Chapter 10 Horned Dragon
The huge lightsaber suddenly fell, and the ground around Leng Ming was scattered by strong winds, and a terrible wave spread from the middle. Before the lightsaber landed, there was already scattered power to blow the ground away. The righteous power of Demacia is indeed It was extremely terrifying, and this was the first time Xiao Yu used this trick.

Leng Ming's whole body was hit by a thunderous destructive blow, and now he is completely unable to move. He can only slightly raise his eyelids to watch the lightsaber being pressed down from the top of his head.


Suddenly a rush of breaking wind sounded from the other side, Xiao Yu's eyelids moved, and he saw a huge spear of vitality shooting towards him fiercely, and the moment the huge lightsaber slashed down, the spear of vitality came at the same time, viciously Hitting on the lightsaber, Xiao Yu's blow with all his strength was unexpectedly exploded, turning into countless light spots and dissipating in the air. Xiao Yu's whole body was shaken, the ground under his feet was sunken, and a powerful Yuan Qi had locked onto it. over him.


Xiao Yu felt a violent force coming from above his head, and he immediately pulled away and retreated. At this moment, a person fell from the sky, only a huge roar was heard, smoke and dust were everywhere, and fallen leaves were flying.Xiao Yu stood in front of Lin Qingbing, looking forward vigilantly, a tall and strong figure holding a spear appeared in the haze of smoke and dust. He was ugly, but he was extremely strong, with strong and bulging muscles and protruding veins .

"Hey, I didn't expect that Leng Ming would fall into the hands of a kid who just stepped into the Yuan Condensation Realm. You surprised me."

The muscular man holding a spear looked at Xiao Yu with a disgusting smile on his ugly face.


Lin Qingbing whispered in her heart, she had already guessed the identity of the person who came, and because of this she began to feel indescribably flustered, but she still pretended to be calm on her face.

"who are you?"

Xiao Yu's expression was solemn, this ugly man gave him a very dangerous feeling, the fluctuation of vitality in his body was only stronger than Leng Ming's, and now he and Lin Qingbing were in a very dangerous situation.

"Me? If someone else asked me, I would definitely not answer, but you, who can capsize Leng Mingdu's gutter, are qualified to know my name."

The ugly man looked extremely conceited, the spear in his hand suddenly stabbed out, Xiao Yu subconsciously took half a step back, but he realized that the ugly man did not attack him, the point of the ugly man's spear was pointing to the ground, only a few slight hummings could be heard, Two large characters have been drawn on the ground in front of the ugly man, which are the characters of this world.

"A horned dragon?"

Xiao Yu cast a questioning look at Lin Qingbing, and found that Lin Qingbing's whole body was trembling slightly, and her eyes were fixed on the horned dragon, as if she wanted to eat its flesh raw, but Xiao Yu saw more from the depths of her eyes. But it is a kind of fear from the heart.

"How scary is he?"

Xiao Yu turned his head to look at the horned dragon, feeling uncertain in his heart, but his whole body was full of strength, ready to meet the fierce attack of the horned dragon at any time. Since he had taken the first step in protecting Lin Qingbing, he had to go to the end.

"'Red Spear' horned dragon!" Lin Qingbing fixed her eyes on the ugly and vulgar horned dragon, and her eyes seemed to burst into flames, "I ask you, did you torture and kill a student of Tianyun Academy in Yunduan Mountains half a year ago? ?”

"Oh?" Qiu Long looked at Lin Qingbing, seemingly a little surprised, "As one of the core disciples of Duanyun Sect, Lin Qingbing, the 'sword girl', actually knows the students of Tianyun Academy, which really surprises me .”

At the end of Qiu Long's speech, an evil lewd smile suddenly appeared on his face, he licked his lips and said, "I know what you want to ask, I did kill that female student, I have to say that you school disciples and school students are really The skin is tender and the meat is tender, that female student made me enjoy it very much, hahahaha!"

The horned dragon laughed wildly, his voice was extremely loud, mixed with powerful vitality, it shook the surrounding trees to shatter and explode, and Xiao Yu was also shocked to take a step back.

"Although this horned dragon is arrogant, its strength is indeed extremely powerful. I don't think even Uncle Yang is his match."

Xiao Yu was frightened inwardly. With his current strength, it would be foolish to fight against the horned dragon. He had to find a way to escape, and he had to bring Lin Qingbing along with him.


Lin Qingbing looked at Qiulong, and the anger in her heart had reached an unstoppable level. She clenched her fists tightly, her nails had already sunk into her palm, and drops of blood flowed down her palm.

"Hmph!" Qiu Long stopped laughing, looked at Lin Qingbing lewdly, and continued, "It seems that the female student must be your very good friend, that's why you are so angry, but don't worry, I'm very happy." Soon you will get the same fate as her, I have long wanted to taste the taste of 'Sword Girl' Lin Qingbing."

Lin Qingbing was trembling with anger, Qiu Long's attention was focused on the face full of anger but still overwhelming, and he felt more and more excited.


Xiao Yu was overjoyed, and when Qiulong was distracted, he suddenly activated it, only to see his figure flash, and he had already appeared behind Qiulong.


The horned dragon's perception is so keen, the moment Xiao Yu disappeared, he already sensed that something was wrong, and the moment Xiao Yu appeared behind him, the spear in his hand had already stabbed out, pointing directly at Xiao Yu's heart.


Xiao Yu was taken aback, his always invincible Shunbu was seen through, but the tip of the spear had already touched his chest in a short while.

"It's not that simple to kill me!"

Xiao Yu was also forced out of blood by this fatal blow. He suddenly turned sideways, his body spun around in place, the tip of the gun brushed his side, and at the same time kicked out violently with his right foot.

"The Raptors swing their tails!"

Xiao Yu's right foot kicked up a strong cyclone, and the air was rubbed together to create a piercing hum. A red light flashed, and the surprise in Qiulong's eyes couldn't be overstated. Under the state, the speed of contact was extremely fast. Xiao Yu kicked the horned dragon heavily in the abdomen, and its sturdy body was shot forward like a cannonball. The strength of Xiao Yu's kick can be imagined.

The horned dragon broke three big trees and fell to the ground without moving. Xiao Yu panted heavily, but his face showed a look of joy, the result of this kick was finally achieved.

"The big move of the blind man is indeed a handsome posture and great strength."

Xiao Yu smiled brightly, and nodded towards Lin Qingbing.Lin Qingbing was really stunned this time. If it was considered luck that Xiao Yu was able to defeat Leng Ming with one blow before, then flying the horned dragon now is definitely a manifestation of real strength.Just as he was about to ask, Xiao Yu suddenly moved, he put Lin Qingbing on his back, and rushed towards the direction Lin Qingbing had mentioned before, the speed was many times faster than before.

Not a moment after Xiao Yu left, the horned dragon who was lying on the ground like a dead dog made a movement. He slowly got up with a cruel smile on his face.

"Interesting, it can knock me into the air. Today, I will definitely kill you."

The horned dragon raised its head to the sky and roared loudly, the low-level spirit beasts all around retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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