Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 1042 The Forest of Wild Beasts

Chapter 1042 The Forest of Wild Beasts
The cool wind was bleak, Xiao Yu was in a primeval forest, and from time to time there was a low roaring sound.

"It looks like this is a desolate place!"

Xiao Yu shook his head lightly, but he was not in a hurry to leave this primeval forest. This was his first stop when he first arrived in God's Domain, and he also wanted to have a better understanding of the situation here.


There were continuous sounds of piercing in the sky, Xiao Yu couldn't help but look up, his eyes slightly surprised.

These human masters passing over the primordial forest are all masters of the super god realm, and the strongest has reached the eighth level of the super god realm.

Logically speaking, the primeval forest should be an area where humans rarely set foot, but now there are no less than fifty super god-level masters.


Xiao Yu felt three different auras coming from behind him quickly, and they had already arrived at his side in an instant.

He turned his head and saw that two men and a woman were already standing behind him on the left.The handsome man and the charming woman, the three seem to be a team.

At this moment, the three of them looked at Xiao Yu with strange eyes. They really couldn't figure out how a kid at the fifth level of the Primordial Spirit Realm had the guts to enter this forest of wild beasts. Could it be that he also wanted to fight for the so-called Wild beast essence?Isn't this courting death?
Xiao Yu glanced at the three of them indifferently. Their strengths were all in the eighth level of the Super God Realm. If they were placed in the three major domains or the Shenwu Continent, they would definitely be top-notch geniuses. Even Xiaoyao Yuntian could not compare to them.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of God's Domain. How many generations of hidden dragons and crouching tigers are there?"

Xiao Yu shook his head lightly, turned around and continued to walk forward, step by step very steadily, it seemed that the three people behind him had nothing to do with him.

Seeing Xiao Yu ignoring them, the three of them showed a bit of surprise, and then the man in blue was full of anger.

"Boy, stop!"

There was a hint of a sneer on his handsome face, the fifth level of Yuanshen Realm dared to be so arrogant in front of him, it was courting death.

"Are you talking to me?"

Xiao Yu glanced at him sideways, his eyes didn't fluctuate at all, let alone the awed gaze they thought the weak looked at the strong.

"At the fifth level of the Primordial Spirit Realm, it's better not to rush around in this forest of wild beasts, lest there will be no bones left, and I happen to be the one to attack, why don't you come to be my attacker? I will guarantee you nothing will happen."

The young man's eyes were slightly playful, he clearly wanted to tease Xiao Yu.In this place of God's Domain, with the strength of Yuanshen Realm, except for those powerful forces and disciples of sects, casual cultivators almost all become servants of other people, which is really a great sadness.

The other two glanced at Xiao Yu, the young man didn't speak, but the beautiful woman frowned and said, "Mo Luo, let's forget it, we are here this time for the spirit of the wild beast, there is no need to make extra trouble."

Mo Luo was the man in blue. He smiled gently at the woman and said, "Xiaoya, you don't have to worry, a kid with a fifth level of primordial spirit is nothing extra."

The woman named Xiaoya always felt that something was wrong, but Mo Luo's character was like this, and she finally didn't say anything.

"Boy, how do you think about it? This young master is the grandson of the law enforcement elder of Yaohuang Tiandi. After following me, few people dare to bully you. Of course, except me, haha!"

Mo Luo laughed wildly, but he did have that capital. In the entire God's Domain, his reputation is also great, and the Demon Emperor Tiandi is a first-class force in the God's Domain. Regardless of his talent and background, he is better than others. People have to be too strong.

"Demon Emperor Heaven and Earth?" Xiao Yu shook his head lightly, then turned around directly, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested."

Xiao Yu's attitude made Mo Luo more angry. He was about to make a move when a powerful aura enveloped him instantly. It was a terrifying force that had at least reached the peak of the super god state.

"It's the beast essence!"

Once the power was released, the expressions of all three of them changed. Mo Luo glanced at Xiao Yu with a cold look.

"Boy, you are lucky. I don't have time to play with you now, so I will let you go. Remember not to be so arrogant in the future. At this age, you have just reached the fifth level of Yuanshen Realm. You are only worthy of being someone else's slave."

Mo Luo sneered, his figure had already soared into the sky, and the other two followed quickly.

Xiao Yu didn't reply, at this moment, a huge palm print descended from the sky, it was right at him.

"The people of God's Domain are really a little crazy!"

Xiao Yu shook his head lightly, this palm was obviously sent by Mo Luo, everyone had already left, and he said to let him go, but this palm was obviously intended to kill him.

If it's really an ordinary fifth level of Yuanshen Realm, I'm afraid it will be reduced to dust under this palm.


The huge explosion resounded, and the corner of Mo Luo's mouth, who was tens of thousands of feet away, curled up with a cold arc.

"Boy, this is the price of being arrogant with this young master!"

In his heart he thought that Xiao Yu was dead, and there was a touch of joy in his heart.

"Mo Luo, you're killing people casually again!" The beautiful woman called "Xiao Ya" by Mo Luo frowned, "I told you, you can't kill innocent people indiscriminately, have you ever heard half of it?"

Mo Luo's complexion immediately sank: "Lin Qiuya, you are my fiancee, not my enemy. I don't want to listen to your accusations every day. You don't need to teach me what to do."

With a hint of sullenness on Lin Qiuya's face, she said in a deep voice, "Mo Luo, if I could choose, I really don't want to be your fiancee."

"What did you say?" Mo Luo's complexion changed, and he was about to explode on the spot. Seeing that the situation was not right, the man in white at the side hurriedly stopped him.

"Now is not the time for internal strife. The wild beast essence is ahead. More than [-]% of the young masters in the God's Domain have come here. If we don't unite, the chances of winning the wild beast essence will be very low."


Mo Luo snorted coldly and turned his head away. Lin Qiuya sighed inwardly, but kept her gaze in front of her.

Thousands of miles away, powerful forces have already collided with each other, and it is obvious that someone is fighting.

This time, the battle of wild beasts and essence is indeed a battle between dragons and tigers.

A young man whose strength has reached the second level of the Super God Realm is constantly flashing in the sky. He also has great ideas about the beast essence, but his strength is not ranked here among the geniuses. He is the only one here this time. The idea is to get acquainted.

"Brother, I want to ask what are they fighting for?"

An extremely abrupt voice rang in his ears, his heart trembled, and he almost fell from the sky.

A handsome young man was standing beside him with a smile on his face, it was Xiao Yu.

"You... who are you?"

The young man looked at Xiao Yu in astonishment, and realized that Xiao Yu's strength had only reached the fifth level of Yuanshen Realm, but even he didn't know when Xiao Yu appeared beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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