Chapter 1065 Gambling
His chest rose and fell slightly, and this was the only evidence that he still had signs of life.

From head to toe, it was scorched black, and his handsome face had long been invisible.Qiu Dongluo and the rest of the Demon Emperor's World felt really bad after knowing that Xiao Yu gave up his life to save his ancestors.

Donghuang Taiyi is their patriarch, but it needs Xiao Yu, who is not a demon emperor, to wake him up with his life.

Although each of them firmly believed that if they were themselves, they would not hesitate to sacrifice themselves to awaken the ancestor, but if they were about to face a choice, they knew that they might not have 100% courage.

Just for this point alone, Xiao Yu's temperament is thousands of times stronger than theirs, and the courage to risk one's life and give it a go is not something they can possess.

"Xiao Yu, I'm the one who's sorry for you!"

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi stood beside Xiao Yu, with remorse and helplessness in his eyes, he was in a sealed state, and had almost no sense of the outside world, so Xiao Yu sacrificed himself to absorb all the undead magic fire, so that he could not die at all. There was no way to react, and it was too late to stop it.

From the first moment he saw Xiao Yu, he knew that this young man was the next successor of the Immortal God Huo that he left behind in the Eastern Royal Family, and his phantom of the Demon Emperor had already told him everything.

"Patriarch, is there any way to save him?"

Qiu Dongluo's face was solemn, Xiao Yu fell into a deep sleep, his whole body was pitch black and extremely hot, and there was a huge violent force lurking in his body. If he was not careful, it might explode completely. At that time, the immortal fire would burn the world, I'm afraid Even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is difficult to suppress.

"I do not know either!"

Donghuang Taiyi shook his head lightly, even though he was powerful, he was still not absolutely sure that he could wake Xiao Yu up.

"Patriarch, there is one thing I don't quite understand!" Elder Tianqing asked, "You said that the immortal fire is the most evil thing in the world. Once it invades the human body, it will cause immeasurable damage. If it doesn't It is quite powerful, and it will definitely kill you instantly, but Xiao Yu's strength has not reached the Martial God Realm, but he was not burned to death by the undead fire, why?"

The rest of the elders were also very curious. Of course they didn't want Xiao Yu to die, but the fact that Xiao Yu didn't die gave them a considerable degree of shock. This kind of behavior of actively absorbing the undead magic fire would kill even them instantly.

"Come here and feel it yourself!"

Dong Huangtai pointed to Xiao Yu and stood aside.

Qiu Dongluo walked out first, his palms slid lightly around Xiao Yu's body, and his eyes suddenly focused.

"This..." Qiu Dongluo said in surprise, "There is a magical force that completely shields Xiao Yu's vitality, and the immortal fire can't disturb it at all. What exactly is this?"

The rest of the elders also noticed the power after the test, and they all looked shocked.At a young age, Xiao Yu's strength was strong enough to compete with the top geniuses in the God's Domain, and now he still had such a miraculous power in his body that even the Undead Demon Fire couldn't do anything about it.

"Have you ever heard of the Divine Vein of the Holy Venerable?"

Donghuang Taiyi suddenly asked.

"Holy Venerable Divine Veins?" Qiu Dongluo was startled, and then said in horror, "The Patriarch is talking about the most mysterious and powerful Holy Venerable Divine Veins among the four great Divine Veins?"

"That's right!" Dong Huangtai replied, "That's right, there is such a magical thing in Xiao Yu's body."


All the elders were terrified. The sacred vein of the Holy Lord, known as the ancient supreme, was the ancient divine vein that Xuanyuan Huangdi had just now. After tens of millions of years, only one Batian God of War from the lower realm had appeared with the divine vein of the Holy Lord. Unexpectedly This powerful divine vein actually appeared on Xiao Yu's body again.

"The power of the Holy Veins is unpredictable, no wonder the Immortal Fire can't swallow Xiao Yu's life force now!"

All the elders nodded lightly, with the body protected by the divine veins of the Holy Venerable, Xiao Yu's life can be temporarily unhindered.

"Don't be too optimistic!" Dong Huangtai said, "Xiao Yu still has his mind at this moment, and it will be the best time to rescue him at this time. If he waits until the immortal fire swallows his mind, even if he wakes up, That's just a useless person."

"Then how do we save him?"

This time it was the Third Elder Mo Tianshen who spoke this time. He hated Xiao Yu deeply before, but now he really wanted to save Xiao Yu's life.

He admired Xiao Yu's behavior of sacrificing his life for righteousness.

"There is only one way!" Donghuangtai said together, "The power of the demon emperor."

"Use the power of the Demon Emperor?" Only Qiu Dongluo and the Great Elder were present who knew about it. The power is too domineering. If the strength has not reached the fourth level of the Martial God Realm, you must not use the power of the demon emperor privately, otherwise you will explode and die. Although Xiao Yu is a talent in the sky, he is still young after all. The power of the emperor acts on him, will this hasten his death?"

Qiu Dongluo was worried about Xiao Yu's safety, so he couldn't care less about offending the Patriarch at this moment.

Donghuang Taiyi didn't care, he smiled and said: "If other people whose strength is lower than the fourth level of the Martial God Realm use the power of the Demon Emperor, they will definitely die without life, but Xiao Yu is different, he will definitely not die."

"Why is this?"

Everyone was puzzled, could it be that Xiao Yu had other differences besides the divine veins of the sage?

"Because his name is Xiao Yu, this is enough!"

Donghuang Taiyi's tone was extremely low, but his words were full of incomparable confidence in Xiao Yu.

His explanation left the elders speechless, they didn't know why Donghuang Taiyi was so confident in Xiao Yu.

"It's not too late, Xiao Luo, go and bring over the power of the Demon Emperor that I left behind."

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi ordered.


Qiu Dongluo didn't dare to neglect, and immediately went to his residence, and found a dark black box in a very hidden place.

When he brought the box back, everyone could feel the berserk power coming from the box, which was even worse than the undead fire.

"Is this the power of the Demon Emperor?"

Elder Tianqing was very surprised. He had stayed in the Demon Emperor's World for nearly ten thousand years, but he had never noticed the existence of this thing.

"The power of the Demon Emperor is too domineering, so I used this black box to seal it, so that everyone has not noticed it."

Qiu Dongluo explained to everyone.

Dong Huangtai held the black box in one hand, with a hint of determination in her eyes.Although the vitality in Xiao Yu's body is maintained by the divine veins of the Holy Venerable, it is gradually weakening every moment. If the light of life is completely dimmed, Xiao Yu will not be able to save it even if it is the Daluo Immortal. It was a desperate move, but it was already the only feasible way.

If it succeeds, Xiao Yu will live; if it fails, Xiao Yu will die.

(End of this chapter)

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