Chapter 1100 Opponents
"What does this guy want to do?"

The ancestor god suddenly felt a burst of fear from the heart, Xiao Yu seemed to have made up his mind to deal with her, leaving no room for it.

There was no worry or pity in Xiao Yu's eyes, only the bloodthirsty killing intent.

"Immortal fire, draw the gods and peel the soul!"

With a point of Xiao Yu's finger, the pitch-black light flickered, completely illuminating the prison formed by the Immortal Fire, and every kindling of the Immortal Fire was cheering and jumping, exuding a wild atmosphere.

Ancestral God's complexion suddenly changed, because she felt that her consciousness was being pulled away, and Ao Zixuan's body was gradually losing her control.

"Xiao Yu, what did you do?"

The heart-piercing scream of the ancestor god came out, and everyone was shocked. They never thought that the ancestor god would be so afraid of Xiao Yu, and would be so afraid under Xiao Yu's immortal fire.


The Heaven Devouring Ancestor in the sky felt the extreme fear of the ancestor god, and immediately cursed angrily. He wanted to stop Xiao Yu, but Donghuang Taiyi kept stopping him, preventing him from affecting Xiao Yu in the slightest.And during the fight, he felt that Donghuang Taiyi's strength was really unfathomable, not weaker than those peak masters he met ten thousand years ago, and even stronger.

"Donghuang Taiyi, this guy was just a rising star ten thousand years ago, but he didn't expect to be so strong now."

He was terrified in his heart, the Heaven Devouring Kung Fu he practiced was extremely powerful, it could absorb the power around the world and turn it into divine power for him to use, the divine power was inexhaustible and continuous, allowing him to maintain the most powerful combat power.

This is also the reason why countless opponents at his level ended up with hatred.

But in the battle with Donghuangtai, he didn't feel that he had the slightest advantage. Donghuangtaiyi's power was stronger than others, and he didn't see the slightest sign of decline, and even had a faint feeling of suppressing him. .

"Patriarch Heaven Devourer, it seems that your era has indeed passed."

Dong Huangtai shook the Heaven Devouring Ancestor back with one palm, and he fell upside down in the void, with a hint of disdain in his voice.

At first, he thought that the Heaven-eating Patriarch could make him feel the pressure and that he could play a good game, but he didn't expect that the Sky-eating Patriarch was only at this level.

"Eastern Emperor Taiyi, you are arrogant too early!"

The ancestor of Che Tian blushed, it was the first time he was ridiculed by the juniors, but he didn't relax at all, he still looked aggressive.

Many masters of God's Domain are here. Although there is no familiar face among them, there are many people who want to know his name. If he is suppressed by Donghuang Taiyi in public, then his reputation accumulated over the past ten thousand years will be completely destroyed. Ashes to ashes.


The mournful cry of the ancestor god came again, and the complexion of the ancestor of Devouring Heaven changed drastically. He could feel Shi Tianfeng's consciousness in his body wailing, which was worry and unwillingness to the ancestor god.


The Heaven Devouring Ancestor shouted angrily, and his body suddenly transformed into a thousand phantoms, moving constantly.


Donghuang Taiyi was startled, he didn't expect Patriarch Tian Che to have such a hand, and for a while he couldn't tell which one was Patriarch Tian Che's real body.


A ray of light shot down suddenly, and Dong Huangtai frowned. He wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

The real body of the Heaven Devouring Ancestor appeared in front of Xiao Yu in an instant, his fists were filled with strong energy, and he wanted to kill Xiao Yu with one punch.

"Boy, die!"

The murderous intent in the eyes of Patriarch Devourer was strong, his fist had already reached Xiao Yu's face, he seemed to have seen the scene where Xiao Yu was blown to pieces by him.

At this moment, he noticed Xiao Yu's eyes, which were calm and deep, and he was not surprised at his arrival and ultimate move.

"Old guy, get out of here!"

Xiao Yu let out a low cry, pulled back his right arm suddenly, and then punched out.


His fist met the fist of the Heaven Devouring Ancestor, and a huge mushroom cloud appeared in the whole world as if covered by a nuclear explosion. The Immortal Fire wrapped the Ancestor God and flew to the side without being affected in the slightest, and was still raging. Roasting the already weak ancestor god.

Xiao Yu took two steps backwards, cracking the floor. On the other hand, Patriarch Tian Devourer, he was directly hit and flew into the sky, gliding hundreds of feet before stopping.

He raised his head, with indescribable horror in his eyes.

"How is it possible? How could a kid at the third level of the super god realm blow me away with a single punch?"

He simply couldn't understand what was happening in front of him. He asked himself that he had never looked highly on any junior in his life. It is even more ignored.

He used the "Sky Devouring Myriad Clone" derived from the Heaven Devouring Technique to deceive Donghuang Taiyi, and got a chance to pass through Donghuang Taiyi's blockade. He originally wanted to finish Xiao Yu with a punch, so that the ancestor god would no longer be threatened. But he didn't expect Xiao Yu's performance to be even more shocking than Donghuang Taiyi's.

Donghuang Taiyi had fought against him for so long and he only had the upper hand, but he and Xiao Yu punched each other and he fell directly to the disadvantage. He really didn't understand why the backs of the current ones were more terrifying than the other.

The Eastern Emperor's complexion was complex, and Xiao Yu's performance was too shocking. When he first saw Xiao Yu, he thought that Xiao Yu was a dragon of the nine heavens. He could grow and leap through the sky as long as he was given time. So fast, now there seems to be a tendency to surpass him.

"Son, it looks like our chance has really come!"

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi murmured softly, Xiao Yu's performance made him see great hope, the plan he and that mysterious friend drew up ten thousand years ago seemed to have arrived at the right time for implementation.

Xiao Yu knocked back the Heaven Devouring Ancestor with one punch, but he didn't pursue it. He appeared in the outer circle of the Immortal God Fire enveloping the Ancestor God, and his mind was once again immersed in the consciousness of stripping.

Although the roasting of the immortal fire can separate the consciousness from the body, the user must concentrate on it. A slight deviation may lead to confusion of consciousness. If Ao Zixuan's consciousness and the consciousness of the ancestor god are confused, then he will regret it later .

"This kid doesn't seem to be distracted?"

After all, Patriarch Devourer was a shrewd person, with such vicious eyesight, he could see Xiao Yu's state at a glance. He sneered at the corner of his mouth, and wanted to disturb Xiao Yu at this time, trying to seriously injure Xiao Yu.

Before he left, a figure was already standing in front of him.

"Giving you a chance to break through is considered a great fortune. Do you want to come again?" The dark red robe fluttered in the wind behind Donghuang Taiyi. He spread out one hand, and the immortal fire flashed out instantly , Burning into the sky.

"I said, today your opponent is me, and you can't go anywhere until the winner is determined with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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