the two major sword sects.

Qiushan Jianzong has a good relationship with the imperial court. After all, Hell Camp helped solve the last incident. If there is no Hell Camp, it is estimated that Qiushan Jianzong is about to collapse.

Although the strength of the Beihai Sword Sect is not as strong as the Qiushan Sword Sect, the current Beihai Sword Sect is also a potential stock. With the strong support of the imperial court, the Beihai Sword Sect has a very stable and good development. This transfer is naturally a Without further ado.

Now, under the leadership of the young suzerain, Shen Jianyi, the Qiushan Sword Sect is still waiting for success. In such a situation where talents are desperately needed, they also directly sent two Supreme Elders here.

Both of them have the realm of Ninth Rank Earth Swordsman.

On the calm river surface, suddenly there were ripples on the water surface, and Tian Lan and Lei Ting looked at each other.

A terrifying flame suddenly lit up ahead, followed by the dense and loud roar of artillery fire.




A large number of flame arrows rushed to the sky one after another.

A figure seemed to rise out of anger from the Imperial Envoy's Mansion.

"Good come!"

Yin Feng's figure was a hundred feet away, and when he saw this figure soaring into the sky, he immediately opened the bow and arrow in his hand, and there was a loud crash, and he saw the bow and arrow in his hand moving towards the sky quickly. ahead.

Even in this dark night, they stabbed the flying figure with incomparable precision.


As soon as the arrow entered the body, a flame ignited immediately, directly setting the man's body on fire.

"Nothing more than that."

The corner of Yinfeng's mouth curled up into a sneer, this arrow hit the opponent's heart, enough to directly pierce his heart, even if you have the power to return to heaven, you will definitely die at this moment.

But Yin Feng's smile seemed a bit too early.

Immediately, he saw the figure with the rocket flying towards the Yinfeng directly.


There was also a look of surprise in Yin Feng's eyes, but since he's here, it's a good time for you to experience the strength of this commander!
Immediately, Yinfeng's spiritual power burst out instantly.

"Yinlin sword, life and death destruction method!"

"The ultimate move of Qiankun!"

Yinfeng made two angry moves in a row, and the sword in his hand immediately diffused and burst out.

He is worthy of being the commander-level powerhouse of the Hell Battalion.

Just the terrifying aura released by this sword is to make people around clearly feel the terrifying sword momentum passing over their heads, and even feel like their scalp is numb.

Even Lei Ting and the others, who were ten miles away, could clearly feel the force of the Yin Feng's sword spreading out.

"Yinfeng has made a move!"

A gleam of excitement appeared in Lei Ting's eyes.

The strength of Yinfeng is indeed something to look forward to.

But Tian Lan on the side frowned.

"No, not his opponent!!"

There was obviously a hint of fear in Tian Lan's eyes.


Thunder is a little confused.

And above the Imperial Envoy's Mansion, Yin Feng's sword power was easily resisted by the rushing person, as if he didn't care about the opponent's moves at all, the sword against the Yin Feng rushed to him.

Wait until Yinfeng sees the other party's appearance clearly.

It is already very close.

"What, so young!"

Yinfeng also saw Nan Tiange's face clearly. At this moment, Nan Tiange's face had recovered as before, and the people he killed these days made his strength recover very quickly. ,

Seeing the stranger in front of him approaching, Yin Feng hastily slashed out with his sword, and every movement also carried that terrifying and seductive fluctuation.



Nan Tiange grabbed the sword stabbed by the opponent, and let the opponent's sword strike in his hand, but all the power was easily caught by that palm!


Yinfeng has never seen anyone able to catch his own sword with one hand, but he still catches it with the palm of his flesh.


Nan Tiange spat out two cold words.

This immediately angered Yinfeng, but it was too late for Yinfeng to act with anger.

Nan Tiange directly punched Yin Feng's chest.

Yinfeng immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood, his body flew hundreds of meters upside down, and smashed into a house, and the surrounding houses also collapsed directly.

Nan Tiange did not continue chasing and killing this Yin Feng, the reason why he came to find this guy was just to take revenge.

Afterwards, Nan Tiange also turned around and swept towards the Governor's Mansion.

This imperial envoy is not at the designated location, so just go to the next one.

(End of this chapter)

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