Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 694 The Treasury of the Swordsmen's Guild

Chapter 694 The Treasury of the Swordsmen's Guild

There are still five days before the restoration of the Blackwater Mountains, within a few days.

The members of the Hell Camp seem a little relaxed, and they have free time. As long as you don't expose your identity and do bad things, then there is no problem.

But even in such a comfortable environment, most of the members choose to practice hard.

And Yang Fan, after a short period of self-cultivation, took the words of the Gale Swordsman and found the vice president of the swordsman union, Li Tian!
When he saw Yang Fan in front of him again, Li Tian really felt what it meant to be three days away from a man, he should look at him with admiration.

Now Yang Fan's achievements can be said to be incredible.

It is said that this time he was able to behead the alien who had killed countless people, and it was precisely because of Yang Fan's action that he had made great contributions in the process.

To be able to do such a thing, Li Tian is naturally happy in his heart. After all, it is extremely gratifying for Li Tian to witness the growth of a young master. Many people have been sent to this hell camp. How long will it take to be sent back.

And it was sent back when it was turned into a corpse.

This made Li Tian extremely worried, but this is the current world.

Fortunately, Yang Fan did not disappoint Li Tian, ​​Li Tian was naturally happy to have made such great progress, but as long as Yang Fan is alive and well, then Li Tian will feel relieved.

"Long time no see, Vice President Li Tian!"

Among the previous matters, Li Tian also helped him settle many things, so Yang Fan is still very grateful to Li Tian.

"There's no need to see each other between you and me! Your achievements have already surpassed mine!"

Li Tian stepped forward and patted Yang Fan's shoulder.

"There is still a gap, after all, I can't keep up with you at my age!"

Yang Fan said with a smile, Li Tian didn't expect that Yang Fan would still make a joke after not seeing him for so many days.

"You kid, you are very skinny. Lord Haifeng has already told me the reason why you came here. Let's go, I will take you to the treasure pavilion of our swordsman union!"

Li Tian said.

"It's still thanks to you, otherwise, even I wouldn't be qualified to walk in here."

"Even you?"

This surprised Yang Fan a little. As the vice president, Li Tian didn't even have the right to enter the treasury of the swordsman union.

Although Li Tian is the vice president, Li Tian's own right is to mobilize these manpower to handle these superficial business matters.

on dealing with these things.

Li Tian has great strength, but when it comes to handling these financial resources, Li Tian is not qualified to do so.

Instead, it needs the authorization of the Senate.

And let the finance chief follow him personally. Of course, it is a bit exaggerated to say that he must not come, but it just shows that the swordsman union has extremely important measures to protect these things and property!
It is extremely fancy, so even if Li Tian came, he still needs to report.

Li Tian took Yang Fan into the Swordsman's Guild.

It has been a long time since I joined the Swordsmen's Guild, and this is the first time I have entered the interior of the Swordsmen's Guild. Most of the people are also dragging the documents in their hands and walking forward quickly
Finally came to the location of the backyard, and stopped in front of a rockery.

When Yang Fan walked into the swordsmen's guild, he felt that the surrounding defenses were so perfect. From the time he walked to the stop, Yang Fan was checked by at least twenty people.

These are just the guards in the dark, the patrols on the bright side, the masters of fixed-point defense, there are countless.

Such a swordsman's guild is like an iron wall. If anyone wants to break in by force, there is only one dead end.

The two waited for a while before the rockery.

Then they saw a fat man who weighed nearly two hundred catties walking towards them.

"This is the Finance Manager, Manager Gu!"

Li Tian whispered in Yang Fan's ear.

But this Zhangban’s complexion doesn’t look very good, it doesn’t matter who you are, if you come to this Zhangban to drink and eat meat, then Zhangban will naturally smile at you, even if you call him a brother. not a problem.

If you want to come to this Zhang Zhang to open a warehouse to release food, and to take the things in his treasury, it is almost equivalent to killing him, which is more painful than stabbing him, so Often at this time, that doesn't look good.

"Hehe, Mr. Gu is good, please trouble Mr. Gu."

Li Tian seemed to be gloating and said, this fat man is usually quite picky, but after the name of Mr. Gaifeng came out today, he had to open the door of this and the treasure house. This is obviously the swordsman's guild The wealth, but it seems to be the wealth of this boss, and he has been holding back and refusing to take it out.

