Chapter 103
As soon as Xiao Yu let go, Mu Yun slipped from the air and was supported by several Mu family disciples.

"Thank you, Your Excellency! Thank you, Your Excellency!"

Mu Yun clasped his fists at Xiao Yu again and again. Although he felt resentful in his heart, he never thought about how to get revenge on Xiao Yu. He couldn't afford to offend someone with such strength, even their entire Mu family. If Xiao Yu gets angry, it is very possible to destroy the entire Mu family.

"The people of the Liu family are not something you can move, remember this for me. Get lost!"

Xiao Yu snorted coldly, Mu Yun was so frightened that he regretted again and again, and hurriedly left with a group of disciples.The members of the Liu family felt a burst of joy when they saw the Mu family's pissed-off look.At the same time, he was full of admiration for this strange young man. Xiao Yu didn't look like he was only in his late teens, but he had the strength to intimidate a family with every gesture, which was simply unheard of.

"Everyone, come to see Young Master Xiao!"

Liu Dao summoned all the members of the Liu family to meet Xiao Yu.

"Young Master Xiao!"

Nearly a hundred people bowed to Xiao Yu, this was Xiao Yu's first time, he waved his hand to signal everyone to get up.

Liu Dao arranged a feast for Xiao Yu, and his wife Xu Yan was also present at the table.Xu Yan was a beauty when she was young, and she is also a beautiful woman now, but at this moment she is still immersed in the pain of losing her son, and she looks very haggard and unwell.

There are three elders in the Liu family, First Elder Liu Xiong, Second Elder Liu Ping, and Third Elder Liu Kong. They are all brothers of Liu Dao. The three of them went out to deal with affairs before and only came back at night. That's when they heard about Xiao Yu.

The three of them were also very surprised when they saw Xiao Yu. They had heard that there was an extremely powerful helper in the family. They thought it was a middle-aged man in his 40s, but they didn't expect it to be a man in his late teens. youth.However, after the guards in the family who had seen Xiao Yu's attack learned of Xiao Yu's horror, they all put away their contempt.

"Young Master Xiao, I, Liu Kong, offer you a toast. It is a great honor for such a young hero to know you. It is a great gift for my Liu family to have your protection. I will do it first!"

The third elder, Liu Kong, drank it all in one gulp. Seeing how bold this person was, Xiao Yu also liked him so much, he also drank his cup full.

"Young Master Xiao, I dare to ask you a question!"

After drinking a glass of wine, Liu Kong said.

"But it doesn't matter!"

Xiao Yu made a gesture of invitation.Strange to say, Xiao Yu always treats the strong with arrogance, but always treats the weak with courtesy, this may be his innate character.

"Master Xiao is from our Fire Cloud Empire, but as far as I know, only the children of the five major families of the Fire Cloud Empire are the only ones who can have such talent, and the son's surname is Xiao. I guess Mr. Xiao is one of the five major families of the empire. People at home, don’t know if my food is right?”

Liu Kong talked eloquently, and his analysis was reasonable.


When Xiao Yu heard the word "Xiao's family", the quilt in his hand was suddenly crushed into pieces.

Liu Kong was startled, and hurriedly confessed: "Mr. Xiao redeemed, I don't know what I said to offend you!"

Xiao Yu suppressed the killing intent in his heart, waved his hands and said, "It's nothing, I just remembered some past events, I'm not from the Xiao family."

Everyone noticed that when Xiao Yu said "I am not from the Xiao family", his tone was full of determination.

"Could it be that this person has a problem with the Xiao family?"

All the people present were old and refined people, and they could vaguely guess some from Xiao Yu's tone.

Xiao Yu made such a fuss in Feifengcheng, and the news spread. Almost all the major families knew that the Liu family had a strong supporter, and they sent out words to protect the Liu family. The head of the Mu family, Mu Yun, was in the hands of that person. Incomparably, this made some other established first-rate families dare not take advantage of the Liu family, let alone those second-rate families whose strength was comparable to the Liu family.

Mu Yun didn't dare to provoke the Liu family or Xiao Yu, but that didn't mean others didn't dare.

At this time, the Patriarch of the Wang family, Wang Lin, was writing vigorously at home, as if he was writing a letter.

After writing the letter, he called: "Come here!"

Two middle-aged men came in from the door and said respectfully: "What is the order of the Patriarch!"

"This letter, please send it to Xiao's house, the capital of the empire, as quickly as possible!"

The two middle-aged men put away the letter and took orders to leave.

Wang Lin's face was gloomy, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "How dare you treat me like this? No matter where you come from, I will make you regret coming to this world!"

Xiao Yu didn't have much to do at Liu's house, he planned to stay for two more days and then went to see Yang Xiruo, and after that they parted, he didn't know what happened to Yang Xiruo now, and Lin Qingbing also made Xiao Yu miss him very much.I don't know why, Liu Piaoxu, a woman who made her feel very disgusted, also flashed in his mind many times.

"What's wrong with me?"

Xiao Yu shook his head, always feeling that he couldn't calm down recently.I will always think of these women.He lay on the roof of Liu's house, looked up at the sky, and immersed himself in nature.


Suddenly there was a loud noise from the Liu family, as if something exploded, Liu Dao, Liu Xiong, Liu Ping, and Liu Kong rushed out of the inner hall first, and found that the signboard of "Liu Mansion" on the gate of the Liu family was smashed into pieces and scattered on the ground. Outside the gate, the guards of the Liu family were all covered in blood, and fell unconscious. There were three people standing outside the gate, with haughty expressions, looking at Liu Dao and the others who had just come out jokingly.

Behind these three people followed Wang Lin and some elite members of the Wang family. It seemed menacing. Liu Dao and the others secretly thought that it was not good. They had already recognized the leader of the three people, to be exact Clothes, those are the clothes owned by the Xiao family, one of the five great families in the empire, and only the Xiao family dares to wear such clothes.It seems that the three members of the Xiao family are on the side of the Wang family.

"Too bad, how could the Wang family have any relationship with the Xiao family of the empire?"

Liu Dao secretly groaned in his heart, although Xiao Yu is powerful, but the Xiao family's masters are unknown, of course he didn't know that Xiao Yu had stepped into the Shattering Yuan Realm.

This Wang Lin's wife is a collateral branch of the Xiao family, and the leader of the three in front of him is Wang Lin's wife's elder brother. They have received a letter from Wang Lin here to help the Wang family.

"Old man Liu Dao, you don't need to talk any more nonsense. Give me half of your Liu family's property today, and let that brat come out, and I will forget about what happened that day. Otherwise, let everyone in the Liu family live today." , restless!"

Looking at the ugly look on Liu Dao's face, Wang Lin laughed wildly.

How powerful the Xiao family of the empire is. Although these three are only the backbone of the Xiao family, they are enough to deal with Xiao Yu. These three are all masters at the peak of the Shattered Yuan Realm, and even half of their feet have stepped into the broken Yuan realm. Even though they relied on the effects of pills to improve, their strength is definitely enough to rule the roost. Looking at Feifeng City, the only one who can defeat the three is the city lord Aotian.

The three members of the Xiao family did not speak, but looked at Liu Dao with half-smiles, as long as Liu Dao said no, they would strike with thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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