Chapter 1069

Three days passed, and the information group of Yaohuang Tiandi finally reported back.

Above the main hall, Qiu Dongluo said to Xiao Yu and Dong Huangtai together: "Patriarch, Xiao Yu, according to the reported news, I haven't heard of any faction that has a figure like Ao Zixuan."

After Qiu Dongluo said this, he glanced at Xiao Yu. Although Xiao Yu's expression was slightly ugly, he was not too out of character.

This result was also expected by him, after all, God's Domain is so vast, it is really difficult to find someone without clues.

"Master, work hard!"

Xiao Yu cupped his fists to Qiu Dongluo to thank him. Although there was no news, Yaohuang Tiandi must have done his best.

"Whatever, you are the descendant of the patriarch, so your affairs are naturally the affairs of the Demon Emperor's world."

Qiu Dongluo shook his head lightly, these things were just trivial things to Xiao Yu.

Donghuang Taiyi tapped lightly on the marble table, and suddenly he thought of something.

"Yu'er, are you willing to join the Demon Emperor's World?"

Donghuang Taiyi suddenly asked.


Xiao Yu replied without hesitation, in this God's Domain, although his current strength is already considered a strong player, but standing behind a party will make him more secure in many things.

"Okay, Xiao Luo, pass on my order, and Xiao Yu will immediately become the chief guest elder of the Demon Emperor's World, with rights equal to yours."

The Eastern Emperor Tai waved his hand, and his tone was unquestionable.


Both Xiao Yu and Qiu Dongluo were taken aback, Xiao Yu was shocked because of the sentence "the rights are equal to you", while Qiu Dongluo was shocked because of the position of chief guest elder.

The chief guest elder of Yaohuang Tiandi has strict requirements since the establishment of this position. Among them, the requirements for strength are extremely strict, and that is to reach the fifth level of the Martial God Realm.

Therefore, the position of Chief Guest Elder has been vacant for ten thousand years, because no one in the Demon Emperor World has reached this level except Donghuang Taiyi.

But it is different now, although Xiao Yu's combat effectiveness after promotion has not been shown, it has obviously been recognized by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and this position is given to Xiao Yu, which is indeed well-deserved.

"Grandfather, this."

Xiao Yu didn't have any objection to this position, but he felt that he had too much power and was on an equal footing with Qiu Dongluo, which meant that he didn't take others seriously.

"Why, you don't want to do it?"

Donghuang Taiyi seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Of course not. I can accept this position, but I don't need any rights. In my opinion, one patriarch and one sect master are enough for Demon Emperor Heaven and Earth."

Xiao Yu's words were already very clear, both Donghuang Taiyi and Qiu Dongluo could understand them.

"Child, you don't need to think too much!" Qiu Dongluo laughed, "The chief guest elder has the same rights as the head of the sect. This is the rule set by the patriarch from the beginning and cannot be changed. You have the strength to become the chief guest elder. , then there must be corresponding rights, otherwise wouldn’t it be an empty shell?”

He continued: "I know you are worried about my feelings, but let me tell you, in the Demon Emperor's World, only the strong are qualified to be in the top position."

Qiu Dongluo's words were very serious, he said what was in his heart, Donghuang Taiyi smiled and nodded, he was very pleased that Qiu Dongluo had not forgotten his teachings to Qiu Dongluo until now.

The Demon Emperor's World is a paradise for the strong, and only in this way can everyone be motivated to move forward.

"In that case, Xiao Yu obeys the arrangement!"

Xiao Yu was not a hesitant person either, since Qiu Dongluo had already made his words so clear, it would be pretentious for him to evade.

"Okay!" Donghuangtai said to Qiu Dongluo, "Xiao Luo, go and announce this immediately. Remember, not only to let the inside of Yaohuang Tiandi know, but also to inform the outside world. The crazier the spread, the better." .”

Qiu Dongluo frowned slightly. He didn't understand Donghuang Taiyi's intention in doing this. Although the chief guest elder was a big deal, it was enough for the insiders to know about it, so why should they tell the outside world?
Although he didn't understand, he still turned around and left. Donghuang Taiyi's words had a lot of meaning, if he couldn't figure it out, he just had to execute it.

Xiao Yu watched Qiu Dongluo go away, and suddenly knelt down on one knee in front of Dong Huangtai.

"Grandpa, thank you!"

"Oh?" Donghuang Taiyi was a little surprised, "Do you know what I mean by doing this?"

Xiao Yu said gratefully: "You are doing this to spread my name to the entire God Realm, so that Xuanxuan will have a chance to hear about it, and she also knows where I am, so she can find a way to contact me."

The admiration in Dong Huangtai's eyes was even stronger. He felt that Xiao Yu was simply an all-around talent, but he didn't know that Xiao Yu had already considered this issue long before that.

The news that there is a chief guest elder in Yaohuang Tiandi spread quickly under Qiu Dongluo's deliberate manipulation, and the name Xiao Yu became the focus for a while.

"Who is this Xiao Yu, who actually becomes the Chief Guest Elder of the Demon Emperor's World? It is said that this position can only be held with the approval of the elders of the Demon Emperor's World."

"Shenyu has never heard of such a No. [-] person. Could it be a peerless powerhouse who emerged from somewhere?"

"Improbable! Is a casual cultivator stronger than sect master Qiu Dongluo?"

"It's not impossible. I heard that Xu Ziliang, the suzerain of the Wuji Sect, led people to the Demon Emperor's World to provoke him a few days ago, but in the end there was no news. What Heaven and Earth did, if Demon Emperor Heaven and Earth didn't have a master who surpassed Xu Ziliang, how could it be done?"

There are heated discussions about Xiao Yu's name everywhere in God's Domain. If the situation permits, they really want to meet the real Xiao Yu in the Demon Emperor's Heaven and Earth to see who is sacred.

Ancestral Temple, Sun Palace!
Luo Tianhuang floated in from outside the palace, the ancestor god was sitting cross-legged on a high platform, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, her body exuded crystal radiance, and her whole body was full of immortality, Ao Zixuan's body became stronger than usual under her guidance Even more beautiful and moving, as if to overwhelm all the beauties in the world.

"God Ancestor, there is news from Demon Emperor Heaven and Earth that they have appointed a chief guest elder."

Luo Tianhuang said respectfully.

"The chief guest elder?"

The ancestor god opened his eyes, and said with some doubts: "It is said that the chief guest elder of Yaohuang Tiandi needs to reach the fifth level of Martial God Realm to be eligible to take office. Such a master?"

In the Martial God Realm, it may take a hundred years to advance to one level. If you are unlucky or have insufficient opportunities, it will take longer. There are many Martial God Realm masters who have never taken a step forward for thousands of years. The fifth level is even more difficult. She really doesn't believe that Yaohuang Tiandi can produce such a level of master within ten thousand years.

(End of this chapter)

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