Chapter 1085 Anger

The killing intent in the eyes of the ancestor god was vague, but Xiao Yu still caught the hint of danger.

"Want to kill me?"

Xiao Yu sneered in his heart, no matter whether this ancestor god was from the same period as Donghuangtai, he was not afraid at all, if Donghuangtaiyi was not here now, he would definitely have directly attacked the ancestor god and Luo Tianhuang.

"Indeed, there is an extra person in the world of your Demon Emperor!"

The Ancestral God put away the indifference in his eyes, and took a deep look at Xiao Yu.Xiao Yu's performance today really made her feel great pressure.

With Xiao Yu's strength, he was already able to challenge Luo Tianhuang, equivalent to the top masters of their ancestral temple. Donghuang Taiyi had such a big help, it was indeed a huge threat to her.

"I didn't expect to meet you two!" The old man from the holy heaven lowered his body and looked at Donghuang Taiyi and Zushen.

As a heavyweight in the sacred heaven, although he is a little behind Donghuang Taiyi and the ancestor gods, his statements are as loud as thunder.

He also never expected to meet two legendary characters here.

Donghuang Taiyi and Zushen's hearts were as high as the sky, but they didn't show too much arrogance when facing the old man, and they all greeted the old man.

"The holy heaven is indeed not simple!"

Xiao Yu thought to himself, the place that can make even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi afraid, is obviously extremely powerful.

Moreover, Holy Heaven is not a single person, but a huge force. Xiao Yu doesn't know how many dark forces are hidden behind it.

"God Ancestor, I would like to advise you, if you still have the thoughts you had ten thousand years ago, you should stop in time, otherwise this time you will not be the fate that the primordial spirit can escape, but will be completely wiped out."

Donghuang Taiyi turned to the ancestor god, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and his tone was also full of murderous intent.

The ancestor god's eyes were fixed, Donghuang Taiyi's words were never a joke, even though she had sufficient confidence in herself, she couldn't help but feel a sudden burst in her heart at this moment.

Feeling the terrifying aura of Donghuang Taiyi, Luo Tianhuang was terrified and couldn't help but took a step forward. He was worried that Donghuang Taiyi would suddenly attack the ancestor god.

"Yu'er, let's go back!"

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Donghuang Taiyi said to Xiao Yu, turned his head and left.

Xiao Yu glanced at Luo Tianhuang, sneered and said, "Old fellow, you are very lucky!"

After saying this, he looked at the ancestor god, and the closer the two got closer, the inexplicable sense of familiarity and extreme strangeness became more and more intense.If it weren't for the ancestor god's killing intent towards him before, he would definitely think that the ancestor god is Ao Zixuan.

He stared at the ancestor god for a moment, and his figure also disappeared, including Xiao Jian and Lin Qiuya.

"Let's go too!"

The ancestor god said to Luo Tianhuang in a deep voice.

"But, that light spirit saliva"

Luo Tianhuang seemed a little unwilling.

The divine power of the ancestral god said: "With Donghuang Taiyi here, you are no match at all. It is simply a fantasy to win Qingling's saliva."

The voice of the ancestor god made Luo Tianhuang's heart tremble. He might have doubts about anyone's words, but he believed 100% what the ancestor god said.

"Eastern Emperor Taiyi is really so strong?"

After thousands of years, it was hard for Luo Tianhuang to imagine that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi still possessed that terrifying ruling power.

"Let's go back to the ancestor god point first, there are other solutions to this matter!"

After the ancestor god finished speaking, Luo Tianhuang nodded slightly, he pulled Shao Tianlong up, and disappeared with the rest of the ancestor god hall.

The two legendary powerhouses disappeared, leaving everyone with shocked faces behind. The old man from the sacred heaven sighed softly in his heart: "It seems that the realm of the gods is going to be exciting again. The ancient demon emperor and the ancestor god appeared at the same time. What a storm to stir up."

Xiao Yu and Donghuang Taiyi were standing side by side in the space passage, Donghuangtai smiled at him and said, "Yu'er, are you wondering why I came forward to stop you from gambling with Luo Tianhuang?"

"do not know!"

Xiao Yu directly shook his head and said, he really couldn't figure out Donghuang Taiyi's thoughts on this point.

"I don't want you to expose your strength prematurely!" Donghuang Taiyi explained, "Ten thousand years ago, the Temple of the Ancestors had great ambitions, and it died because of the obstruction of me and another friend, but this time she got It is obvious that she will not be reconciled to her body being reborn again, she must be waiting for the opportunity to continue to attack God's Domain, her goal is to become the unique king of God's Domain."

After Xiao Yu heard it, he still didn't quite understand it. He asked, "If that's the case, why didn't you deal with them directly today? The Ancestor God is only at the first level of the Martial God Realm, so killing her should be easy."

Dong Huangtai looked slightly solemn, shook her head and said: "It's not that simple. If I can really do something to her, then I will definitely not be soft, but because the people in the holy heaven are there, I can't act rashly."

"Oh?" Xiao Yu was startled, "Is this matter related to the holy heaven?"

"That's right!" The Eastern Emperor Tai nodded and said, "Actually, the ancestor god came from the sacred heaven."

"What?" Xiao Yu frowned, "The ancestor god is a person from the holy heaven, so why didn't the old man from the holy heaven respond at all?"

"It's normal not to react, he's not yet at that level to know about it!" Donghuang Taiyi said in a deep voice, "All those old monsters in the holy heaven know about it. When I fought against the ancestor god with that old friend, it was We were besieged by countless masters from the holy heaven, fortunately the two of us were strong enough to protect ourselves, but because of their obstruction, we were not able to completely kill the ancestor god, and now she has the opportunity to find her body to regenerate."

"So that's it!" Xiao Yu nodded slightly, and suddenly his eyes froze.

"Grandfather, what did you just say?" Xiao Yu was surprised, "The ancestor god found a body to regenerate? Does it mean that the ancestor god we saw just now is not her own body?"

"Of course not!" Dong Huangtai replied, "Her body was destroyed by me and that old friend ten thousand years ago, only the primordial spirit remained."


Xiao Yu suddenly shouted angrily, turned his head and was about to leave.

"Yu'er, what's wrong with you?"

Donghuang Taiyi called him to stop in time.

Xiao Yu's eyes were full of murderous intent, and now he suddenly understood why Fang had such a familiar and strange feeling towards the ancestor god, and a terrible possibility flashed in his mind.

Lin Qiuya and Xiao Jian were also shocked. They had never seen Xiao Yu showing such a terrifying killing intent before. Their bodies stiffened suddenly, and they stared blankly at Xiao Yu who was exuding hostility.

"Grandfather, that body is most likely my wife's!"

(End of this chapter)

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