Chapter 1087 Great Liangshan

In Shenyu, at the foot of Daliang Mountain, a white figure was standing proudly, it was Xiao Yu.

Donghuang Taiyi has already explained that the Immortal Fire can strip the consciousness of the ancestor god from Ao Zixuan's body, but Donghuang Taiyi also mentioned one thing, that is, adding something that can relieve Ao Zixuan's pain, and also It can reduce the damage to Ao Zixuan's body and increase the chance of success.

This thing is "Tianling Ding Tao", which only grows in Daliang Mountain.

"Xuanxuan, don't worry, no matter what happens, brother Xiao Yu will find you and let you come back to me!"

Xiao Yu thought silently in his heart, and walked forward.

"Brother, let's hurry up, if we wait until the sun rises completely, then the swift unicorn will not come out to move around!"

A pleasant voice came from the side, a man and a woman appeared in Xiao Yu's sight, and it was the woman who spoke.The appearance of the two is five points similar, and they seem to be brother and sister.

"Don't worry, we can catch up. Don't rush me. No matter how fast we are, we will be like this. Try not to use divine power to move faster in Daliang Mountain. It is likely to attract the attention of those powerful spirit beasts. By then, the swift unicorn will not be able to move." If you find it, the two of us may explain it to you.”

The man had a lazy face and spoke very casually.

"Brother, can you not say some unlucky words, we are still waiting to go back."

The girl stabbed the man once, and she was a little dissatisfied.

"Huh? Brother, there is someone in front!"

The girl was a little surprised when she saw Xiao Yu.The man also looked at Xiao Yu with a hint of surprise on his face. He didn't expect that someone would come to this deserted Daliang Mountain, and he was still a young man.

Xiao Yu just glanced at the two of them, and then continued to walk forward. He was not familiar with Daliang Mountain, and it was by no means an easy task to find a small Heavenly Spirit Cauldron Peach in this vast mountain. , he needs to hurry up.

"First level of the super god realm?"

The man noticed Xiao Yu's strength and was a little surprised. There are countless tyrannical spirit beasts in this Daliang Mountain. Even a swift unicorn at the bottom has the power of the third level of the super god realm. The first level of the super god realm is here. Coming here is simply courting death.

"Is this kid crazy?" The man muttered softly, "Aren't you joking if you dare to come to Daliang Mountain at the first level of the Super God Realm?"

Just as the man finished speaking, the woman ran forward quickly and caught up with Xiao Yu.

"Little brother, you can't go in!"

The girl stopped in front of Xiao Yu, which surprised Xiao Yu.


Looking at the innocent face of the girl, Xiao Yu couldn't help but asked with a smile.

"Your strength is too weak, it will be life-threatening to go in!"

The woman looked innocent and outspoken.

Xiao Yu rubbed his nose, it was really embarrassing for him to be told by a woman that he was weak in front of his face.Looking back now, he is indeed often underestimated, because his strength level is indeed lower than the normal level of God's Domain.

But there were also many who paid a heavy price for underestimating him.

"Brother, I'm really sorry!" Before Xiao Yu could answer, the man had already walked over, grabbed the girl, and apologized to Xiao Yu.

"It's ok!"

Xiao Yu had a good impression of the brother and sister. Although the woman was not very good at talking, the starting point was his safety.And this man speaks decently, without the impetuosity and arrogance of a young man.

"Brother, are you going to enter Daliang Mountain?"

the man asked.

"Yes, I want to go in and find a elixir."

Xiao Yu laughed.

The man's complexion changed slightly, and he said seriously: "Brother, I don't mean anything else, I just want to advise you that the weakest spirit beast in Daliang Mountain is also the third level of the super god realm. You should know that spirit beasts of the same level are far away. Stronger than humans of the same level, if you enter it, any spirit beast may kill you."

"Thanks for letting me know, but I'm fine!"

Xiao Yu nodded with a chuckle, he thought it was lucky to meet these two brothers and sisters in Daliang Mountain.

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he wanted to move on, but the girl said with an unhappy face: "Hey, little brother, why didn't you listen to our advice? You take your own life too lightly, don't you?" ?”

Her cheeks puffed up slightly, she was obviously very angry, and the man also had a look of helplessness on his face, he had already made his words very clear, but Xiao Yu still insisted on going his own way.

"I" Xiao Yu was choked by this little girl and was speechless for a while, he actually became a person who didn't cherish his own life.

"I want to go inside to find medicinal materials to save people, and I have no choice!"

Xiao Yu thought for a long time and could only explain it in this way.He can't tell the two brothers and sisters that he is very strong, and he doesn't care about the spirit beasts in Daliang Mountain.If so, I'm afraid the two brothers and sisters will look down on him.


The two brothers and sisters were startled, and their gazes towards Xiao Yu suddenly softened a lot.

The girl seemed to understand Xiao Yu, and said softly, "Brother, so you are here to save people, just like my brother and I, we also want to find a elixir to save Dad."

The girl obviously didn't have any intentions, so she directly told Xiao Yu the purpose of this trip, and the man didn't think anything wrong, Xiao Yu's strength at the first level of the Super God Realm, he was not afraid at all.

"Since it's all about saving people, brother, let's go together, so we can take care of you, what do you think?"

Before he could speak, the man put his arm on Xiao Yu's shoulder and said cheerfully.He was also kind, hoping to help Xiao Yu, so that Xiao Yu would be relatively safer, and maybe Xiao Yu could be of help at critical moments.

Xiao Yu hesitated a little, if he walked with the two, his pace would definitely be much slower, but thinking of the kindness and concern of the two, he softened his heart and agreed.

"There are two helpers, of course I am very happy!"

Xiao Yu grinned, the girl was immediately overjoyed, and the man also showed a simple and honest smile.

The three entered Daliang Mountain together, and Xiao Yu learned the names of the two brothers and sisters.

Wu Tian, ​​Wu Yue.

When the two brothers and sisters knew his name, they didn't think about it, otherwise they would find that this name was similar to the recently rumored young master Luo Tianhuang, the guardian of the Banzu Temple, who had recently been rumored to have swept the entire God's Domain alone on the holy battle stage. The young man whose name is the chief guest elder of Yaohuang Tiandi has exactly the same name.

"Brother Xiao, we are going to hunt a swift unicorn and go back. What kind of medicine are you looking for this time?"

The three of them walked through a dense forest, Wu Tian asked as they walked.

"Medical ingredients?" Xiao Yu replied, "The elixir I'm looking for is called Tianling Dingtao."

"Tianling Dingtao?"

Hearing this name from Xiao Yu's mouth, the two brothers and sisters immediately showed extremely horrified expressions.

"Brother Xiao, are you kidding me?"

(End of this chapter)

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