Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 1063 The Powerful Dong Huangtai 1

Chapter 1063 The Powerful Eastern Emperor Taiyi
"Today, anyone who breaks into my Demon Emperor's world will be killed without mercy!"

As soon as Dong Huang Tai's words fell, a murderous intent filled with the breath of death immediately spread, completely covering the entire Demon Emperor's world.

Xu Ziliang and the others felt a chill in their hearts. Although they were not very familiar with Donghuang Taiyi, they had all heard that there was an ancient demon emperor who was once shocking and invincible in the world of demon emperors.

Fame may not be the standard to measure a person's strength, but it is definitely enough to show how terrible this person is.

The fact that they gathered here today means that only Qiu Dongluo and other masters in the Demon Emperor's world are certain, but they have a private deal with Jialongzun. people.

But now a patriarch of the Demon Emperor Heaven and Earth suddenly appeared, and even Jia Longzun looked extremely ugly when he saw this person, which could let them know how difficult Donghuang Taiyi is to deal with.

This is definitely a super master whose strength is comparable to that of Jialongzun.

Donghuang Taiyi's cold and murderous words also made De Jialongzun's heart skip a beat. Ten thousand years ago, he and Donghuang Taiyi were friends, and he still remembered Donghuang Taiyi's ruthlessness and methods. Now He chooses to be the opponent of Donghuang Taiyi, which is definitely not a wise choice.

But the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, he has been forced to a situation where there is no way out, no matter what, he must take over this battle.

"Eastern Emperor Taiyi, you don't need to scare these juniors. I really want to learn how the peerless demon emperor who was known as invincible ten thousand years ago still has some style."

Jialongzun forced himself to calm down, his tone full of challenge.

He has always had the idea of ​​competing with Donghuang Taiyi, but ten thousand years ago, he lacked courage, because his strength was quite different from Donghuang Taiyi, but after ten thousand years, he had already stepped into the fifth level of the Martial God Realm Above the realm, he believed that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi would not be much stronger.

"Jialongzun, do you think you can catch up with me if I don't come out for ten thousand years?"

Donghuang Taiyi smiled faintly, and the smile suddenly became cold and terrifying.

"Let me tell you, no matter when, you Jialong Zun is just a poor person walking behind me in my eyes. One move is enough to deal with you."

After Donghuang Taiyi finished speaking, a jet-black pattern of flames suddenly appeared on the palm of his hand. The flames swelled and spread to the surroundings. His entire arm was covered by black flames. The flames were burning fiercely, and the terrifying temperature swept across the world.

This is the natal flame of the ancient demon emperor, the immortal fire.

"Undead Prison, trapped by flames!"

He let out a low cry, and swung his palm suddenly, countless sparks flew out of the flames that covered his arm, and rushed directly towards Jialongzun.

Jia Longzun's face was serious, he didn't dare to neglect Donghuang Taiyi, facing the sparks flying all over the sky, his divine power frantically shook, forming a huge barrier of divine power in front of him, which was extremely strong and indestructible, he wanted to destroy these All the sparks were intercepted.


A muffled sound resounded through the clear sky, and those sparks were covered by Jialongzun's divine power barrier, and sparks exploded on it, one after another extremely gorgeous.

Dong Huangtai's face remained unchanged, it seemed that he expected these sparks to be blocked.


He opened his mouth slightly, his fingers trembled slightly, and the sparks covering the protection of Jialongzun's divine power exploded a second time in an instant, converging into a huge wave of fire that swept across the sky.


Jia Longzun was startled, before he could move, the fire wave had gathered into an impenetrable fireball, wrapping him in it.

"Bastard, break it for me! The ancestor god seals the devil's palm!"

Jialong Zun was frightened and angry, he slapped out his palm, and the huge palm print containing the power of the ancestor god bombarded the endless wall of fire in front of him.


The flames scattered, but there was no sign of breaking, and it was still so indestructible, firmly controlling him within it.


Jialongzun saw that his all-out blow had no effect, he was terrified, and a feeling of extreme uneasiness welled up in his heart.

The surrounding flames squirmed violently, and then gradually pressed towards him, and the space inside the fireball gradually decreased. If this continues, Jialong Zun will definitely be sealed in it, and there is no way to do it.

At this moment, Jialong Zun just felt that life and death were alternate. One second ago, he was still demonstrating against the juniors in the Demon Emperor's World, but the next moment he was instantly trapped in the flame sphere by Donghuang Taiyi.

"East Emperor Taiyi, I admit defeat!" Jialongzun knew that he could not break through this extremely strong fireball, he made a decisive decision and shouted, "I have learned your strength today, I am ashamed, come to you Demon King!" The world is caused by my greed, we should be friends anyway, there is no need to go to this point of life and death, if you let me go, I promise that I will never fight against anyone in Yaohuang Tiandi again in my lifetime."

Jialongzun's almost pleading voice came from the fireball, Xu Ziliang and other masters of the Wuji sect were terrified, and had the urge to turn around and run away.

Jialongzun is considered an incomparable existence in God's Domain, but such a super master couldn't even move a single move in the hands of Donghuang Taiyi, and immediately there was a voice begging for mercy, and the two judged each other. The gap is too obvious.

They came here to provoke the Demon Emperor's world, this is undoubtedly courting death.But now, under the gaze of Donghuang Taiyi's indifferent eyes, they didn't dare to make the slightest move, for fear that a single thought would bring about a cruel blow from the other party.

Hearing Jialongzun's begging for mercy, Donghuang Taiyi didn't change his expression at all, he looked at the burning fireball in front of him, and sneered.

"Jialongzun, it's ridiculous for you to say this. You have hands and feet, and I didn't invite you to this Demon Emperor's world. Now that you are here to attack and treat my disciples so cruelly, you still want to I let you go?"

Donghuangtai changed his tone, showing a strong killing intent.

"I've said it before, those who break into the Demon Emperor's world today will be killed without mercy, including you!"

Jia Longzun was terrified and wanted to do something, but suddenly realized that the shrinking speed of the fireball suddenly accelerated, and he was completely suppressed in an instant.

His limbs and head were completely squeezed by the flames. If it wasn't for his powerful body protection, he would have been instantly wiped out under the terrifying temperature.

But even so, the divine power in his body was being burned bit by bit, and when his divine power completely melted away, that was the time of his death.

"Eastern Emperor Taiyi, don't go too far. I am a member of the Ancestral Temple. If you kill me, the Ancestral Temple will definitely not let it go."

Knowing that Donghuang Taiyi didn't mean to let him go, Jialongzun could only play out the last hole card.

"The Temple of the Ancestors?" Donghuang Taiyi's tone was quite disdainful.

"If they were beheaded by me because of you, and they want to seek bad luck from my Demon Emperor's World, then go ahead and come. Why should my Demon Emperor's World be afraid?"

(End of this chapter)

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