Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 1075 The Fight Begins

Chapter 1075 The Fight Begins

"It's about to start!"

Lin Qiuya and Xiao Jian sat up, but Xiao Yu lay down again.

The aura of the old man in the field seemed to be absent, and Xiao Yu's sharp eyes kept falling on him.

"Grandfather, this old man is quite famous!" Xiao Yu said through voice transmission, "His strength may not be inferior to that of Grandfather."

"That's right!" Donghuang Taiyi replied, "He is from the holy heaven."

"Holy heaven?"

Xiao Yu had never heard the name of this faction.

"Every Talent Competition is hosted by people from the Holy Heaven. As for what the Holy Heaven represents, let me tell you in detail later. Now is not the time."

Xiao Yu didn't ask any further questions, but he could already hear too much from Donghuang Taiyi's tone.The existence that even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is afraid of is absolutely extraordinary.

And to be able to become the host in this place where countless super sects gather, this strength and status must have considerable weight.

"Everyone!" The old man looked around, and his indifferent voice spread to all directions.

"Today is the opening day of the five-year talent contest in my God's Domain. Now the heroes are gathered here, and countless young talents have gathered here, in order to be able to learn from each other and get the title of the number one genius in God's Domain."

The old man continued: "It's useless to talk too much nonsense. Today, everyone is competing and watching the game. I also hope that the game will start as soon as possible. Let me emphasize here one last time. There is no so-called second or third in this game." , only the last person standing on the sacred battle platform, that is, the first person in God's Domain, can get the reward provided by our sacred heaven."

"There are three types of rewards, one magical weapon, one top-notch elixir, and one bowl of light spirit saliva."

When it comes to rewards, all the contestants' eyes are full of enthusiasm, but everyone clearly thinks that it is hard to get this reward.

Winning the championship in the hands of nearly ten thousand geniuses is by no means a simple matter of three punches and two kicks.There are so many geniuses in God's Domain, and there are many top geniuses, and there are many strong players.The confrontation between geniuses and geniuses is often a hair's breadth and a thousand miles away.

To defeat an opponent who is also a genius, various elements are required. Whoever can make it to the end is truly a veritable genius king.

And there are only a few people who have the opportunity to reach this step.

Lin Qiuya and Xiao Jian couldn't help exhaling a little more heavily. Under the pressure of geniuses from all sides, they felt the blood in their bodies was boiling.

They suddenly lost any cowardice, and even if they didn't compete for rankings, they could fight against opponents of comparable strength when they came here.

The five people beside Fei Longzun were also much more restless than before. They are very powerful in this sect, but they seldom fight against external geniuses. This time the competition may make their reputation spread even further.Even if they can't get the first place, they are confident to achieve good results.

When mentioning Qingling Saliva, Xiao Yu didn't react too much. His goal this time was this thing, but now this thing is already in his pocket.

Among his peers, he never fears anyone, and all opponents are just rubbish in his eyes, even the so-called God's Domain No.1, who can kill Shao Tianlong at the first level of the Martial God Realm, he doesn't take it seriously .

This is a game you want to win, so why worry about it?
The ancestor god sat in a dignified posture, but when she heard the word Qinglingsaliva, she couldn't hide her inner excitement, and her body shook slightly.

Qingling saliva is the most important part of her fusion with Ao Zixuan's body, with Qingling saliva, Ao Zixuan's consciousness will completely sink, and she will never appear again.

At that time, her own consciousness will be the most perfect controller of Qinglian Jingshen Body, and it is only a matter of time before her strength soars
"Shao Tianlong!"

The ancestor god suddenly turned his head and looked at a handsome man on her right.He had always looked at the ancestor god with admiration.

"God Ancestor, do you have any orders?"

He showed a very charming smile. Ever since he caught a glimpse of the true face of the ancestral god in the ancestral temple, he was immediately astonished. He felt that he had never seen such a spirit of heaven and earth and immortality in the entire God Realm. Girl, the heartstrings that have never been shaken by girls suddenly fluctuated.

But Luo Tianhuang told her that this is the supreme ancestor god, and he can only temporarily suppress his love in his heart.He swore that he must turn the ancestor god into his wife.

"Shao Tianlong, listen to me!" Ancestral God said in a deep voice, "This time, no matter what method you use in the talent contest, you will win."

Her eyes fell on the old man in the center, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly: "If you lose to anyone, the number one person on your talent list today is not worthy of your name."

Shao Tianlong smiled, he felt that every word the ancestor god said could attract him.

"God Ancestor, you will definitely be mine!"

Lightning flashed in Shao Tianlong's eyes, and after he finished speaking to himself secretly in his heart, a strong self-confidence suddenly exuded from his body.

"Don't worry, Ancestor God, among my peers, I am absolutely invincible."

Shao Tianlong's words were very flat, and his words were full of domineering.

"Okay, very good!" Ancestral God nodded slightly, "It's good if you have this confidence. I hope you can turn this confidence into reality."

"Of course!"

Shao Tianlong leaned back on the seat, his actions were very similar to Xiao Yu's, because he also believed that no one in his generation could match him, and this champion was easy to grab.

"The matter has been announced. There is no limit to this competition. There is no limit to the number of people on the stage until the last person stands on the stage. In short, there is only one purpose, which is to defeat the opponent. Of course, you can seek allies to cooperate. Within the rules."

After the old man said this, the audience was in an uproar, and even the big bosses from all sides showed expressions of surprise.

There are no rules, no restrictions, and they can even form cliques. Obviously, this is a chaotic battle. It is really extremely difficult to become the final king in this cruel elimination.

"Since everyone is clear about the rules, my old man won't say any more!"

The old man's figure suddenly disappeared and appeared in the sky. He slapped the ground with his palm, and his divine power shook the air, completely shattering the space, and made a sharp neighing sound.And this devastating power stopped suddenly when it touched the ground, without any impact on the holy battle platform, which shows how finely it controls power.

"I announce that this Wancai Contest has officially started, and the contestants can start to enter the battle!"

The loud and loud voice rolled in, instantly igniting the enthusiasm of countless people present.

This talent competition has finally begun.

(End of this chapter)

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