Chapter 697

At this time, Yang Fan, as the leader, also entered the main hall to discuss matters.

And outside the main hall, those hell swordsmen who came quickly also lined up quickly, and they only had the right to obey the command.

above the hall.

Besides Yang Fan, there were also Tian Lan and Lei Ting.

The one who came in a hurry afterward was Galewind Swordsman.

It is said that above this commander, there is a Grand Commander-level existence, and now it seems that he is the Gale Sword Hero in front of him.

The true deity of Gale Wind Swordsman is the deity of this and Hell Camp's Shura.

And a clone who is just practicing is also the commander of this hell camp. He really deserves to be the generation who founded the sect and can exist in this realm.

However, looking at the appearances of the other commanders, it seems that they don't know that the Gale Swordsman in front of him is actually just a clone.

But it doesn't matter if it's not, anyway, the strength of the Gale Wind Swordsman has always been so strong.

"Just received the news from the intelligence team that there is a tiankeng [-] miles away from the Qiushui Mountains, and there are some broken star mines in the tiankeng! The broken star mines can produce broken stars. Star stones, these ores are listed as tenth-level ores, and it is said that they are already eyeing these ores when they focus on this Dust Void Hall."

"This time we need to go to Qiushan Jianzong to make excuses. It is not appropriate to publicize the matter. Our purpose this time is mainly to eradicate these rebellious parties in the Dust and Void Palace. No matter what the situation is, we cannot let the Broken Star Mine Fall into the hands of these people!"

Haifeng Jianhao said, distribute this information.

It was mainly because Tian Lan took it over.

"The intelligence pointed out that this time, Chenxu Palace will be led by the Great Elder and the Second Elder of the Human Hall. There are more than a hundred masters under it. Even the former opponent of Qiushan Sword Sect, Nanmi Sword Sect, is also there. The two major forces have reached a temporary cooperation."

"Lei Ting, you lead the team, first go to investigate the situation of this Nanmi Sword Sect, if you can collect evidence of his collusion with Chenxu Temple, then directly list this Nanmi Sword Sect as a rebellious party!"

Tian Lan said.

Thunder immediately got up.

"Thunder takes command!"

Immediately, Lei Ting also turned around, strode out and took away a third of his troops with a wave of his hand.

"Mojue, you and I went to the Autumn Mountain Sword Sect, and we went to borrow a way. In addition, the rest of the manpower was placed outside the Autumn Mountain Sword Sect. If you rashly brought the team in, it would definitely be a mess. This caused the dissatisfaction of the Qiushan Sword Sect."

Tian Lan said.

The Hell Camp of the Swordsman Union is different from the Zilongwei. After all, this Hell Camp also belongs to this non-governmental organization, and it is a power in the rivers and lakes that is inclined to the dynasty, and is willing to become a sharp knife in the hands of the dynasty.

That's why the Swordsman's Guild is as strong as it is today, and the dynasty has no choice but to accept this army, because the Swordsman's Guild itself has grown to such an extent that if it wants to be overthrown and banned, it will cost a lot of money. The price is extremely terrifying.

Rather than that, it might as well be a win-win situation.

For so many years, the reason why the Chenxu Temple and the Qiankun Tower are still alive and well is because the Hell Camp needs these opponents, like an eagle catching chickens. As far as the eagle is concerned, isn't it that there is no use for it.

This level is something that Yang Fan has only recently figured out.

With the strength of the Gale Sword Lord himself, a strong man in the realm of the sword king, he can't go anywhere in the world, and can't kill anyone. With such strength, he can easily solve it with just a wave of his finger. .

But why these rebels and rebels are still active so rampantly, because sometimes, it is necessary to use the identity of these people to carry out some things.

Such as this Broken Star Mine.

If it wasn't for the Dust Void Palace to intervene, then where did the Hell Camp come from to enter the territory of the Qiushan Sword Sect, and even brought so many people directly, no sect would let you do this Yes, at the same time, someone else has established a sect and has their own sect territory. If they have not obtained the permission issued by this dynasty, there is absolutely no reason to break in.

That's why some people acted like this, but in fact they just want to talk about this cooperation.

Only relying on the Akiyama Sword Sect would definitely be unable to suppress those two major forces. If light and darkness cooperate with each other, even the Akiyama Sword Sect itself would be hard-pressed to parry.

On the surface, the Hell Battalion was to deal with the Dust and Void Palace, but in fact, it was naturally for the Broken Star Mine.

Now the famous Broken Star Sword on the weapon spectrum is forged with this Star Broken Stone. It is said that this sword carries the terrifying power of stars.

