Chapter 1091 News
The fragrance was tangy, and Xiao Yu felt comfortable all over his body. He looked under his neck, and saw that the dry swamp was slowly cracking, and the smoothness spilled out in all directions.

The fragrance came out from the huge ravine, Xiao Yu rushed into it with a flash, and the fragrance became more and more intense.


There were thousands of rays of light in front of him, Xiao Yu passed through the space in an instant, and landed directly on the source of that light.

A crystal-clear and smooth plant appeared in Xiao Yu's sight. Three fruits hung on the top of the plant, which were crystal clear and round.

"Tianling Dingtao?"

Xiao Yu judged from the shape of the fruit that this fruit was the purpose of his trip.

He grabbed it with one hand, and the three fruits directly peeled off and entered his space ring.

"Xuanxuan, you will be fine!"

Xiao Yu murmured softly, and disappeared in a flash.

It would take at least three days to go back and forth from Daliang Mountain to Demon Emperor's World. During these three days, a piece of news swept through God's Domain like a gust of wind, causing an uproar, but Xiao Yu was completely unaware of it.

In Yaohuang Tiandi, Donghuang Taiyi sat at the top of the hall with his eyes slightly closed. He kept thinking in his heart why such a thing happened.

Xiao Yu's figure gradually appeared beside him, Dong Huangtai asked without opening his eyes, "Yu'er, have you got it?"

"got it!"

Xiao Yu took out three Heavenly Spirit Cauldron Peach from the interspatial ring, and the rich aroma overflowed immediately.Dong Huangtai opened his eyes with surprise.

"Yu'er, it looks like you're lucky!"

Donghuang Taiyi looked at the three Heavenly Spirit Cauldron Peach, and said with a smile: "The Heavenly Spirit Cauldron Peach is very rare, even if there is one in Daliang Mountain, I don't think it would be easy to meet, but you brought back three at once, If other forces find out about this, I’m afraid they will be jealous again.”

"It's just luck!"

Xiao Yu didn't have much expression, he noticed that Donghuang Taiyi's complexion was slightly dignified, obviously something unusual happened.

"Grandfather, did something happen?"

Xiao Yu asked.

"Yu'er, I hope you will keep calm when you hear this news!"

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi sighed, with a slightly heavy tone.

Xiao Yu focused his eyes, and he subconsciously felt that what Donghuang Taiyi was going to say was related to Ao Zixuan, or to say that it was related to the ancestor god.

"The Temple of the Ancestor God and the Heaven Devouring Clan are going to get married, and the two who are engaged are the master of the Heaven Devouring Clan, Shi Tianfeng, and the God Ancestor."

As soon as Dong Huangtai finished speaking, Xiao Yu's murderous intent rose suddenly, and a cold light flickered in his eyes.


The veins on Xiao Yu's forehead were throbbing violently. Even though he has not yet confirmed that the ancestor god is Ao Zixuan, he is [-]% sure, but now there is a smile that the ancestor god is engaged to someone else.Even if it wasn't Ao Zixuan's will, it was Ao Zixuan's body, Xiao Yu really wanted to cut the ancestor god into pieces.

"Yu'er, Xiao Yu has just received this matter. I still can't figure out why the ancestor god would marry Shi Tianfeng."

The East Emperor said solemnly.

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Yu asked.

"The Ancestor God has always hated men, let alone being engaged to a man, but now this incident really makes me feel abnormal. In my opinion, there is only one possibility, that is, there is something in the Devouring Heaven Sect that the Ancestor God needs, so She just wanted to be engaged to Shi Tianfeng, the head of the Heaven Devouring Clan, regardless of everything."

Dong Huang Taiyi explained.

"That is to say, she has a conspiracy?"

Xiao Yu immediately understood.

"Nine times out of ten this is the case, Yu'er, what do you think about this matter, what do you think should be done?"

The Eastern Emperor looked at Xiao Yu with burning eyes.

"My idea is very simple!" Xiao Yu's eyes shot a strange light, "No matter what the ancestor god wants to do, we can't let her do it. We must intervene in this matter."

The corner of Donghuang Taiyi's mouth curled up, and he nodded slightly: "That's right, I think so too. In this matter, we Yaohuang Tiandi must intervene."

"Yu'er, you have to defeat me. No matter what happens, don't act rashly and listen to my arrangements!"

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi knew Xiao Yu's temper well, his arrogance was boundless, and he ignored everything. He believed that Xiao Yu could do anything.

"it is good!"

Xiao Yu agreed, he believed that Donghuang Taiyi would give him a satisfactory answer.

Ancestral God, this name once resounded throughout the God Realm. Even after ten thousand years, she is still one of the most admirable powerhouses in the God Realm.

Ever since the ancestor god appeared on the battlefield of the talent competition, the news spread as if he had grown wings, and countless people were talking about it, but after only a few days, it suddenly came that the ancestor god and Shi Tianfeng, the master of the Heaven Devouring Sect, were about to get engaged and married. information.

"The Ancestral Temple and the Heaven Devouring Sect are both extremely powerful top sects. Now that the two sects are marrying and joining forces, which sect can compare with it?"

"Yes, I heard that the ancestor god is as beautiful as a fairy. Last time I was lucky enough to meet him at the sacred battle platform, but it was a pity that he was covered with a veil at the time. I think we should be able to see the true face of the ancestor god at the engagement banquet of the two sects. Bar!"

"Yeah, we must join in the fun!"

Countless voices of discussion were circulating in every corner of God's Domain, and the news of Ancestral God's engagement with Shi Tianfeng was like a heavy bomb, shaking the entire God's Domain.

Inside the ancestral temple, Luo Tianhuang stood beside the ancestral god, still looking like a slave.The ancestor god still wears a veil, concealing that peerless and beautiful face.

"God Ancestor, today is the big day of engagement, I'm afraid it will take a while for you to be wronged!"

Luo Tianhuang spoke with sincerity and fear, he was worried that the ancestor god would suddenly get angry again.

It must be said that it is a kind of sadness for a top expert in God's Domain to show such a gesture. He already has an almost pathological obedience to the ancestor god. Even if the ancestor god asked him to kill his relatives, I am afraid he would not hesitate.

In his heart, the order of the ancestor god is above everything else, even his own life.

"Luo Tianhuang, I have my own discretion in this matter, but let me tell you, if you don't handle it well, don't blame me for being ruthless to you!"

The ancestor god's voice was cold, and Luo Tianhuang nodded repeatedly.He knew that the ancestor gods hated men, so getting engaged to Shi Tianfeng this time was really a bad idea, but they had no choice, this was the only way to get Qingling saliva.

"God Ancestor, I'm a little worried that Donghuang Taiyi and the others will come to make trouble!"

Luo Tianhuang said suddenly.

The ancestor god frowned slightly, she thought of Xiao Yu.

"That guy is very likely to be the husband of this woman. He knows this, and I'm afraid he won't let it go."

Ancestor God's heart sank slightly, Xiao Yu's strength is enough to sweep away all the younger generations in God's Domain, Donghuang Taiyi still admires Xiao Yu so much, obviously his strength is more than that, if Xiao Yu really makes a big fuss at the engagement banquet, it's probably not good end.

"how should I do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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