Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 1 Galen's Passive

Chapter 1 Galen's Passive

"Xiao Yu! Xiao Yu! My name is exactly the same as mine. Is this a coincidence? Or is God playing tricks on me?"

When Xiao Yu woke up, his identity was no longer a college student in the city, but a dandy of the Xiao family, one of the four major families of the Fire Cloud Empire. Obviously, he had crossed over.

"If you want to time travel, find me someone who looks like a human being. Apart from his human-like appearance, what other aspects of this guy are human-like?"

Xiao Yu was blowing his hair in distress. Now his limbs are completely broken and he is lying on the bed powerlessly.Before Xiao Yu was 16 years old, he lived in the capital of the Fire Cloud Empire. His father was the number one general of the Fire Cloud Empire at that time, with outstanding military exploits and awe-inspiring power all over the world.Unexpectedly, he was trapped in a heavy siege during a battle. Although he broke through and escaped in the end, he was also seriously injured.When he was dying, he entrusted Xiao Yu to his old friend Yang Shucheng.Xiao Yu himself didn't know his father's intentions, why didn't he let him stay in the family, stay in the capital and continue to enjoy himself, he heard that his father wanted Yang Shucheng to take him away, but he was unwilling to take him away, but Yang Shucheng forcibly took him away. A remote town in Wangdu, Fanyun Town, joined a local branch of the Duanyun Sect.

At first Xiao Yu really wanted to sneak back to the capital, but after being captured countless times by Yang Shucheng, he finally gave up on this idea, but Xiao Yu never changed his mind. The female disciples in the hall.Although his strength is not good, everyone sees that Yang Shucheng swallows his anger for the sake of Yang Shucheng's face, and he becomes more and more unscrupulous.But this time he got into trouble, trying to molest the granddaughter of the great elder of Yun Fen Zongtang. The grand elder who was enraged by thunder broke his limbs, severely injured him, and was expelled from the Fen Zongtang.

The Great Elder usually had some quarrels with Yang Shucheng. After Xiao Yu's accident, Yang Shucheng could not seek justice for Xiao Yu. First, Xiao Yu wanted to molest the Grand Elder's granddaughter first.Second, the Great Elder's strength is similar to that of Yang Shucheng, and the final result can only be a loss for both sides.

Xiao Yu's limbs were severed and his injuries were serious. In fact, he died on the second night, but Xiao Yu, a modern college student, transmigrated and possessed him. It can be said that the current Xiao Yu is a combination of the two. The will is dominated by the modern Xiao Yu, and he still has all the memories of the Fire Cloud Empire Xiao Yu.

"Hey!" Xiao Yu sighed, and said to himself, "You are comfortable, just go and finish the job, and I will stay and suffer."

Xiao Yu tried to move his limbs, but apart from the pain, it was still pain, and he didn't feel anything else.The Great Elder was extremely cunning and ruthless, and used his vitality to shatter his limbs and joints. Unless there is a high-quality elixir, there is no way to heal him, let alone restore him. The dignified master also has no ability to get it. .

"Little Feather!"

A rather handsome middle-aged man walked in, looked at Xiao Yu on the bed and sighed heavily.

"Uncle Yang!"

Xiao Yu called out bitterly, that's what Xiao Yu used to call Yang Shucheng.

"Xiao Yu, Uncle Yang is sorry, I can't kill that old bastard for you."

Yang Shucheng sat by the bed and blamed himself.

"It's not your fault, Uncle Yang, it's all my fault for being ignorant and molesting other people's granddaughters to make this happen. Now I have to blame myself."

Xiao Yu shook his head calmly. Although he is a college student, his mentality is extremely mature.

"No, Xiaoyu, you made a mistake, the whole matter is not that simple!" Yang Shucheng said with a little anger in his tone, "I went to investigate, there is another article on this matter, remember the message Liu Piaoxu gave you before?" Black-bone chicken soup? You don’t think it’s strange, Liu Piaoxu hated you so much, why did she suddenly make soup for you?”

Liu Piaoxu is the granddaughter of the Great Elder of the Duanyun Fenzong Hall, Xiao Yu is naturally not a fool, he suddenly recalled that before the incident was indeed very strange, Liu Piaoxu, who had always avoided him, would be very courteous to him , and cooked a pot of black-bone chicken soup for him. At that time, Xiao Yu was very beautiful, so he raised his head and drank the whole pot of black-bone chicken soup without thinking. Things will happen later.

"Could it be?"

Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed.

"That's right, there must be something wrong with the pot of black-bone chicken soup, but there is no evidence that she used it."

Yang Shucheng nodded, his expression slightly cold.

Xiao Yu frowned, if this was the case, then it was really a conspiracy against him, but what was their purpose?I am a playboy who has lost his power, and his talent is extremely poor. What exactly are the elders and his granddaughter Liu Piaoxu plotting about him?

"They are coming after me!" Yang Shucheng seemed to see Xiao Yu's confusion, "The Great Elder has long wanted to replace me as the head of the Duanyun sect, but he never had the chance. One hand, he can use our relationship to make a big fuss and report to the branch sect. I guess he will say something like this: "Yang Shucheng wanted to cover up and indulge his nephew Xiao Yu to do evil in the branch sect hall. Normally, I have tolerated it everywhere." Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu insulted my granddaughter this time. I couldn't bear it anymore, so I punished him.' In this way, he can not only show his generosity in front of the master of the branch sect, but also make your limbs broken. The matter seems reasonable, and now you have less chance to entangle his granddaughter, and more importantly, you can sue me, this is really a sinister plan that kills four birds with one stone."

The more Xiao Yu listened, the wider his eyes widened. This matter has exceeded the limit of his patience. He never imagined that he has been treated as a pawn to deal with Yang Shucheng's pawn.


Xiao Yu wanted to smash the bed, and the excitement caused injuries all over his body, grinning his teeth in pain.Only then did he realize that he couldn't do anything with his current self, even if he wanted to vent his emotions.

"Xiao Yu, don't get too excited."

Yang Shucheng pressed Xiao Yu's shoulders, fearing that if he moved indiscriminately again, the injury would worsen. His old friend entrusted Xiao Yu to him, but he failed to take care of him, and even had his limbs amputated. He is also very depressed now.

"Uncle Yang, I understand."

Xiao Yu sighed, didn't speak any more, just stared at the ceiling blankly.Yang Shucheng wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

"Uncle Yang, go and do your work, I want to be quiet!"

Yang Shucheng looked at Xiao Yu with a complicated expression, and nodded.

"Okay, I still have some things to deal with. If you have anything to do, let Xiaohong call me. Uncle Yang will definitely help you."

After Yang Shucheng finished speaking, he left. Xiao Yu was very depressed. In modern times, he had been imprisoned for three months because of being wronged. The severed limbs cannot be treated, and he has completely lost the ability to move.He is very clear that in this world of martial arts, he is now a useless person.

"God let me pass through to suffer, right? Grass!"

Xiao Yu couldn't help cursing.

"Toughness! If you don't receive any damage within seven seconds, you will automatically recover from the injury!"

Xiao Yu was still cursing God, but a piece of information suddenly flashed in his mind, and at the same time, some green fluorescent lights appeared on his body.

"Huh? This is?" Xiao Yu exclaimed, "Galen's passive skill?"

(End of this chapter)

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