Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 700 Abyss Monster

Chapter 700 Abyss Monster

When seeing these crawling monsters.

Everyone's faces were shocked.

Because in the range of the Qiushan Sword Sect, it is impossible for so many large numbers of monsters to appear, and even the aura of these monsters is far stronger than the aura of some spirit beasts.

Traces of that power can be clearly seen on these monsters.


When the monsters discovered that there were humans around them, these monsters seemed to become extremely excited, crawling non-stop, and rushed towards Yang Fan and others. Everything is easily smashed, whether it is a stone or a tree.

Yang Fan took a closer look and found that the hands and feet of these monsters were like the blades.

"System, what are these things!"

In Yang Fan's mind, he immediately learned some basic information about the monsters in front of him. After getting it, even Yang Fan gasped.

"Abyss monster, level five!"

The realm of level five is already equivalent to that of a swordsman.

Even the lowest level of these terrifying abyssal monsters in front of them is directly at the fifth level.

Comparable to the realm of a swordsman, and these monsters move quickly and are extremely destructive.

It seems that under the Broken Star Mine, there is actually a gap in the abyss, or these things forcibly penetrated the ground and passed through the abyss directly.

Let's not talk about how this happened. If these monsters are allowed to charge up, it won't be long before there will be rivers of blood and bones everywhere on the Qiushan Sword Sect.

At the same time, Lianjiang City below will definitely be devoured and killed by these abyssal monsters.

Everyone also knows the seriousness of such matters.

At this moment, it is no wonder that the first wave rushed out of the abyss, the number exceeded a hundred.

This is equivalent to the simultaneous attack of a hundred swordsman level powerhouses.

"Kill, these are monsters from the abyss, they must not be allowed to enter this crowded place!:"

Fortunately, this place can also be regarded as the territory of the Akiyama Sword Sect. It is generally a place for the Akiyama Sword Sect to practice, or a place to plant some things. It is inaccessible, and they have enough time left.

Tian Lan let out a low snort, and at the same time a white long sword appeared in this hand. The long sword was wrapped in a layer of white gauze. Under the wrapping of these white gauze, the long sword in this hand seemed to have a Kind of elegant feeling.


Tian Lan pulled out directly, and rushed in towards those monsters in the abyss first. Obviously, Tian Lan knew something about these monsters in the abyss.

It is precisely because of their understanding that they are so shocked.

The land king also roared angrily, and directly entered the fighting state.


Immediately, the figure of the Earth King roared out, and swept towards the front.

Without further ado, Yang Fan pulled out the hammer from his waist and killed him.

The speed of these abyssal monsters is extremely fast. When Yang Fan approaches, even the stone hammer can be resisted by the opponent.

Under this bombardment, the abyss monster was directly blasted out, and the abyss monster flew out instantly, but it climbed up again like a person who had nothing to do. Yang Fan also seemed extremely shocked.

Because even Nan Tiange's shitty body was seriously injured, but when facing this abyssal monster in front of him, the opponent's defense was so strong.

"Damn it!" In just a few seconds, the three of them were already surrounded by countless monsters.

At this moment, the Zilongwei who was not far away also saw this scene. When he saw the three people from the hell camp in trouble, he laughed coldly in his heart.

Immediately, he ordered everyone to withdraw and retreat.

"Let these three idiots go to die. We will immediately retreat to the Qiushan Sword School and inform the Qiushan Sword School to prepare. Since these people want to be heroes, let them be heroes!"

Xuan Bin said lightly.

The life and death of Yang Fan and the other three have nothing to do with him. Xuan Bin and the others can retreat and hide in a safe place so as not to be attacked by this thing. Rise up to fend off these terrifying monsters of the abyss.

That's the wise thing to do.

Of course, if Yang Fan and the others hadn't rushed to the front and blocked the footsteps of these abyssal monsters, these Zilongwei people would have no chance to escape at all!

"My lord? Are we really going to retreat?"

A gold medal captain saw the three people who were in a hard fight. In front of these abyssal monsters, they were all human races and compatriots, but seeing Yang Fan and others struggling to resist, if they escaped directly, how could they escape? not very embarrassing,

Isn't this abandoning people of the same clan?

"Are you trying to command me now? Why don't you take the position of commander!"