"Good morning, Mr. Gu."

Yang Fan also bowed his hands.

Say hello, after all, it is someone who holds the key.

"Are you the kid who came to pick things?" Gu Zhangban snorted coldly and looked at Yang Fan in front of him. Anyone who came to take things from him can basically be included in the scope of enemies, because these people come to take things away. There are some extremely valuable things on the Internet, and ordinary things don't need to be picked in the treasury of the Swordsmen's Union.

"it's me."

Yang Fan said.

"Let me tell you first. Master Gaifeng has explained that you can take away one piece of metal. The volume should not exceed five squares. For swords, five squares is enough! I will give you half a stick of incense time. If this If you can't choose good words within half a stick of incense, I'm sorry, but you can't blame me."

Gu Zhangban said directly, not polite at all.

"Gu Zhangban, there are so many things, the time for half a stick of incense is too short."

Li Tian couldn't help frowning and said, this guy is too stingy, he is simply a miser, guarding the things in the vault every day.

During this half-column of incense, you thought it was impossible to go shopping in the vegetable market. How could you make a decision in such a short time.

That's why even Li Tian couldn't stand it anymore, he couldn't help saying.

"Old Li, you don't know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt. Those people are all wolves, tigers and leopards. If I hadn't been guarding here, your treasury would have been taken away in a short time. You Believe it or not!? Do you think I am willing, I am doing it for the good of the trade union, and this thing is not in my own pocket, do you think so!"

This is what Gu Zhangban said earnestly.

"It's okay, vice president, half a stick of incense is enough time."

Yang Fan opened his mouth and said, it seems that Vice President Li Tian is also hard-pressed in front of Zhang Zhang, and he has suffered a lot on weekdays.

"You are still sensible, I will open the door and lead you to the ore area!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Zhang couldn't help but use a set of extremely complicated handprints to open the stone door in front of him with a bang.


When the stone door was opened, Yang Fan immediately felt that countless gold jewels were recruiting him, but in fact, what floated in the air was an extremely extravagant atmosphere.

Where the eye can see, there is a mountain of gold. Just the gold in front of you can't count how many tons it is. This is just the most normal gold reserve. In many cases, gold has also become the hard currency. , Whether it is used to make gold coins, or gold ingots, they are all the same value.

Therefore, in times of crisis, this gold will also become the only currency.

But these golds are actually just placed symbolically. If the gold here is really used, no one knows how chaotic the world will be.

Then he walked through those various areas, and Yang Fan could only see some names, but couldn't walk in.

Cultivation techniques, martial arts, formations, pills, strange books...

Wait, the classification is extremely careful.

Every room here is also locked with thick iron doors. If you want to open it, you need a specific key and fingerprints to do it.

Yang Fan couldn't see what was inside, and this method of secrecy was really perfect.

If the world ends on that day, wouldn't these things be buried, and no one will be able to discover the things here until hundreds or thousands of years later.

So some of the relics we are looking for now come from this way.

Gu Zhangban also directly brought Yang Fan to the room where an ore was hung.

After going through a set of cumbersome handprints again, and finally adding the movements of this hand, the door in front of him was finally opened directly.

"This door is made of six-foot-thick black dragon stone. Even a sword king-level powerhouse can't open it. You can choose it with confidence. There is no way to use the storage ring inside. Yes, just take out whatever you fancy."

Gu Zhangban said.

Then he said to Li Tian who was beside him: "You and I will wait at this door, as time witnesses, half a stick of incense time, only half a stick of incense!"

I can't help emphasizing it again;
I was afraid that Yang Fan would stay in there for a few more minutes, and when he chose something good, it would make his heart ache.

"What you can choose depends on your own luck!"

The door behind him was shut with a bang.

Yang Fan also looked at the rows in front of him, which seemed to be some stones lined up on a floating formation.

When seeing these stones, Yang Fan also felt that his head was getting bigger.

There are so many ores in front of him, and the breath has also been isolated.

There is absolutely no way to touch it, or to understand what level of ore it is.

Fortunately, Yang Fan was well prepared.

"Excalibur system, it's up to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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