Chapter 683

This sword formation was painstakingly researched by the masters of the Swordsmen's Guild.

In order to ensure that the monster in front of them can be killed, the swordsmen's guild also had to publish these sword formation routines, and also used them as some small gifts for this battle.

Don't worry about these, after all, this is an extremely dangerous thing.

It is enough for others to send someone to help you, otherwise, sending two or three three-legged cats here will make you suffer and have nothing to say.

Nan Tiange was immediately trapped by more than ten strands of sword energy.

The sword energy above that head turned into a huge cauldron at times, and it was continuously suppressing towards Nan Tiange.


Nan Tiange raised his hand to block the giant sword-qi cauldron that kept falling.

The sword energy above the giant cauldron exploded with countless terrifying and astonishing lethality.

But all the sword energy rushed in front of Nan Tiange, as if it was a powerless thing, it easily collapsed directly.


Nan Tiange raised his head to the sky and roared furiously, and the fangs in his mouth bulged instantly.

Seeing the fangs appear, Nan Tiange's strength instantly increased, he squatted down slightly, and suddenly punched out, directly blowing away the cauldron of sword energy above his head.


More than a dozen masters retreated one after another, injured by the counter-shock force of this vigorous energy.

"This evildoer is so strong!"

"The strange power can be chaotic, the power of this son! It's so terrifying!"

Everyone exclaimed in surprise, obviously they were extremely shocked by the strength of Nan Tiange, unexpectedly in this state, one punch was enough to break through the sword force they gathered with this sword formation.

Such strength is evident.

When these people wanted to condense their sword energy again, they were directly broken by Nan Tiange. With a whistling sound, Nan Tiange rushed towards an elder of the Beihai Sword Sect.

At this time, the speed was as fast as thunder, and the elder of the Beihai Sword Sect was naturally worried, but at this moment, seeing this terrifying monster directly killing him, he was also furious at the moment, so you come to me with so many people, That is to look down on the old man, the old man still insists on fighting with you!
However, before the elder Beihai raised the sword, Nan Tiange punched him through the heart.

The heart was pierced immediately.

Even the elder Beihai didn't feel it. When did the other party kill him? He just pierced his chest. Why didn't the feeling be particularly obvious?

But this body no longer has the strength to fight against the person in front of it.

Then Elder Beihai's body was torn in two.


Blood splattered, seeing this scene shocked everyone around.

"Don't panic, continue to gather momentum!"

The Supreme Elder of the Autumn Mountain Sword Sect immediately let out a low growl, and the same Supreme Elder beside him alternated with him, and the strength of each other also converged together, and the two cut out a sword energy at the same time.

In an instant, Nan Tiange was blown away.


Nan Tiange's body retreated violently, and finally hit the ground with a loud bang.

The two great elders also looked at each other. Although the sword hit just now, the effect was not too great!

Because they also knew that the move just now couldn't hurt Nan Tiange at all.

Nan Tiange also stood up in a very short period of time, and directly pushed towards the two great elders. He could clearly recognize the swords that were drawn by these two people just now.

Although it is said that its own power is extremely powerful, Nan Tiange also needs to be in this battle to be able to manifest this power.


Nan Tiange roared angrily.

But it was hit by the sword energy of the rest of the people.

The ground under his feet exploded continuously, and Nan Tiange was surrounded by many strong men.

It seems that all the flags and drums died down for a while.

Everyone's sword energy bombarded indiscriminately for a full quarter of an hour.

The original ground had already been directly blasted out of a deep pit.

Tian Lan raised her hand and signaled everyone to stop, because she also had a strange feeling at the moment, why there was no movement until now, could it be that Nan Tiange was directly defeated.

Maybe during this chaotic battle, he accidentally hit Nan Tiange's Achilles' heel?

The dust dissipated, and soon a figure appeared.

The figure was lying in the deep pit.

Everyone couldn't help but came forward to watch.

"I thought it was so powerful, but that's all it is!" An elder of the Beihai Sword Sect said lightly. Although he said that one person was beheaded just now, that person usually knew that he was a deadly enemy when he was fighting for power. Being able to be wiped out now is also a very worry-free thing.

"Jie Jie."

Nan Tiange, who was lying on his stomach, suddenly raised his head and looked directly at Tian Lan in front of him.

The moment Tianlan saw Nan Tiange's gaze, she immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Not good, run away!"

Tian Lan shouted, but it was too late, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from Nan Tiange's body, this aura was like a volcano erupting.

Bang bang bang!
Everyone was shocked by this momentum and flew out.


Everyone vomited blood, as if they were directly hit by someone's fist on the chest in an instant.

He fell heavily to the ground, and they couldn't believe the terrifying power erupted. They didn't expect this person to have such a powerful move.

He almost injured his internal organs.

Tian Lan spat out a mouthful of blood, and her figure also directly hit a big tree. When that gust of breath rushed over, Tian Lan almost had no time to dodge, and could only be severely injured.

With her spiritual strength, she didn't have the slightest resistance to resist, which shows how terrifying this Nan Tiange is.

Like piercing through a piece of thin paper, it directly penetrated her defense. ,

Under the power of such a terrifying situation, Tian Lan was powerless to resist.


Nan Tiange rushed towards Tian Lan with a murderous intent.

Tian Lan felt the strong will of the other party, this is to kill her!


Above the sky, a terrifying thunder light suddenly burst out.

When the thunder light appeared, Tian Lan saw that Nan Tiange had a trace of awe in his eyes, and was startled in his heart, this Nan Tiange was afraid of thunder and lightning.

"This is... Lord Galewind..."

Tian Lan also saw the sudden strong wind and the sudden violent thunder in the sky.

Suddenly, a violent thunder struck down from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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