Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 77 Cursed Blood Sword

Chapter 77 Cursed Blood Sword

After hearing what the boss said, Yang Fan also smiled slightly.

"Thank you boss for reminding me. By the way, are these the only swords you have?" Yang Fan couldn't help asking. Most of these swords are suitable for advanced swordsmen. Inexpensive but high-quality, but low-looking weapons can be used by poor adventurers who have no money.

Easy to change weapons.

"Oh? None of these swords suit you?"

The boss's eyes also flashed. There are thousands of swords in this sword martial arts hall, and none of them are shining. Anyone who came in and looked at it would have their eyes straight, but Yang Fan didn't care about the choice. I bought such a useless sword, and said that the swords here are not worth looking at.

"Well, no, I need a stronger sword."

Yang Fan said.

"Ah Hua, you take the guests up to the second floor to choose."

A maid came by and saluted Yang Fan.

"The second floor is the Treasure Pavilion of our Sword Martial Hall. You two can choose at will, and you will get a [-]% discount." The boss smiled. Yang Fan was shocked when he heard this, and then nodded.

I didn't know this boss before, and the other party gave me a sword, reminded myself to be careful, and gave me a discount. Could it be that my personal charm is too great? Yang Fan followed that Ah Hua. second floor,

The customers on the first floor were also surprised when they saw this scene, but not everyone can easily go up to the second floor. ,

Unless you are a son of a famous family, worth more than one million silver, or a high-level swordsman, you can go to the second floor to choose. To be famous, everyone hopes that they can be awed by others.

Being able to walk up the second floor proves that they are people of status, but now Yang Fan and the two are walking up, and Fei Ming was still swearing at each other just now, it is really embarrassing, even if it is Even if Fei Ming came, he might not be qualified to go up to the second floor, unless his father came.

"Boss, what's the origin of this Yang Fan...how can you be so kind to me?"

A small clerk behind the boss couldn't help saying that the relationship between these clerks and the boss is very good on weekdays, and they are basically a small group.

"It's your half a dime, go to work!"

The boss slapped him, but was avoided by the clerk, and continued to work, but the boss' eyes became deep and deep in a blink of an eye.

"What is the origin of this Yang Fan, and I can't even see through it. The lady repeatedly asked that if Yang Fan came, he must do his best to help. It is true that the lady just left, and another girl appeared next to this boy. It's really a big radish with a big heart... Another flamboyant kind..."

The boss shook his head, and ignored it. The young lady told me to take care of her, so she had already done her duty. If she couldn’t eat and drink, she would take care of it. It depends on Yang Fan's own ability.

It is not a wise decision to offend the Fei family in this city.

Yang Fan came to the second floor, and the moment he entered the door, he felt a murderous air. Every sword released a strong breath, as if he was about to break free. On this second floor, he didn't want to place it casually like the first floor. Instead, only one sword is displayed in each counter.

"Yang Fan, the swords here are very expensive."

Lin Xilei couldn't help but said, holding the sword given by Yang Fan in her hand, she couldn't help but feel a little more secure.

"You are not strong enough now, so let's use this sword for now. After you break through the Great Swordsman, go build a good one. The swords downstairs are not suitable for me. The sword here is a bit interesting."

Yang Fan's eyes flicked over those swords one by one, each sword had his aura, and Yang Fan was also selecting one by one, but every sword here is powerful enough, in Yang Fan's view, this is simply It is a place tailor-made for masters.

But Lin Xilei saw the price on the side of the sword, and she was so surprised that she didn't dare to speak. As far as she saw the cheapest sword, the price was more than 50 taels of silver!

My previous white feather sword was only worth 500 taels. Although it was cut off by Yang Fan later, each of the swords here is worth 50 taels of silver, and the most expensive one has been seen on the Internet for more than 800 million. Two silver, the number marked on the back almost made Lin Xilei breathless, but she didn't dare to say anything more.

He could only quietly follow behind Yang Fan.

"You can take a look at it here. If you like it, you can ask the staff to take it off for you. Our regulations here are that you can only look at the sword and not touch it. If you take it off, you must buy it." Ahua said.

Yang Fan nodded, his eyes swept over these swords, and finally, he fixed on a blood-red long sword. When he saw this long sword for the first time, Yang Fan felt as if he saw a sea of ​​blood. same scenario.

"This sword is his."

There is a certain connection between a master and a sword. When you see it for the first time, you know whether this sword is suitable for you. Yang Fan has already found his second sword, which becomes his secondary weapon. .

Lin Xilei looked at the price of the sword, and immediately gasped. This sword actually costs 1000 million taels of silver!How much is this 1000 million taels? It is almost the annual income of the entire Xiaonanshan City. This guy, my God, is so rich.

Yang Fan didn't care about the price, he would choose to buy it no matter how much it cost.

And when Ah Hua saw the sword Yang Fan had chosen, surprise flashed in her eyes, but she quickly hid herself and signaled the people next to her to open the cabinet.

"This guest officer, this sword is called the Cursed Blood Sword. Anyone who touches it will surely die violently within seven days. If you want this sword, please think twice .”

Ahua said, this cursed blood sword has been here for several years. It is said that it was found in an ancient ruins. They all died suddenly without warning, so in the eyes of many people, this sword is an ominous sword.

"Thank you."

Yang Fan reached out and grabbed the Cursed Blood Sword directly in his hand.

"Ding——congratulations to the host for obtaining the Cursed Blood Sword, becoming a secondary weapon, completing the dungeon mission, and rewarding 10 experience points."

Cursed Blood Sword: A cursed sword from the ancient sword demon, with damage of 10000. Anyone who is stabbed by the Cursed Blood Sword will have blood invaded by a strange virus. Within seven days, it will be turned into a puddle of blood. It can be inlaid with wood attribute gems to improve attack power.

A prompt sounded in the system. The sword has not been paid yet, so why is it bound to the system.

"Well, how much is this sword?" Yang Fan couldn't help asking.

"Hello guest officer, after the discount, the total is 960 million taels of silver."

(End of this chapter)

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