Chapter 1025 Surprise
"This kid, if he really came from that place, he's really in trouble!"

King Langya looked at Xiao Yu who was covered in scars, and felt a little dignified in his heart.

If the old monsters from those places came out, he would definitely not be able to join in.

Xiao Yu was covered in blood, and fell to the ground along his body. His injuries were extremely serious.

This is the second time he has been seriously injured since his strength improved.

The first time was because of Xiao Yun's sneak attack, and the second time was because of King Langya in front of him.

In the face-to-face battle, he was injured so badly.

"This is the power of the Martial God Realm?"

Xiao Yu sighed in his heart, according to the current situation, he didn't know what realm he had to reach in order to have the power to rival the masters of the Martial God Realm.

Although he can be said to be invincible under the Martial God Realm now, if he wants to truly compete against the Martial God Realm, he may need to go up two more realms to reach the seventh or even eighth level of the Primordial God Realm.

"Today's situation is very bad. If you want to deal with him, I'm afraid you can only rely on the addition of the holy vein."

Xiao Yu straightened his chest, his eyes were cold.Over the years, there are not a few opponents who are stronger than him, but as long as there is not a huge difference in realm, he will not be defeated. Even if he really surpasses him by a lot, he is fearless and fights bloody to the last moment.Although King Langya in front of him was powerful, it was not enough to make him bow his head and admit defeat.

King Langya stood motionless in the sky, showing no tendency to launch an offensive.

This made Xiao Yu very strange.

"What does he want to do?"

Xiao Yu noticed that King Langya frowned slightly, as if he was in trouble.

"Boy, who are you?"

King Langya asked suddenly.

"What?" Xiao Yu was startled, he didn't expect King Langya to ask this question suddenly.

"You talk too much nonsense!"

Although Xiao Yu was seriously injured, he still spoke with confidence and his prestige was astonishing.

A pair of tiger eyes glowed with a little bit of brilliance, and they kept locking on King Langya.

The more Xiao Yu was like this, the more suspicious King Langya became, and the people who came out of that place were unwilling to reveal their identities.

"No, this kid has the Immortal Flame and the ability to leapfrog fighting. His absolute identity is not simple. It is very likely that he is someone from that place. If I am against them, this recovery will be meaningless."

"Boy, I see that your cultivation is not easy to come by. I don't want to obliterate a genius master. The previous matter, even if I avenged the Langya evil beast, from now on, we are both clean."

King Langya's thoughts changed, and he finally made up his mind. With a flash of his figure, he disappeared, leaving only one sentence behind.

Xiao Yu couldn't understand why King Langya insisted on taking his life before, but now he left suddenly.

"Is he injured too?"

Xiao Yu felt something was wrong when he thought about it. Although he just cast the magic dragon to increase his strength, he definitely did not reach the point where he could hurt King Langya.

"What conspiracy does he have?"

Xiao Yu's injury gradually recovered under Galen's passiveness, but King Langya's sudden departure made him uneasy.

How did he know that King Langya stopped attacking because he was afraid of his status.King Langya had been recovering for a long time. Although his strength was still strong, he hadn't reached its peak. He didn't want to be hunted down by people from that mysterious place because of Xiao Yu.

Others may not know how powerful that place is, but he knows it very well, not to mention him alone, even if he had such a huge power of the Langya Dynasty ten thousand years ago, he would be defeated in just an instant in front of the people in that place. subversion.

That is the gap between God and man
King Langya's retreat was very wise, and he chose to leave before Xiao Yu planned to use the power of the Holy Vein.If he insisted on taking Xiao Yu's life, it would definitely be a bloody battle.

At this moment, he does not have a physical body. Although Xiao Yu is not as powerful as him, but with the bonus of the holy vein, he will be infinitely close.Coupled with the hero's skills, it is still unclear who will win.

King Langya is worthy of being a hero, he is very cunning, his decision today allowed him to escape with his life today.

Xiao Yu's injuries were recovering in sevens and eighties, and Xiaoyao Yuntian and others had already withdrawn from Despair Island and joined the Ten Great Saints.

Seeing the return of Xiaoyao Yuntian and others, Saint Tianyan couldn't calm down.

They don't know whether Xiaoyao Yuntian and others got the spirit gathering plate.If the Spirit Gathering Disk is not found, it would be meaningless to kill all the people from the other two domains.

Xiaoyao Yuntian and the others were followed by the troops from the Dragon Realm, and the Spirit Gathering Disk had been acquired by the Sanctuary, and the battle on the island of despair had been declared over.

Xiaoyao Yuntian stepped in front of Saint Tianyan, and took out the spirit gathering disk from his arms.

"Senior Tianyan, brother Xiao got this!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian didn't hide anything, and directly put all the credit on Xiao Yu.


The Heavenly Flame Saints were ecstatic, and they directly grabbed the Spirit Gathering Disk that exuded a faint radiance. For this thing, they did not know how much they sacrificed and paid, and today they finally got their wish.


Both King Beixuan and Tian Mingzun's complexion changed drastically, it was extremely difficult to see.

The battle of the three domains of Desperate Island is the most important for the sanctuary, because they must find the spirit gathering disk to save their own region, and they do not necessarily need to find the spirit gathering disk for breaking the dragon domain and the Yangshen domain, as long as they prevent the sanctuary from getting the spirit gathering disk. The disk is the biggest victory, but now the people in the sanctuary have brought back the spirit gathering disk.

"Yan Yue, what's going on?"

Tian Mingzun looked at Tian Yanyue with a dull tone.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I'm not their opponent, to be precise, I'm not his opponent, everyone in Yangshen Domain was killed by him."

Tian Yanyue sighed softly, facing Xiao Yu's terrifying combat power like a god of war, she really couldn't muster up the courage to fight against him.

"Who killed the people from our Yangshen Domain? Tell me!"

King Beixuan rushed over in an instant, wanting to grab Tian Yanyue and force him to question her.


Tianmingzun's power exploded, and he confronted King Beixuan, both of them were shaken.

"King Beixuan, what do you want to do?"

Tian Mingzun said in a cold tone.

"Say, who killed my grandson."

King Beixuan looked at Tianyanyue with red eyes, his anger had already overwhelmed him.

"King Beixuan, I think the most important thing now is not to clarify this matter!" Tian Mingzun said through a voice transmission, "The sanctuary has obtained the spirit gathering plate, if the spirit mountain is rebuilt, our painstaking efforts over the years will be in vain. In vain, I propose that our two domains join forces to keep the people of the sanctuary here forever."

King Beixuan was taken aback by Tian Mingzun's words, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.If Polongyu and Yangshenyu join forces, they will have more than twenty super-god masters, and it will not be difficult to deal with the top ten saints in the sanctuary.

Sensing the sudden sharp gaze of King Beixuan, the ten great saints all turned their heads away and began to be on guard.

(End of this chapter)

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