When that sword slashed, just the power of the bright stars was enough to crush everything in the world easily.

Of course, it has something to do with the strength of the sword user itself, but the strength of the Broken Star Sword itself is also at a disadvantage here, only in this way can it display its terrifying power.

Although the words are not clear, the meaning is already obvious.

In fact, only Tian Lan was needed for this trip, but Tian Lan obviously wanted to take Yang Fan with him.

After all, in Tian Lan's eyes, Yang Fan also has great potential. If he can cultivate it well, not only in this hell camp, but also in the real swordsman union, he may have a place in the future. His achievements are limitless.

Although he has become the leader now, he is actually only a branch of the swordsmen's union, and has not even really entered the management of the real guild of the swordsmen's union.

At that level, there is still a long way to go.

Being able to become such a dynasty-level force, the swordsmen's guilds are spread all over the country, and the energy contained in it is quite terrifying. Judging from the current reserves of power in the hell camp, it is not enough to achieve that kind of power. level.

Perhaps in the eyes of the people below, command is already a very high position, but in fact it is just a bigger pawn.

"This trip, pay attention to safety."

Galewind Swordsman reminded.

A trace of surprise flashed in Tian Lan's eyes. In the past, the Storm Swordsman seldom said such words of paying attention to safety. Maybe there was something wrong with the Wind Swordsman's induction.

But Tian Lan didn't think much about it, and went out with Yang Fan after handing over.

Yang Fan didn't even know who his subordinates were, and he didn't even know who was under him. All the manpower arrangements were also presided over by Tian Lan. It seems that sometimes, the brain is better than the hands and feet. .

If not, it would be just a mess if you just have the strength but don't know how to arrange the people under your hands.

If Yang Fan is allowed to direct, then maybe Yang Fan's way is to simply wave his hand and let everyone rush up with him.

This is the only way. Otherwise, Yang Fan never thought that he could command so many people.

Tian Lan quickly assigned most of the team's tasks. Although the final battle location was within the territory of the Autumn Mountain Sword Sect, a small wave of sniping could be carried out outside, which could at least confuse the opponent. It is also to harvest some heads.

This aspect can also be regarded as a show for the dynasty.

If there is no benefit, then relying on justice alone, there is no way to feed these masters.

"Earth King, follow us to the Qiushan Sword Sect to negotiate."

"Yes, Lord Commander!"

In fact, he just hired a handyman. After all, he was also a strong leader. If he had to do everything by himself, wouldn't it be embarrassing.

A flying boat took off slowly and rushed into the sky.

The rest of the people in the hell camp rushed to the mission location in their own way.

The same task, but now it is from a different angle. Yang Fan glanced at the people who were moving fast like little ants, and quickly disappeared from sight. Left behind.

Yang Fan was also extremely emotional in his heart.

"Is it particularly emotional?"

Tian Lan walked to Yang Fan's side and said with a smile.

"A bit."

Yang Fan said, Commander Tian Lan's figure is so proud that even Yang Fan couldn't help but glance a few more times. If someone finds out, it would be a shameful thing. Yang Fan looked extremely embarrassed.

But when he thought of the destination of this trip, Yang Fan couldn't help but think of someone.

The young suzerain of the Autumn Mountain Sword Sect, a huge sect is directly on these thin shoulders, there are all kinds of people in this world, and similar to the current suzerain of the Qiushan Sword Sect, so young, But to directly assume the position of the suzerain of the Sword Sect, the pressure is naturally beyond imagination.

When she saved her life in that mountain range, the little girl gave Yang Fan three Biluoling Waterfall Pills!

The Bi Luo Ling Waterfall Pellet can not only increase experience points by [-] million points, but also has the effect of enhancing one's internal strength.

When it was time to upgrade the Excalibur, Yang Fan hadn't found any chance to take the Bi Luo Ling Waterfall Pill until now.

Thinking that if we meet again, I don't know what that girl's expression will be.

Yang Fan thought in his heart.

Tian Lan invited Yang Fan and Di Wang into the account for a drink and tea, completely unaware that this was going to perform a dangerous mission.

I didn't expect that this and the execution of the task would be carried out in such an easy way.

The speed of the flying boat was so fast that it brought the three of them to the mirror in Lianjiang City.

Looking at the Lianjiang City below, it is also the size of a piece of bread.

The flying boat quickly passed over here. ,

It is convenient to enter the territory of the Qiushan Sword Sect.

"It's coming, let's land!"

Tian Lan said.

The flying boat landed in a jungle with a bang, and the three of them got off the flying boat.

As soon as it landed, there were several swordsmen coming with their swords!

(End of this chapter)

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