Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 688 Beheading

Chapter 688 Beheading
The surrounding Yin Qi kept rushing towards Nan Tiange's body.


Nan Tiange's aura returned to its original state in an instant, and it was even stronger than before. With one hand clenched, it immediately condensed the terrifying Yin Qi, and the condensed Yin Qi turned into a gray fist. It hit Yang Fan on the head.

Yang Fan raised his hand to resist, and immediately blocked this terrifying force directly.

Immediately, Yang Fan was surrounded by countless evil spirits, as if he was trapped in that swamp of evil spirits, and the constant biting force from around almost swallowed Yang Fan directly.

The stone hammer in his hand also exerted force suddenly.

Under a hammer, the ghosts receded.

However, it will not take long for these ghost powers to gather again.

Keep pestering Yang Fan.

At the moment when Yang Fan was fighting against the power of these ghosts, Nan Tiange also made another move.

A matching long sword appeared in his hand.

This sword seemed to have been pulled out of Nan Tiange's belly, it was covered with filthy blood, and the power of terror and perdition was lingering on it.

"Sinister Longevity Sword!"


"Surrounded by evil obstacles!"

Nan Tiange pinched the Jian Jue in his hand, and a bright black light burst out from the sinful longevity sword, and directly slashed towards Yang Fan.

This sword also struck directly on Yang Fan's arm.

Yang Fan's arm was in pain, and he immediately let go, and the stone hammer fell to the ground.

Immediately entangled by a sinister air, it seemed that the stone hammer was wrapped and sank into a pond. Yang Fan had no way to hold it, and could only watch the stone hammer fall.


Another sword hit Yang Fan's chest, sending Yang Fan flying.

After falling to the ground.

The countless evil ghosts still turned into sharp arrows, rushing towards Yang Fan non-stop, impacting on Yang Fan's body.

Bang bang bang!
Yang Fan struggled to get rid of the attack of these evil forces, his figure suddenly rushed and fell to the side.

While watching, the stone hammer was actually caught by Nan Tiange!
Nan Tiange turned into Dongliao Mountain at the beginning.

Naturally, he can be regarded as a person who has seen the world, and this road of revenge that he has shouldered for a long time has also made Nan Tiange experience real hardships, so the hammer of the God of War can naturally be picked up.

"You stone hammer, you look pretty good."

Nan Tiange laughed out loud.

Yang Fan who has lost this stone hammer, how can he compete with him.

Really God help me too.

Tian Lan and the others also changed their faces when they saw this scene.

It never occurred to her that the terrain here would have such a powerful boost to Nan Tiange. If not, then Nan Tiange would have been killed and torn to pieces long ago, and she would still be able to gain the upper hand there.

"The devil seems to have no weapons."

Tian Lan saw Yang Fan was unarmed.

"That guy still has a very powerful sword, which he hasn't taken out yet."

Yinfeng snorted coldly at the side.

He had also seen this Yang Fan make a move before. During the points battle, the appearance of the ordinary sword surprised many people. Now looking at this Yang Fan, he has a strange hammer in his hand.

But that sword never appeared.

It's not that Yang Fan doesn't want to use this magic sword.

It's really because the durability of the Mojue Sword itself is only the last point left. If it hits a little bit, it is estimated that the Mojue Sword will be directly shattered. At that time, the system will not Know what to expect.

As for the Frost King Sword.

With so many pairs of eyes around here, if you take out the Frost King Sword hastily, it will probably not be long before the people in the Frost Sword Palace know about it.

Although with Yang Fan's current strength, he is not afraid of the opponent's strength.

But Yang Fan didn't want to make himself another enemy, adding the power of Xue Ji Shenbing.

It cannot be used too easily.

"I see."

Tian Lan nodded and said, they are no longer able to participate in a battle of this scale. If they are accidentally caught in these evil forces, they will definitely be devoured by these evil forces. , will also be devoured cleanly.

However, Tian Lan has developed a lot of interest in Yang Fan.

Where did such a strong person come from, and where did this body of cultivation come from.

With such talents, it is already difficult for the Hell Camp to accommodate such strong men, and they will be transferred away in a short time.

Yang Fan took a few breaths.

Although the series of attacks just now were not weak, the Dragon King Sutra that Yang Fan had practiced was not for nothing.

But after eating Nan Tiange's sword, his arm still has a slight tingling pain, which is enough to show the power of Nan Tiange's sword just now, and Yang Fan was secretly surprised. Now the stone hammer has been directly taken away by the opponent. Go, really want to complete a round of anti-killing ah.

