Chapter 86
"Ding——congratulations to the host, the basic sword skills have been upgraded, and the current level is 2."

"Ding——congratulations to the host, the basic sword skills have been upgraded, and the current level is 3."

"Ding——congratulations to the host, the basic sword skills have been upgraded, and the current level is 4."

"Ding——congratulations to the host, the basic sword skills have been upgraded, and the current level is 5."


"Ding——congratulations to the host, the basic sword skills have been upgraded, and the current level is 9."

E-level sword skills need to consume 10 skill points for each level, and Yang Fan spent 90 skill points to upgrade the basic sword skills to level 9.

"Ding——Basic sword skills have reached the advanced standard, may I ask the host if it is advanced."


Yang Fan said in his heart, seeing a flash of light, Yang Fan felt that there seemed to be a warm current in his body. This warm feeling is very familiar, and it is a feedback to the host's body after the improvement of skills.

Always want some benefits for the host, what if one day the host is unhappy and hangs up directly.

When looking at the basic sword skills, the attributes also changed slightly. "

Basic sword skills (D): Level 1, basic attack increases by 500 points, every time you practice sword, you can restore 100 points of essence, and you need 50 skill points to upgrade.

D-level skill improvement requires [-] skill points, which seems a little expensive. Yang Fan doesn't plan to continue to improve now, so let's stabilize in this state first.

On the Jianxuan Continent, few people study the basic sword skills carefully, and Lin Xilei, under the guidance of Yang Fan, is also diligently studying and practicing hard. In the room, she recreates the basic sword skills that have been lost for a long time. Pick it up, and practice every move in a very standard way.

Basic sword skills are only the lowest level, the most common sword skills, and it can even be said that they have no power at all. They are just showy when used, and even the moves are not very good-looking, but in Lin Xilei's view, what Yang Fan said, There must be a reason for him.


Lin Xilei was waving the ancient feather sword under the candlelight. The next moment, it seemed that there was a breeze from the window, and the candle on the table was blown out, but her intuition told Lin Xilei that it was not so simple, it seemed that someone broke in.


This was the sound of stepping on the wooden board, and Lin Xilei's vigilance burst immediately.

"not good!"

A strong aura came from behind, Lin Xilei didn't know if there was anyone behind her, but this aura only took the head of her own head!
Subconsciously, Lin Xilei swung the ancient feather sword, and with a bang, this move unexpectedly showed the basic sword skills unconsciously, and a plum blossom dart fell aside with a bang.


But that powerful force still forced Lin Xilei back a few steps, and hit the table all of a sudden.


Lin Xilei didn't pause at all. In this ever-changing situation where life and death were on the line, if she stayed where she was, she would basically become a living target for the other party.

"Thousand Demons' Longevity Chanting!"

At this critical juncture, Lin Xilei actually used Yang Fan's sword skills, but the demonic energy that filled the sky had not yet appeared, and the sword energy had dissipated. Obviously, this sword was not learned at all, but at this moment time.

Lin Xilei has already found the figure of the other party, on the roof!

Immediately, Lin Xilei stomped her feet, and she rushed up to the house. The sword energy swept out, breaking a big hole in the roof. The person on the roof also screamed, and stepped back a few steps. Unexpectedly, Lin Xilei found her figure so quickly!

"Where is the little thief, dare to assassinate me!"

Lin Xilei said coldly, there was a man in black standing on the opposite side. The man in black was silent, but he was holding a bamboo tube in his hand. When she saw the bamboo tube, Lin Xilei was startled. I smelled an unusual fragrance, but it was just a smell left after training.


In an instant, Xilei Lin wanted to use her kung fu to force out the poisonous gas in her body, but in that instant, Xilei Lin felt that her hands were weak, her whole body was weak, her headache was about to split, and the sword in her hand fell involuntarily.

Seeing Lin Xilei who fell down, the man in black stood up proudly.

"There's never been anyone I can't kill with blood!"

Xue Sandao sneered, as the silver medal killer of Xueyue Tower, this time someone offered him a high price to assassinate a little girl who was no more than an intermediate swordsman, which really made Xue Sandao's mouth crooked. It must have been too easy,

In the early years, Xue Sandao had obtained a secret of lightness kung fu, and with the addition of refining some poisons and learning some simple dart skills, he was often able to kill the target without anyone noticing it, and at the same time quietly left Without leaving any traces, he has been a killer in this Blood Moon Building for more than ten years.

What kind of order has not been accepted, as long as he is killing a high-level swordsman, he can become a gold medal killer. At that time, he can accept more orders and earn more money. The name Dao makes people in the world tremble.

But Lin Xilei was just fainted by the drug, and she still needs to step forward to make up for it.

Just as Xue Sandao was walking forward, a cold voice sounded behind him.

"If I were you, I would hand over the antidote, and then tell the person behind the scenes, maybe I can save my life."


With Xue Sandao's lightness skills, there are still people who can easily approach him. When Xue Sandao turned around, he saw a young man in white standing behind him, and it seemed that he had been here for a long time.

"Who are you!"

Yang Fan smiled slightly, and slowly raised a palm.

"You have ten seconds to think about it."

In fact, Yang Fan had already noticed that the bloody sword was approaching, but after knowing that the opponent's strength was mediocre, Yang Fan also chose to wait and see what happened, and let Lin Xilei deal with it by herself. Lin Xilei performed well and was able to calm down in such a short time Come down, and use the Ten Thousand Demons' Longevity Chant to find the other party's location. This is indeed a very smart approach.

Relatively speaking, it is already very good.

Yang Fan asked himself that he might not be able to do so well.

But now that Lin Xilei has passed out from poisoning, Yang Fan will naturally appear.

"Looking for a dead boy!"

Xuesan Dao has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, when was he frightened by a few words from a kid, at that moment Xue Sansao also stretched out his hand, and countless plum blossom darts turned into raindrops and sprinkled towards Yang Fan.

Yang Fan stretched out his hand and slapped it out, and suddenly a gust of wind knocked out all those darts, and they landed in front of his feet one after another.

"Master! Withdraw!"

Xue Sandao immediately understood that this Yang Fan is a master among masters, if he continues to stay here, he is very likely to be taken down by Yang Fan, but if he talks about escaping, Xue Sandao will be the second in Fengyun City, and no one will dare to recognize the second one.

"Broken Sword Finger!"

(End of this chapter)

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