Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 1105 The Great Hall Behind the Ladder

Chapter 1105 The Great Hall Behind the Ladder
At this moment Ao Zixuan has just escaped from danger, he can't put Ao Zixuan in danger again, according to what Donghuang Taiyi said, now he must be chasing the "scholar" to that mysterious and powerful place - the holy heaven.

Every time the sacred heaven is mentioned, Donghuang Taiyi will show an unprecedented dignified expression, and ten thousand years ago, this so-called sacred heaven dared to send people to surround and kill Donghuang Taiyi and that mysterious friend, which shows the horror of the sacred heaven.

The "scholar" who suddenly appeared today has shown quite a strong strength, which is not far behind Donghuang Taiyi.

Looking at Donghuang Taiyi's appearance, it is obvious that something extremely important or someone is grasped by the sacred heaven where the "scholar" is, so Donghuang Taiyi's going to the sacred heaven must be in danger every step of the way.

"Xuanxuan, I."

Xiao Yu looked at Ao Zixuan, before she opened her mouth, Ao Zixuan nodded slightly.

"Brother Xiao Yu, I know, you don't have to worry about me, how can I say that now that I have the strength of the Martial God Realm, I won't cause problems easily, you go!"

Ao Zixuan's understanding made Xiao Yu's heart ache. He loved this woman deeply, but she was hurt because of him time and time again.

Whether it was the amnesia before or the body being robbed later, all of these had a great relationship with him. In the final analysis, it was because he did not take good care of Ao Zixuan.

"Yu'er, don't worry about me, don't worry, although Holy Heaven is tyrannical, it's not enough to want to keep me. I'm here to confirm one thing. I will return to Demon Emperor Heaven and Earth to meet you later. You don't have to follow me." Come, take good care of your wife, don't be like me."

Donghuang Taiyi's voice pierced through space and broke into Xiao Yu's eardrums, he trembled all over, and stopped chasing after him.

Since Donghuang Taiyi is so confident, he believes that nothing will happen to Donghuang Taiyi, but he has great doubts about Donghuang Taiyi's last sentence.

"Don't be like me? Could it be grandpa?"

Xiao Yu seemed to have thought of something, his eyes suddenly froze, he turned to Ao Zixuan, pulled her into his arms, and fell a deep kiss again.

"Xuanxuan, I'm not going anywhere, I just want to be with you!"

Xiao Yu suddenly felt that his heart was full of clarity. Even if he had great strength, but his beloved was gone, what was the point?
Ao Zixuan's eyes were full of tears, she was never hesitant, especially when she lost control of her body, the feeling of despair and helplessness was the most unimaginable.

At that time, she had only one thought, and that was that she might never see her favorite brother Xiao Yu again.

But now everything is back on track, at this moment, she just wants to vent the grievance and fear in her heart that are about to burst out.

"Xuanxuan, brother Xiao Yu promises that this kind of thing won't happen again!"

Xiao Yu hugged Ao Zixuan tightly, his voice was decisive.He will never allow himself to make such a mistake for the second time. After solving the matter in God's Domain here, he will immediately take Ao Zixuan back to Shenwu Continent, and live with his relatives and lovers, and never let them be alone again. in danger.

Countless eyes looked at the two people who hugged each other tightly in the sky, and now they seemed to understand something.The former ancestor god seemed to have taken someone else's body, but this person was Xiao Yu's lover, but now Xiao Yu stripped off the remnant soul of the ancestor god and awakened his lover's consciousness again, it can be said that he gave everything for his lover.

Xiao Yu had established a very powerful image in their hearts, and now his image has become even more stalwart.

"This son, really extraordinary!"

Fei Longzun sighed softly, the Eastern Emperor Tai was originally an invincible figure, unexpectedly his younger generation Xiao Yu was also extremely powerful.He glanced at the five disciples beside him, and sighed slightly in his heart. If the future achievements of these five disciples can reach the current situation, he will be extremely pleased.

Xiao Yu hugged Ao Zixuan, and it took a long time for the two to separate. He looked down at the masters of the God Realm, and said loudly: "Everyone, the ancestor god attacked my wife and used means to snatch my wife's body, causing her consciousness to fall into a trance. Deep sleep, I will definitely avenge this revenge. The Demon Emperor Tiandi and I, Xiao Yu, are now inseparable from the Ancestral Temple. If any of you want to help the Ancestral Temple, then be prepared, and don’t blame yourself for being in the wrong team. .”

Xiao Yu's voice lingered in all directions, with a strong sense of threat, but everyone understood that Xiao Yu's words were to save some people.

With the weight of Xiao Yu and Donghuang Taiyi, it is enough to clean up the current Ancestral Temple. If some blind guys try to help the Ancestral Temple, it will only increase casualties. The forces that are still on good terms with the Ancestral Temple have begun to have new ideas and do not intend to get closer to the Ancestral Temple.

They didn't think that their little ability could stop Xiao Yu's every move.

"Okay everyone, today's show is over, let's all go back now!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he took Ao Zixuan away like a shooting star and disappeared into the sky, leaving behind a faint afterimage.

Countless people watched the two leave, feeling secretly in their hearts.

This God's Domain seemed to be about to change again, and this newly promoted super master might really stir up some indescribable turmoil.

On the top of the majestic mountain, where it is so high into the clouds, there are still ladders floating in the air, leading to the unknown high place in the sky.

Where does this lead?


The space on the top of the mountain fluctuated violently, and a cyan figure broke through the space, and after only a moment, another dark purple figure followed behind him.

"East Emperor Taiyi, it seems that you still have doubts about my words, anyway, you can prove it yourself."

"Scholar" stood in front of Donghuang Taiyi with a smile on his lips.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Dong Huangtai said, "If you don't go up, then get out, I want to go up and find out."

The "scholar" grinned after hearing this, and the soles of his feet had already stepped on the first ladder, and he climbed up. Donghuang Taiyi immediately followed, and the two of them were getting faster and faster. Moving quickly on the stone ladder suspended in the air, it was submerged in the clouds in an instant.

There were fewer and fewer stone stairs, and a magnificent and proud hall suddenly appeared in front of the two of them. Just looking at it at a glance could bring a sense of magnificence that ordinary people can't describe.

Four white marble pillars support the entire hall, which seems to be crumbling, but it is as stable as a rock, giving people the ultimate sense of contradiction.

The "scholar" didn't stop at all, and flew directly into the main entrance of the main hall, but Donghuang Taiyi stopped outside the hall, with complicated meanings in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, not long after waking up, this came here again!"

(End of this chapter)

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