Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 100 Feifeng City, Liu Family

Chapter 100 Feifeng City, Liu Family
The most important word in Poyuan Realm is the word "po", which must be broken to stand. In the stage of vitality, the dantian is the place where vitality is accumulated, but it is also the place where vitality is bound.Before Xiao Yu's dantian was stirred by the strange energy released by the sacred veins in his body in the field of the emperor of war, and finally countless dense small holes appeared. Yes, but this last step required a huge external force, Xiao Yu was enraged to fight against Tianlei, and the power of Tianlei penetrated into his body, completely breaking his dantian, and thus he was able to enter the Shattering Origin Realm.

It is true that the Holy Venerable's divine veins are damaged, so it is indeed impossible to break through to the Poyuan Realm, but Xiao Yu is different, he himself has amazing characteristics.The Holy Venerable's veins are connected to the gods, even the damaged Holy Venerables can feel Xiao Yu's spiritual power, under his spiritual power, the Holy Venerable's Divine Veins are stimulated again, recovering a little power.

There are no absolutes at this time, even if this rule does exist, it definitely does not apply to Xiao Yu, not for anything else, just because his name is Xiao Yu.

"Broken Yuan Realm, this is the power of the Broken Yuan Realm, it is simply a world of difference compared to the peak of the Broken Yuan Realm."

Xiao Yu sat cross-legged in the room, traces of light blue light were released from his body, he clenched his fists, feeling the surging power in his body, he really wanted to cry up to the sky.

"Unexpectedly, the Changchun Xinxin Dafa of the Bloodthirsty Sect has no effect on me, but I broke through to the Poyuan Realm by accident."

Xiao Yu laments that the world is impermanent, and everything seems to be a coincidence.

"Now it's time to deal with what you promised."

Xiao Yu touched his waist, and there was a token made of white marble hanging on the belt, and there was also a gold-plated "Liu" character on it, which was the token left by Liu Mubai to represent the identity of the Liu family.

Feifeng City is only a second-class small city in the Fire Cloud Empire, with a population of only 80. However, Feifeng City is self-sufficient and martial arts are also prevalent. The proportion of martial arts practitioners in it is probably the highest among all cities in the Fire Cloud Empire. The biggest one is that no less than 80 of the 40 people are martial practitioners.

The Liu family in Feifeng City was originally a second-rate family, but because of the birth of two brothers, Liu Mubai and Liu Muhei, the family has become a first-rate family in Feifeng City, and has faintly become the first family in Feifeng City signs.

The most important thing in such a family is not the current strength, but the potential of these people in the future. Liu Mubai and Liu Muhei have excellent talents. Liu Muhei is even more powerful. He is only one year older than Liu Mubai, but he is already a strong man at the seventh level of the Shattering Yuan Realm. The younger generation of the main branch of the Duanyun Sect is on the ranking list.The potential of the two of them in the future can be said to be extraordinary, everyone knows what such an age at the Shattering Yuan Realm represents, which means that in the future, there will likely be two masters at the Shattering Yuan Realm in the Liu family, and even a master at the Concentrating Soul Realm.

The Yuan-shattering masters are unique in the entire Feifeng City. Except for Feifeng City Lord Aotian, no family in Feifeng City has a Yuan-shattering master.

Therefore, many people expressed their friendship to the Liu family one after another, and they were extremely courteous. Although those old first-class families were not so exaggerated, they also wisely chose not to make enemies with the Liu family.All these are aimed at the two brothers of the Liu family. Once the two brothers of the Liu family lose their brilliance, the fate of the Liu family will never be restored.

It has been two days since the trip to the Death Canyon ended. Liu Dao, the head of the Liu family, is sitting in the hall of the Liu family at the moment, with a look of grief on his face. He is in his 40s, just in the golden age of his life, but at this moment, he is like an old man. Like an old man, he was haggard and extremely haggard.

He had just received Xiao Yu just now, and his two sons had all died in the Death Canyon.This trip to the Death Canyon between the Duanyun Sect and the Tianyun Academy was not informed to the outside world. After the team headed for the Death Canyon set off, the disciples of the Duanyun Sect and all the students of the Tianyun Academy were ordered to stay in the gate, not allowed to go out, and not allowed to go out. Communication with the outside world, so Liu Dao didn't know the news that the two sons entered the Death Canyon.

But with the return of the death canyon team, the news of Liu Mubai and Liu Muhei's death also spread.For other places, the death of these two people was insignificant at all, not even causing any ripples, but for Feifeng City, the news spread extremely quickly.

The mother of the two brothers of the Liu family, that is, Liu Dao's wife Xu Yan, fainted immediately after hearing the news of the death of the two sons. The Liu family paid a lot of supplies. After all, the disciples in the sect died, and their sect has an inescapable responsibility.

"Heaven perishes my Liu family, heaven perishes my Liu family!"

Liu Dao muttered in his mouth, love to death, he not only has to accept the heart-piercing heartache, but also faces all the shocks that the Liu family will encounter in the future. To add insult to injury to the Liu family.Many people are like this. When others are prosperous, they try their best to please them, but when they are down, they want to trample on them.

"Patriarch, the Patriarch of the Wang family is here! He said he has something to see you!"

An old man dressed as a house slave walked in and bowed to Liu Dao.

"Wang Lin?"

Liu Dao sneered in his heart, he didn't expect to come so fast.

There was a touch of sadness in Liu Dao's heart, the tree fell and the monkeys scattered, this is the eternal law.He stood up tremblingly and walked towards the waiting room.

Sitting in the living room of the Liu family was a middle-aged man in fine clothes, with a haughty look on his face, his eyes glanced around the Liu family from time to time, with a trace of greed in his eyes, he was Wang Lin, the head of the Wang family in Feifeng City.

"Patriarch Wang, what wind brought you here?"

Liu Dao walked into the living room and said politely to Wang Lin.

"Patriarch Liu, how are you doing these days?"

Wang Lin's words seemed to be a greeting, but in fact, he was putting salt on Liu Dao's heart. How could he be safe after his two sons died tragically?
"Everything is fine, please worry about Patriarch Wang!"

Liu Dao's eyelids trembled slightly, trying to keep his voice calm.

"Really? Then I won't beat around the bush. That's it. I want to get back the blood jade unicorn that I gave to Patriarch Liu back then!"

A sneer flashed across Wang Lin's mouth, and he cut to the chase.

"Blood jade unicorn?"

Liu Dao was stunned. This blood jade unicorn was sent to the Liu family by the younger generation of the Wang Lin faction back then, and it was also meant to show favor to the Liu family. The Liu family took it seriously.This Wang family is an old first-class family in Feifeng City. The Liu family lost the two brothers Liu Mubai and Liu Muhei, so they will not take the Liu family seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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