Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 731 City Lord Huo Ming

Chapter 731 City Lord Huo Ming
Let the city lord come out to see you?
The four guards in charge of guarding the City Lord's Mansion also couldn't help but sneered, the young man in front of him was really quite interesting.

But soon the four guards also put away the smiles on their faces. At this moment, they saw the city guard who had just gone out in the distance, carrying a stretcher in his hand, with extremely frightened and hasty expressions on their faces, and deliberately bypassed it. Yang Fan's direction.

Directly walked into the city lord's mansion from the small door next to it.

Immediately, the faces of the four people changed and they looked at each other.

"You just wait here, I will report!"

One of them turned around and walked in quickly, and the other three also treated them seriously, as if they already knew that the person in front of them was probably the person from Xuanhu Mountain City in their minds today.

To even dare to go to the city lord's mansion to throw himself into the net, it is really desperate.

Yang Fan was not in a hurry, so he simply stood and waited at the door.

The guard at the door who walked into the house saw the stretcher being placed in the courtyard, stepped forward to look it up, and was shocked. He couldn't see it under the white cloth just now, but after he lifted it, he saw the white cloth. The figure underneath turned out to be a headless corpse.

"This this this..."

The headless corpse that suddenly appeared frightened him a lot.

Then I saw the city lord Huo Ming coming out of the inner room. When he saw the corpse lying on the stretcher on the ground, Huo Ming's eyes were bloodshot with regret, and at the same time, his eyes were almost wide open. Stare out all the eyeballs.

"Master, your body is important!"

The housekeeper at the side quickly supported Huo Ming.

That's why Huo Ming didn't faint directly.

"My son!!!"

Huo Ming cried out in pain, and at the same time, there was a strong bloody aura in his eyes the next moment.

"Assemble the city guards for me! All assembled, and besides, bring me my Guanwai knife!" Huo Ming said in a deep voice.

The tone was sonorous, there was no doubt about it, someone immediately sent an order to form an army, and someone went down to take Huo Ming's long sword outside the pass from the armory.

This long sword outside the pass has been with Huo Ming for decades. Since becoming the city lord, it has not been used for a long time. Today, this bold madman must die directly in the under his own knife.

This person's head must be taken away.

"Master... my lord, at the door, there is a boy in civilian clothes at the door, saying that he wants to see you..."

Until now, the guard at the door had the chance to interject a word, and when he spoke, Huo Ming was also taken aback, who else could be the boy in civilian clothes who came to the door at this moment!
"Okay, very good, you actually sent me your head directly. Today I want to see how powerful you are!"

Huo Ming said in a low voice.

All the guards in the mansion had gathered, and the arrows to mobilize the city guards had been released, and they would gather directly in front of the city lord's mansion in a short time.

The gate of the City Lord's Mansion was opened, and Huo Ming, wearing a black gold battle armor and holding a long knife outside the pass, charged forward with his men.

"Who is coming!"

Huo Ming saw that the person in front of him was just a teenager in his teens, his body was quite straight, he had practiced kung fu for some years, but you were always alone, he was just a city guard in Xuanhu Mountain City It's more than three thousand, how many can you kill.

"Are you the city lord here?"

Yang Fan glanced at Huo Ming in front of him. Behind Huo Ming, there was a group of archers and crossbowmen, and there were shieldmen standing in front of him. He directly ignored his own questioning and turned his back on the customer.

It also made Huo Ming angry.

"Very good, shoot me to death!"

If you are so arrogant, you have to pay the price of this arrogance.

Many archers fired their arrows at the same time, and the sharp arrows came directly towards Yang Fan.

However, Yang Fan moved his footsteps and rushed forward in an instant, smashing all the shields arranged by these people in front of him with a punch.

When Huo Ming saw Yang Fan's actions, he knew it was wrong.

Subconsciously, he slashed out the long knife in his hand, at least he could slash Yang Fan's body.

Yang Fan directly raised his hand and grabbed the big knife that Huo Ming had slashed over.


With the force of five fingers, the blade was crushed directly.

He grabbed Huo Ming who was in front of him, and threw him over the shoulder, directly throwing him to the ground.

The thick armor directly broke the steps.

Huo Ming, who was trapped in the armor, was not seriously injured, but he felt like he had hit his head. ,


The helmet fell to the ground, and a bloodshot appeared at the corner of Huo Ming's mouth.


The Mojue sword in his hand hung between Huo Ming's eyebrows.

The sharp breath seemed to be breaking open his forehead.

"Tell me, where are the people from Chenxu Palace?"

Yang Fan's tone was cold and ruthless. This was not torture. If he could not provide accurate and effective information to Yang Fei, he would definitely be killed by a sword.

He is not at the same level as Yang Fan.

In Yang Fan's eyes, there is only what he wants. Huo Ming has been around for so many years, and he has seen all kinds of venues, but when he saw Yang Fan, he felt a deep shock and an extremely strong fear. .

All of them added up, it is impossible to hurt even a single hair of Yang Fan!
This is the gap, which comes from the gap in realm.

"I, I said!"

Huo Ming made a decision in an instant to save his life.

Originally, this ebony spiritual root was going to be sent to the hands of the Hall of Dust and Void.

Since the young man in front of him came for Chenxu Palace, it would be fine to bring him into the hands of Chenxu Palace. He was just an intermediary, and there was absolutely no need to sacrifice his life for Chenxu Palace. ,

"Stop it, you dare to hold the king of the dynasty hostage!"

In the distance, a middle-aged man in blue got off the carriage, and when he saw the absurd scene in front of him, he immediately shouted angrily.

"He knows too?"

Yang Fan asked a question.

This person is the inspector of Xuanhu Mountain City, but this inspector is also the same as the city lord's mansion, and even Huo Ming paid a heavy price to directly buy the inspector in front of him , otherwise, it is impossible for these longevity medicines to flow in so easily.

"No, he just wants to benefit."

At a distance of tens of meters, Yang Fan also directly swung the Mojue Sword in his hand.

The inspector who was invited was still cursing along the way.

In the next second, it was cut in half in the street, and it was directly broken from the middle.

"Ding—kill a high-level swordsman, gain 10000 experience points, and 50 soul points!"

(End of this chapter)

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