110 Threat
"Fanyun Town?"

Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed, and he was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that it was Fanyun Town who had the accident.

Aotian nodded and said: "Fanyun Town is where the national border of our Huoyun Empire is located. If this matter is not handled properly, the two of them will probably get away with it."

Xiao Yu frowned, and asked: "In this case, why did you come to me for this matter? There are countless masters among the five major families of your empire, and there should be many masters at the fourth and fifth levels of the Yuan Breaking Realm. The high-level members of Tianyun Academy will not let these two people do evil, do you still need me?"

Aotian smiled bitterly and said: "Indeed, among the five major families of our empire, we have sent real masters to Fanyun Town on the border. Arrive at Fanyun Town."

When Aotian said this, his tone was a bit strange, Xiao Yu naturally noticed it.

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "You have said so much, but you still haven't told me why you found me?"

"This, this..."

Aotian hesitated when he said this, it seemed that there was something hard to say.

"Hey, it seems that there is something hidden about this matter!"

Xiao Yu sneered, didn't say anything, and drank tea on his own, the meaning was very clear, if Aotian didn't tell the whole thing, he would never pay attention to it.

He has lived in Fanyun Town for a period of time, and he is quite familiar with everything there, but he doesn't have any friends there, and he doesn't care about the lives of virgins and virgins there. There are so many evil and vicious things in the world, he Not everything is handled.

Aotian was hesitating in his heart, not knowing whether to tell that matter.

The tea in Xiao Yu's cup was exhausted, he put the teacup away, got up and wanted to leave.He planned to go to Tianwu City to see Yang Xiruo, Li Guoxiong made a big fuss about the branch sects of Tianwu City, and he didn't know what the situation of the Duanyun Sect's branch sects was at the moment.

"Xiao Shaoxia, wait a minute, I said, I will tell you the real reason!"

Aotian suddenly stood up and said anxiously.

Xiao Yu stopped in his tracks, tilted his head slightly, and waited for Aotian's next words.

"Actually, people from the five major families did not participate in it!" Aotian gritted his teeth and continued, "Every family is afraid of the loss of the Yuan-breaking masters in the family, and this matter is the matter of Duanyun Sect and Tianyun Academy , so the five major families all waited and watched, only the Duanyun Sect and the Tianyun Academy chased to Fanyun Town, but they have arrived at Fanyun Town today, not tomorrow as I just said."

"Oh? You think it's funny to lie to me?"

Xiao Yu turned around, suddenly released the aura all over his body, it was more terrifying than before in Wang's house, and all of them were aimed at Aotian alone, this aura condensed into a fierce tiger, biting away at Aotian.


Aotian was shocked, he had only felt this kind of power from the Ao family, but at this moment Xiao Yu could do it, he realized that he had still underestimated Xiao Yu.

In desperation, Aotian had no choice but to use his vitality to resist, the two collided, Aotian was knocked back five steps, a mouthful of blood already overflowed from his mouth.

Xiao Yu withdrew his momentum, he just wanted to teach Aotian a lesson, and he didn't plan to hit him hard.

"If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, I'll throw you out immediately!"

Xiao Yu didn't show any face to the city lord of Aotian who was revered by everyone in Feifeng City, as if throwing him out was no different than throwing garbage.

"The thing is like this, Duanyun faction sent three yuan-breaking realm second-levels, two yuan-breaking realms three-levels, Tianyun Academy sent two yuan-breaking realms two-levels, two yuan-breaking realms three-levels, the total is Five members of the second level of the Shattering Yuan Realm and four members of the third level of the Breaking Yuan Realm. With this lineup, a second-rate sect in the empire can be wiped out instantly. When it came time to attack, they didn't even see their attackers clearly, and seven of them were already dead, and only two people in the third level of Yuan Shattering Realm were seriously injured and escaped!"

After Aotian finished speaking, he coughed violently. Although Xiao Yu's attack just now didn't hurt him too badly, it wasn't light.

"Killing the seven masters who broke the Yuan Realm, can they still not see their faces?" Xiao Yu was slightly stunned, "I can do this with my current strength, but if I want people to not see their faces clearly, I'm not sure about doing it other than masking my face."

Aotian's heart trembled, and he killed seven masters of breaking Yuan in an instant, Xiao Yu actually said that he could do it too?
"Go on!"

Xiao Yu said coldly.

Aotian nodded, and continued: "According to those two people who escaped back, there is a line of bloody characters written on the gate of Fanyun Town, which read: Call Xiao Yu."

Xiao Yu frowned.It was mentioned before that many children in Fanyun Town died tragically and their blood was sucked up. It is self-evident that Li Guoxiong and Su Xun must have fled to Fanyun Town.But what he didn't expect was that the strength of Li Guoxiong and Su Xun could reach the point where they could instantly kill seven masters of breaking the Yuan Realm.

What made Xiao Yu most strange was how did these two people know that he was still alive?Back then in the Warlord's Domain, the Blood Fiend Evil Emperor blew himself up with his primordial spirit, and he was truly dead, and he probably didn't know what happened afterwards.But at this moment, Li Guoxiong and Su Xun are looking for him by name, how can this not surprise Xiao Yu?
"Young Xia Xiao, look..."

Aotian asked tentatively.

Xiao Yu sneered, and said: "You concealed this matter in the first place because you were afraid that I would not agree. You just wanted to use your help as an excuse to lure me to Fanyun Town so that those two people could find me. You Ao family are following behind, waiting for the two to show up and swarm up to catch them all, are you right?"

Aotian smiled wryly and said: "Xiao Shaoxia has a smart mind, Aotian admires him!"

"Admiration?" Xiao Yu snorted coldly, "Your Royal Family Ao Family doesn't have the ability to send the powerful members of the Yuan Dynasty to take risks, so you want to use me as a bait. It's really a good idea!"

Aotian felt Xiao Yu's more gloomy and cold eyes, and his whole body was covered with cold sweat. He was really afraid that Xiao Yu would kill him if he disagreed with him.

"Hey!" Xiao Yu changed the subject, "Since those two people want to find me by name, I'll go and meet them for a while!"

Aotian was overjoyed and said: "Young Xia Xiao agreed?"

Xiao Yu glanced at Aotian, the coldness in his eyes made him take a step back.

"Let me tell you, take my words back to your Ao family. If I find someone from your Ao family following me on the way to Fanyun Town, I will never show mercy. Since you know about me, you must know me too." I once killed all the sixteen sons of Tianzong, Li Qingfeng of the Li family, and today I also killed the three old dogs of the Xiao family. I am not afraid of offending any force, including your Ao family!"

After Xiao Yu said this, he turned his head and left, Aotian's brain was buzzing all the time, he knew that Xiao Yu would never joke with him.

(End of this chapter)

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