Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 1000 Overlords Gather

Chapter 1000 Overlords Gather
Bei Luo has always been ruthless, no matter who the enemy is, even his own relatives, he will never hold back his hands, and his hostility is daunting.

The long knife on his back is named "Yan Luo", and just hearing the name of this knife makes people feel chills.

The Yan Luo Dao is a divine tool in the world, with extremely strong attack power and unsurpassed power, and Bei Luo is able to resonate strongly with the Yan Luo Dao, reaching the realm of the unity of the human sword, the mind is free, and the power is endless.

Similarly, this person is also highly anticipated, and the proud daughters of countless forces in the Dragon Realm hope to marry him. He is also romantic and has a lot of women, but it has never been heard who he wants to spend time with.

There are also ten people behind Bei Luo. He and Tian Yanyue had fought briefly before. Now that the two meet again, there is an unusual aura in the air.

But the last party had pitifully only three people.

Lei Zhengyang, Liao Baihe, and the muscular monk all looked at the two teams in front of them solemnly, and they didn't expect to encounter these powerful enemies here.

Although the three of them are all masters of the younger generation in the Sanctuary, the two teams in front of them each have as many as 11 people, and there are two leaders with unfathomable strength. It is undoubtedly a dream for them to win.

It's just that they have shown up before, and it would be embarrassing and embarrassing if they escape at this moment, and even if they escape, they may not be able to get away. I am afraid that none of the 22 people will be weaker than the three of them, so they can only force Scalp left.

But what made them rejoice was that Tian Yanyue and Bei Luo never looked at them from the beginning to the end, on the contrary, the two kept looking at each other with strong provocative intent in their eyes.

"Tianyanyue, I have a lot of women in Beiluo, but I have never met one like you, hey!"

Bei Luo grinned, and his words were very frivolous.

Tian Yanyue's beautiful eyes did not change in any way, she did not immediately get angry because of Bei Luo's words.

Her voice was like an oriole in the deep valley, and she said calmly: "You are indeed not qualified to touch me."

Bei Luo raised his gaze, and his desire to conquer Tianyanyue was rapidly expanding.He has never met an opponent in the younger generation in the Yangshen Domain, but the short fight with Tian Yanyue before made him feel very fresh.

The reason why he has never had a relationship with any woman beyond the physical body is because he does not think that these women are worthy of him, but Tian Yanyue is different, no matter in terms of strength and identity, he is enough to match him, a young man in the Dragon Domain. A generation of overlords match.

"Tianyanyue, I'm suddenly very interested in you. After this matter is over, I will definitely let my great-grandfather go to your Polongyu domain to propose marriage."

Bei Luo speaks without any scruples. He never believes that any woman can resist his charm, because he thinks that there is no man in the younger generation who can compare with him.

"If you can defeat me, I will accept this matter!"

Tian Yanyue was unhurried, her voice was ethereal and pleasant, but everyone could already hear the faint chill inside.

"Really? Then of course I won't let you down!" Bei Luo smiled, but his gaze suddenly turned to Lei Zhengyang and the others.

"But now, there are still some things we need to solve, don't you think?"

Tian Yanyue also looked away, and landed on the three of Lei Zhengyang, there was no fluctuation in her beautiful eyes, as if the three of Lei Zhengyang were already dead.

"Hey, in the battle of the three major domains 20 years ago, almost all the people in the sanctuary were killed or injured, but this time the people in your sanctuary are not bad, at least they haven't escaped from us."

There was a strong mockery in Bei Luo's tone, and it was almost an unwritten consensus that the Sanctuary was the weakest among the three domains.

Lei Zhengyang, Liao Baihe, and Muscular Monk were all stiff. Looking at this posture, it seemed that Bei Luo was already planning to attack them.

"Hmph, the Yangshen Realm may not be much stronger than the Sanctuary. 20 years ago, my Sanctuary suffered a disastrous defeat. This time, I believe the result will be completely different."

Although Lei Zhengyang was worried, he was not afraid of death. Even in death, he still had his own dignity, which no one could trample on.

"Oh?" Bei Luo's proud face still had an expression of arrogance. He rubbed his palms and said with a smile, "I'd really like to see if your so-called completely different results will really happen?"

After Bei Luo finished speaking, his gaze suddenly turned cold. He took a step forward, and an extremely terrifying aura erupted and permeated the air, causing Lei Zhengyang and the three of them to freeze. Gradually dissipating their fighting spirit.

Seeing the pale faces of the three of them, Bei Luo sneered and said, "The results are different? It's really shameless, I might as well tell you that Polongyu and Yangshenyu have never put Sanctuary in their eyes, and your Sanctuary will lose back then." This misery is also due to the combination of Polongyu and Yangshenyu."


Lei Zhengyang looked at Bei Luo in astonishment, but he believed eight percent of what he said.

"Your sanctuary has lost its spirit mountain. How can our Yangshen domain and Polong domain allow you to rise again? This so-called Desperate Island War is a trap laid by Polong domain and Yangshen domain for your sanctuary. Your fresh blood is cut off, and you will never be able to regain the peak of prosperity."

Bei Luo said word by word, his eyes suddenly turned to Tian Yanyue, and he grinned: "Aren't you going to make a move?"

Tian Yanyue took a look at Lei Zhengyang and the other three, and had already led the troops to the other side.

"I, Tian Yanyue, will never take advantage of others' dangers. This matter is between you and them. It has nothing to do with me, and it has nothing to do with Polongyu."

Tian Yanyue's words undoubtedly showed her attitude, which made Bei Luo's face show a touch of anger.Obviously Tian Yanyue didn't intend to admit what he said about the Polongyu Yangshenyu teaming up.

However, whether Tian Yanyue made a move or not didn't have much impact on Bei Luo.He will never let Lei Zhengyang and the three of them go today.

"I said that you will die today, do you believe it?"

Bei Luo glanced indifferently, his voice full of annoying arrogance.

Lei Zhengyang was furious in his heart, but before he could reply, a voice hit back mercilessly one step ahead of him.

"I do not believe!"

The voice was young and full of magnetism, and the three of Lei Zhengyang immediately beamed with joy when they heard this voice.

Both Bei Luo and Tian Yanyue looked up at the sky, and there was a man in white clothes standing in the air, holding an unparalleled beauty and charming woman by his left hand, and standing beside him was a handsome man in black robe.

"Broken Dragon Realm and Yangshen Realm are very powerful, but I, Xiaoyao Yuntian, don't like this!"

The man in white had brought the two of them to the side of Lei Zhengyang and the other three, his eyes met Bei Luo's without giving in.

Happy Sky of Sanctuary is here!
The three overlords of the younger generation of the three domains actually gathered here.

(End of this chapter)

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