Chapter 1072

"Only number one?"

After listening to Donghuang Taiyi's words, even Xiao Yu was startled.The Wancai Contest is completely a ring battle, only the final ring master can get the honor of No.1, and everyone else will become losers.


When Lin Qiuya and Xiao Jian heard this, they became even more nervous.If it was a team battle, they could still rely on Xiao Yu, but if they were fighting alone, there would be plenty of geniuses stronger than them, and it would be unbearable for them to be ashamed under the eyes of everyone.

"This game is really interesting!"

Xiao Yu grinned, so that he could be a good audience and wait until the last moment to make a move.This is indeed an interesting game.

"You don't have to worry about embarrassment in such a competition!" Donghuang Taiyi has such a good eye, he can see that Lin Qiuya and Xiao Jian are timid at a glance.

"Being able to go up and compete with formidable opponents can greatly improve yourselves. Don't be afraid to fight. My Demon Emperor's world will never produce waste."

Donghuang Taiyi's tone was already stern, and Lin Qiuya and Xiao Jian's performance made him a little dissatisfied.

"Patriarch, we understand!"

Lin Qiuya and Xiao Jian looked ashamed. In fact, they were still ambitious before January, but after seeing Xiao Yu's terrifying strength, they were hit hard, and there was a huge shadow in their hearts.If there are a few monster players who are as strong as Xiao Yu's original strength in this competition, then they are all looking for abuse.

Not everyone can bear the feeling of being defeated in front of so many people.

"Don't worry, you can play this game if you can, and you can retire if you can't. There is no need to work hard here, this is just a game!"

Xiao Yu spoke to the two with the tone of an elder Ke Qing, at this moment, there was a shocking wave in the sky.

Donghuang Taiyi and him looked up at the sky at the same time, where the space exploded, and six figures appeared in it.

The headed one has white hair and white beard, wears a Taoist uniform, and there are endless vicissitudes in his eyes, as if he has seen through the cycle of life and death, which is extremely mysterious.

Four men and a woman stood proudly beside him, their bodies were straight, and each of them had quite arrogance on their faces.

"It turns out that the clothes of the Tianqing Sect have not changed for thousands of years!"

Dong Huangtai smiled.

"Tianqingjiao?" Xiao Yu swept towards the old man, and the old man seemed to sense it, and looked at Xiao Yu at the same time.

The eyes of the two met in the air, and an invisible spark flickered in it.

"This young man."

Fei Longzun was amazed, Xiao Yu's strength was only at the first stage of the Super God Realm, but he was able to look at him without fear of his pressure.

He looked at Xiao Yu's side, his body trembled suddenly.

"That's. That's"

Fei Longzun's eyes were frozen, and there was a trace of fear overflowing from his pupils.A young man beside him asked Fei Long Zun's strange expression.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Fei Longzun didn't answer, it took him a long time to wake up from the shock, the fear in his eyes became more intense, and there was even a layer of fear wrapped in that fear.

"Feilong, I haven't seen you in ten thousand years, you are still the same!"

Donghuang Taiyi sat on the seat, and didn't intend to get up, so he directly greeted Fei Longzun.

The few people around Feilongzun looked at Donghuang Taiyi, and they were all very surprised. Feilongzun, as one of the veteran masters of the God Realm, had a supreme status. Countless people saw him with great respect, even people of the same level would not They called him "Flying Dragon", but Donghuang Taiyi, who had never seen him before, dared to call him by his first name.

The audience around were also shocked, they all wanted to see how Feilong Zun would react.

"I've seen the Demon Emperor!"

Almost everyone thought that Fei Longzun would be furious, but unexpectedly he clasped his fists and saluted the middle-aged man whom he had never seen before, which shocked everyone present.

"No way? Who is that who can make De Feilong Zun salute him?"

"He should be from the Demon Emperor's Heaven and Earth, but why haven't I seen such a person before? Could it be that he is the new Chief Guest Elder of the Demon Emperor's Heaven and Earth?"

"Even if he is really the chief guest elder of the Demon Emperor's Heaven and Earth, it's impossible for Fei Long Zun to respect him so much!"

All of a sudden, countless discussions spread around, and only those well-informed people were thinking about the word "Demon Emperor". shock.

"Don't be too polite, you should also be the master of a super sect now, our identities are equal!"

Donghuang Taiyi did not rely on the old to sell the old, he waved to Feilong Zun gently, motioning him to sit down.

Fei Longzun had received some advice from Donghuang Taiyi at the beginning, and he was respectful and afraid of him, but at the moment, as the leader of his own sect, he naturally couldn't be too cowardly, and after ten thousand years, Donghuang Taiyi The deterrence of the country has been weakened too much.

He brought five disciples to sit down beside Donghuang Taiyi.

"Demon King, everyone in the world thought you were dead, but I never thought you were still alive."

Fei Longzun was greatly moved, the era in which Donghuang Taiyi lived was truly unscrupulous and invincible, and no one could restrain him.

Thinking back ten thousand years ago, he still vividly remembered the peerless demeanor of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.The five disciples beside Fei Longzun were all silent, for fear of angering this mysterious person whom even the master respected very much.

"I didn't fall so easily, but you Feilong, you have improved very quickly in the past ten thousand years!"

Donghuang Taiyi sincerely appreciated that being able to rise to the fifth level of the Martial God Realm within ten thousand years was indeed fast.

"Thanks to some of your guidance at the beginning, I have achieved today's achievements!"

Fei Longzun said this very sincerely, which shocked the bodies of the five disciples beside him again.

Their master had actually been taught by this middle-aged man?Although the looks and ages of countless people in the Divine Realm are not equal, it seems that their master is older, but Fei Longzun actually admitted that Donghuang Taiyi once gave him advice. Who is this middle-aged man?

"There is no need to mention the old things. We are here today for the competition. The five people beside you are the young heroes of Tianqingzong, right?"

Dong Huang Tai looked at the five people beside him, and Dong Huang Tai's eyes swept over these five people, and suddenly felt that all the secrets in his body had been discovered, and his heart was awe-inspiring.

"Super master, this middle-aged man is definitely a super master whose strength is not inferior to Master, or even stronger than Master!"

This is what they think at the moment.

"That's right, they are the five youngest members of the Tianqing Sect, and they come to the Talent Competition to open their eyes."

After Feilong Zun finished speaking, he looked at the three people beside Donghuang Taiyi, and said with some doubts.

"Demon Emperor, I don't know why Mo Luo, the first genius of your family, didn't come?"

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi smiled upon hearing this.

"Because there are better players than him!"

(End of this chapter)

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