Yang Fan tried to bind the stone hammer with the Excalibur system before, but found that he couldn't scan any information about the stone hammer at all, maybe because this thing was brought out from the wild island.

Therefore, the stone hammer cannot be bound, otherwise, Yang Fan only needs one thought to summon the stone hammer back, even if Nan Tiange holds it, it is useless, and there is no way to exert its power.

"How about it, Yang Fan, are you satisfied with this place being your burial place?"

Nan Tiange walked through on a cloud of evil spirits, his figure was in the air, and he looked down at Yang Fan below, with a hint of complacency in the corner of his mouth.

After all, he was stepped on by himself.

Yang Fan rubbed the sore part of his arm, and looked up at the arrogant Nan Tiange.

"You've healed the scar and forgot the pain!"

From Yang Fan's eyes, Nan Tiange seemed to see something. He wanted to take the next step, and Nan Tiange also thought of something that frightened him. If it wasn't for that thing, he wouldn't have to. Lost so badly.

"Death to me!"

Immediately, Nan Tiange stopped talking nonsense, and directly summoned countless terrifying evil spirits, holding the evil immortal sword in his hand, and slashed at Yang Fan.


Just when Tian Lan and the others were worried about whether Yang Fan could block the sword.

What I saw was a golden light, which suddenly burst out from the shadow.

When the golden light shines, like the Buddha's light, the power that suddenly appears makes everyone's hearts suddenly warm!
Following the appearance of this ray of golden light, those terrifying sinister auras, like ashes blown away by the breeze, continued to spread towards that distance.


Countless evil spirits receded.

Even that Nan Tiange almost yelled, when faced with the golden light shining, he immediately yelled.


As the golden light fell, the evil Immortal Sword among the Nantian singers was actually burning with a golden fire, as if it was directly ignited.


Nan Tiange immediately threw away the evil longevity sword.

A big golden umbrella appeared in Yang Fan's hand, and he turned the big umbrella lightly in his hand, and immediately, the terrifying golden light and sharp sword filled the air.

These golden swords kept rushing forward and stabbing forward.

Nan Tiange turned around and wanted to escape, but was easily penetrated by the golden sword.

Chi Chi Chi!
Immediately, Nan Tiange's figure also fell from the sky and fell to the ground.


Yang Fan jumped and landed beside Nan Tiange in an instant.

This Bodhidharma umbrella really deserves to be a heaven-defying magic weapon, and now Yang Fan has seen how powerful this thing is.

He stepped on Nan Tiange's chest.

Nan Tiange saw that Yang Fan was right in front of him, and with that ferocious appearance, one of the killers in his eyes, and the Dharma umbrella in his hand, all of them made Nan Tiange terrified.

"Don't... don't kill me... I am willing to submit to you, Yang Fan, and I will never be your enemy again!"

Nan Tiange shouted quickly, if he waited for the umbrella in Yang Fan's hand to drop, it would be too late.

"Enn, okay, okay, in your next life, come and be my dog!"

Yang Fan nodded and said.

Then he directly inserted the Dharma umbrella in his hand towards Nan Tiange's head.

When the dharma umbrella penetrated the latter's forehead, countless ghosts and evil spirits were immediately purified under the golden light.

It is these forces that make this Nantian song so strong.

But in front of Dharma Umbrella, everything was wiped out.

There is no resistance at all.

The last time it was just inserted into Nan Tiange's chest, allowing the latter to pick up half of his life. This time, after the direct headshot, it also directly cut off Nan Tiange's lifeline, and directly wiped out the last breath .

When Yang Fan solved Nan Tiange, he also looked up at the sky.

A middle finger was raised towards the empty sky.

This place is Wangcheng, the other party dare not make a move, but Yang Fan can feel that the other party's gaze has been paying attention to this place.

When I saw Yang Fan raised his middle finger, there seemed to be a will in the sky of the royal city. It was angry at first, but in the end it couldn't be done directly. After all, it's fine to make a move secretly in those wilderness areas. If you make a move here, It must be involuntary, and it will be taken down in minutes.

So it's better not to make a move.

Yang Fan picked up his stone hammer back.

"Demon Lord, it's really you!"

Leng Que and the others finally arrived at this moment. When they first saw Yang Fan, they were still incredulous.

"Hey, Captain, long time no see!"

When Yang Fan greeted them, they really felt that it was the Demon Lord who came back!

"Fatty, your injury healed pretty quickly."

Yang Fan said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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