Chapter 1056
The woman who appeared in front of Ao Zixuan is really not the kind of person that should be in this world, that kind of beauty is already detached, people dare not look at her but can't help but focus on her.

Every part of its body seems to have been meticulously crafted by the heavens, without any excess or waste, every part is just right, the proportion is perfect, which makes people jealous.

Although Ao Zixuan never thinks that her appearance is so great, she also believes that few people can surpass her.But the moment she saw this woman, she knew that she had lost, completely lost.

"You are here, finally here!"

The woman smiled sweetly, even this woman Ao Zixuan almost lost her mind, the beauty of this woman is really too shocking.

"who are you?"

Ao Zixuan came back to her senses and asked tentatively.

"Child, I am the ancestor god!"

The woman called herself Patriarch God, her tone was extremely soft, Ao Zixuan felt very kind when she heard it, like her own mother.

"Are you an ancestor god? Why can I see you?"

Ao Zixuan said strangely.

"This is the space of the ancestral gods. You have the same Qinglian Jingshen body as me, so you can communicate with me, and no one else can."

The ancestor god smiled and said, her voice is soft and soft, always able to hit people's heart directly, making people yearn for it.

Before Ao Zixuan opened her mouth, the ancestor god continued: "Child, are you willing to accept my inheritance?"

At the beginning, Ao Zixuan had the mentality of giving it a try, but after seeing the ancestor god, she was completely overwhelmed by its beauty and temperament. Hearing this question, she subconsciously nodded.

The reason she came here was to get the inheritance, so that she could have the strength to fight against these old guys, and find a chance to leave and return to Xiao Yu's side.

"Okay, since this is the case, child, you need to listen to my words, don't resist, give your body to me completely, understand? Otherwise, if you are careless, the inheritance will fail, and your life will be lost."

The tone of the ancestor god is still so kind.


Ao Zixuan didn't have the slightest defense, she completely trusted her, she calmed down and let her body and mind relax.

An inexplicable smile flickered across the corner of Zushen's mouth, and Ao Zixuan suddenly felt a splitting headache, as if something was fighting deep in her brain.


She cried out in pain, her brows were already knit together, and she asked softly, "God Ancestor, what's going on, it's so painful!"

The ancestor god replied: "Child, your consciousness is resisting my entry. Only when I enter your brain can I completely release the inheritance and let you understand. Now you are trying to accept me and accommodate me."

Ao Zixuan nodded lightly, trying to disperse her thoughts, the pain in her brain really disappeared a lot, and in the next moment, the voice of the ancestor god sounded again.

"Son, you trust me so much, in order to repay you, then I will" the voice of the ancestor god suddenly became sharp and cunning, "I will not be polite."

Ao Zixuan's heart was shocked, but in the next moment, her consciousness was imprisoned by a powerful spiritual force, and she instantly lost the ability to control her body.


Ao Zixuan knew that she had been fooled, the ancestor god didn't want to pass it on to her, but wanted to take the opportunity to seize her body, she was defenseless and completely gave her body to the other party.

"Brother Xiao Yu, save me!"

In despair, Ao Zixuan only thought of Xiao Yu, her consciousness gradually fell into a deep sleep, and then fell into silence.

At the same time, the "Ao Zixuan" who was sitting cross-legged in the strange pattern suddenly opened his eyes, a flash of lightning flashed, and a powerful force erupted, and the whole person's aura was completely different from before.

She turned her head to look at the old man, with a scheming smile hanging on her beautiful face.

"Luo Tianhuang, thank you for your hard work."

She parted her red lips and smiled.

Hearing these words, Luo Tianhuang's eyes showed extreme ecstasy.

He directly knelt down on one knee and bowed down to "Ao Zixuan".

"Welcome to the return of the ancestor god!"

"Ao Zixuan" had a smug smile on her face, she stood up, her eyes suddenly became extremely cold, and the cold light flickered.

"From today onwards, the Temple of My Ancestors will start a plan to fight for hegemony in the God's Domain. Those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish."


Xiao Yu, who was far away in the sky, suddenly opened his closed eyes and let out an exclamation.

Just a moment ago, he felt an extremely strong idea, which made him very familiar, and he could be sure that it came from Zixuan.

"what happened?"

Xiao Yu's complexion was gloomy, since she combined with Liu Piaoxu, a psychic sensor, she also possessed certain sensory abilities, and Ao Zixuan and other women fell in love with him one by one, so he naturally brought such a feeling to her. ability.

He and the girls are in the same mind, and Ao Zixuan will send out such a powerful idea, which proves that something unusual must have happened.

"Bastard, if something happens to Xuanxuan, I will make the entire God Realm be buried with her!"

A cold light flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes, his fists were clenched and creaked, and the anger in his heart could burn the space.

It was already dawn, Xiao Yu felt something, and when he looked back, Qiu Dongluo was already standing not far behind him.

"Son, it's time, are you ready?"

There was a hint of seriousness in Qiu Dongluo's tone. Although Xiao Yu possessed combat power beyond the peak of the super god realm, the magic fire carried in the immortal fire was so powerful that even Donghuang Taiyi and other superpowers could do nothing about it. Awakening the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and attracting the magic fire into his body, Xiao Yu is really in a very critical situation, even if he dies at that time, he may not be able to save Xiao Yu.


Xiao Yu stood up, his eyes were extremely firm, no matter it was for Donghuang Taiyi or Ao Zixuan, he had to go this time, even if he would die, he would do his best to persevere until the last moment.

"Okay, let's go!"

With a wave of Qiu Dongluo's cuff, Xiao Yu had disappeared with him, and when he reappeared, Xiao Yu found himself in a dark place.

Although it was dark, there was an extremely fiery terrifying fluctuation all around. It was the fluctuation of the Undead Divine Fire, but it had a lot more violent aura than the normal Undying Divine Fire.

"This is the Demon Emperor's Hall!" Qiu Dongluo pointed to a completely enclosed cave in front of him, "That's where the patriarch sealed himself, and no one has touched it for thousands of years."

Xiao Yu looked at the completely sealed mysterious cave, and his heart was extremely complicated. As soon as he got close to the entrance of the cave, he could feel the blood in his body continuously boiling, as if being drawn by some mysterious force.

"Grandfather Donghuang Taiyi, is he in this cave?"

(End of this chapter)

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