Xuan Bin immediately flew into a rage, someone dared to question his decision.

You are looking for death, you dare to question him, a mere gold medal captain will ban you in minutes.

"Go, all retreat!"

Xuan Bin directly waved his hand and led everyone to retreat. , although some people chose to obey the order, but they also looked back, and they had been swallowed up by these abyssal monsters directly.


Yang Fan directly blasted the terrifying abyss monsters in front of him, and looked at the earth king who seemed to be a bit unbearable in the distance, and threw the stone hammer in his hand with all his strength.

The stone hammer immediately flew out like a dart.

This stone hammer directly knocked those abyss monsters into the air.

Di Wang took a breath and gave Yang Fan a thumbs up.

But when the local king wanted to pick up the stone hammer and throw it back to Yang Fan, he found that he couldn't hold the stone hammer at all.

"My God, what is this hammer made of!"

The king of the land quickly gave up because another abyss monster rushed towards him.

With a bang, the Earth King was thrown out and rolled on the ground several times before barely stopping.

"Hit them on the jaws!"

At this moment, Tian Lan's voice came over, and in front of him was an abyss monster that was entangled in white gauze, and then fell directly to the ground. At this moment, there was a sword stuck in the monster's body.

Tian Lan pulled out the sword, and the abyss monster also stopped moving, as if it had lost its breath.

Seeing this, the two of them reacted.

It turns out that the weakness of these things is actually the jaw. I never thought that there is such a key in the jaw.

When Yang Fan saw that, he immediately understood, and then he swung his fist vigorously, directly flying an abyss mob, if it were viewed by human beings, then this punch could be regarded as directly blowing the opponent's jaw.

The abyss monster fell to the ground, it had already cut off its vitality,

It really works!

The Earth King also used the Gravity Domain to overturn these abyssal monsters to the ground in an instant, and then rushed forward, punching and kicking, directly crippling the abyssal monsters.

After mastering the trick, Yang Fan and the other three have killed most of the abyssal monsters one by one.

As soon as Yang Fan turned around, he picked up the stone hammer on the ground directly. Yang Fan, holding the stone hammer, was like a god of war, charging into battle, and the opponent's weakness was almost completely exposed in front of Yang Fan.


The stone hammer in Yang Fan's hand continuously beheaded these abyssal monsters.

The system in his mind kept reminding Yang Fan.

"Ding—kill the fifth-level abyss monster, gain 50 experience points, and 500 soul points!"

After fighting all the way, Yang Fan had killed nearly forty abyss monsters.

The soul value alone directly increased by [-] points.

Including the previous soul value, Yang Fan's soul value is now close to 20 points.

The remaining two, Tian Lan and Di Wang, also killed nearly [-] of them together, and the rest also had some abyss monsters, rushing towards the mountain gate of the Autumn Mountain Sword Sect.

The fighting continued.

Even the three of them formed an extremely tacit cooperation. Under this cooperation, these abyssal monsters were easily killed.

They killed nearly [-] more, and there were no abyss monsters rushing out of the pit that day. When they saw this scene, the three finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There seemed to be a pause in the tiankeng.

"It is estimated that there are more than twenty abyssal monsters that have escaped!"

The land king said in a deep voice, these twenty may be stopped by the purple dragon guards, but more or less there will be one or two alone.

Once it rushes into this ordinary crowd, it will definitely bring about a great disaster.

When these abyssal monsters charged, all the trees, mountains and rocks were destroyed.

It can be seen that this ordinary person was easily bumped by them, and he would probably be directly disabled.

"Earth King, you go after him! The Mojue and I are guarding here."

The strength of these abyssal monsters is equivalent to the level of the third-rank swordsman, and those who are slightly more powerful can rival the fourth-rank swordsman.

Because this land king is also good at defense, so he has an even more advantage in this. It is naturally no problem to fight hand-to-hand. Even if he is touched once or twice, it will not hurt. If it is changed, it will not work. .

"This place is dangerous, don't stay for long!"

The king of the earth persuaded that it must be for Tian Lan and Yang Fan to retreat together.

"No, I have a hunch that something even more terrifying will appear. To inform our people, we must pay attention to the whereabouts of these abyssal monsters, and report it to the headquarters quickly at this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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