Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 84 Pavilion Master

Chapter 84 Pavilion Master
An old man in sackcloth came out, with a bamboo sword on his back, he looked like an old man who had just returned from wandering.



The fat man hurriedly said respectfully, once he stood up, his pants fell off, and he hurriedly lifted them up, looking extremely embarrassed.

The rest of the disciples stood up and shouted when they saw that the old man turned out to be the owner of the hall, who he had heard about for a long time but had never met.

"Hello, the owner!"

"Hello, the owner!"

"Okay, hello." The old owner smiled slightly, waved to everyone, then turned to look at Yang Fan, and took down the bamboo sword behind his back.

"Just now you said that the phantom sword I sent out is a beautiful fist and embroidered legs. I don't know if there is a chance to experience your Excellency's sword skills."

The old master smiled and said, as soon as the words came out, all the disciples of the sword hall also opened their eyes wide, and became excited with jealousy, this kid was so arrogant just now, he actually wanted the sword hall to tell you Admitting defeat, I really don't know how to live or die. Now the real strong is here. Seeing that you are still alive, let's just slap you in the face now.

In the eyes of many people, Yang Fan is already dead. The old host is a legendary swordsman-level powerhouse. Even if you have a hundred lives, it is not enough for the old host to kill you.

I thought Yang Fan would run away, but Yang Fan nodded.

"Okay, if I'm next, what should I do? Is there another master and deputy master of the previous generation? My time is precious."

Yang Fan said lightly.

These words were obviously satirizing the promotion of the sword hall for bullying the small, but who knew that the old curator smiled slightly, and then said.

"Your assessment has passed. Now it's just a private matter between the old man and you, so don't worry about it. It's just you and me. If you are afraid, then let this matter go. The seal belongs to you and leave here."

Hearing the other party's words, a bright light flashed in Yang Fan's eyes. This ginger is still old and hot, and he directly asked for face back. If Yang Fan is leaving now, it can only be said that Yang Fan is afraid of the masters of Hongyang Sword Gym, shameful The only thing is that the assistant master is not good at learning skills, but not the whole promotion of the sword hall, so the reputation of the sword hall is preserved.

But if Yang Fan continues to stay, the only way to go is failure. Not only the reputation of the sword hall is preserved, but also the reputation of the deputy owner. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone, but anyone with a little brain has no chance of winning Under the circumstances, they will choose to leave,

If you really accept it when you see it, the owner of the pavilion has shown up in person. If you don't give face, then you will only make a fool of yourself.

The old museum owner really didn't believe that Yang Fan really had the guts to stay and challenge.

Lin Xilei wanted to step forward and stop Yang Fan, because Lin Xilei knew Yang Fan's ability, and as long as Yang Fan believed it, he would never change. This guy is quite stubborn.

But the opponent is obviously also a master, maybe that strength is even stronger than Nan Haoyang, the existence of such a level is simply not within the reach of the current Lin Xilei, so Lin Xilei subconsciously wants to pull Yang Fan back, this time That's all.

However, Yang Fan laughed out loud.

"Haha, little old man, I'm afraid it's not that simple if you want to save the field. Today is doomed to be hopeless. Let's do it. I want to see how far your phantom sword can go." Yang Fan said lightly, his eyes also burst into flames. Shooting a ray of light, it is obviously a very exciting thing to fight against a master of this level, and it is also a very important point for the improvement of one's own strength.

"Xilei, see my sword clearly, remember as much as you can."

Yang Fan gave a low shout, and Lin Xilei immediately woke up from the trance. After nodding, she quickly stepped aside. The fat man was also surprised, but then he waved his hand to signal everyone to get out of the way, and let the two fight.

Unexpectedly, Yang Fan dared to agree, so he would only end up as a loser. He is really self-righteous. The old curator Jin Hongyang has been practicing kendo for nearly 60 years. Could it be better than you? The kid won't make it.

The fat man also took a belt from his disciple, tied up his pants again, and then looked at the old curator intently.

Seeing that Yang Fan chose to accept the challenge, the old curator's eyes also flashed a hint of surprise, but it was only surprise. This sword will definitely not give you any hope.

"I only have one sword, if you can catch it, I will advance the sword hall and admit defeat."

If Yang Fan really wins, then this Hongyang Sword Gym will receive the biggest blow in history, and it will be hit to the bottom. Even the curator himself can't subdue this arrogant kid, so this guy is still go to heaven.

Yang Fan took a deep breath, and the Cursed Blood Sword in his hand gradually trembled. It was not fear, but excitement. The old curator took a step forward, and suddenly an extremely strong momentum came towards Yang Fan.


It was as if a gust of wind was blowing in the entire sword hall, making people feel a chill in their bodies.

"Phantom Sword!"

The bamboo sword in the hands of the old curator moved. At this moment, it seemed that the entire sword hall was filled with afterimages of the latter's bamboo sword. Those countless shadows passed by, which made many sword hall disciples startled. He exhaled, this kind of sword skill is no longer described as dazzling, it is truly hype!

"Thousand Demons' Longevity Chanting!"


The Cursed Blood Sword in Yang Fan's hand suddenly burst into an incomparably ferocious light, and the entire dojo instantly turned into a Shura hell, and countless resentful ghosts emerged from the ground, rushing towards the countless sword qi!

bang bang bang ————

The sound of collisions erupted continuously in the air, and small explosions continued to resound, everyone's eyes were filled with shock.

bang bang bang———

The space in the sword hall was overwhelmed, and the beams and windows of the house were directly smashed!

It even made a big hole in that hard wall!
The collision of this sword is quite ferocious, the most important thing!
When the sword energy fell, it was discovered that the two had fought to a tie, neither winning nor losing, the old curator's sword hadn't touched Yang Fan at all, and Yang Fan's sword energy also dissipated invisibly, It's amazing.

This is the real master.

In the duel between masters, even the sword energy is so accurate,

"Good swordsmanship!"

The old man gave a low shout, and a gleam burst out of his eyes.

It seemed to be a little excited, and he took a step forward, as if he wanted to continue to shoot. Yang Fan didn't have the slightest fear, and turned the edge of the cursed blood sword in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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