Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 1107 Emotional Explosion

Chapter 1107 Emotional Explosion
"Do you want to ask me why I didn't die?" Wang Yarou smiled, and she said softly: "Actually, I did die back then, but the 'Holy King' borrowed the power of heaven and earth to resurrect me, so I can still be with you now." See."

"Holy King?" Donghuang Taiyi focused his eyes, "He saved you? How could this be possible? It was because of him that you did it back then."

Wang Yarou gently shook her head and said: "Tai Yi, things in this world are not static. The Holy King did kill me, but he also saved me. The most important thing is that I am still alive."

Wang Yarou was very calm facing Donghuang Taiyi, which made Donghuang Taiyi very painful and uncomfortable. Back then, Wang Yarou was really a little bird by his side, obedient in every way, but at this moment Wang Yarou gave him a very strange feeling.

"Yarou, what's wrong with you, why are you so indifferent to me? Are you still blaming me?"

Donghuang Taiyi tried his best to keep himself calm, but the depression in his heart came one after another.

"No, Taiyi, I never hated you, even if you made that decision back then, I didn't hate you at all." Wang Yarou said softly, "After experiencing life and death, I have seen many things that I couldn't see before. Thoroughly, you may not understand this feeling. I still love you, but many things, I think we were wrong in the first place."

"Wrong?" Donghuang Taiyi had a look of disbelief in his eyes, "Yarou, what did you say? We were wrong? We were wrong from the beginning?"

Donghuang Taiyi's voice was very excited, and he never thought that Wang Yarou would say such a thing when he met him. He said loudly: "We are wrong, is it true that the plan to enslave the common people is correct? Is this the right way?"

There was already a sneer in Donghuang Taiyi's tone, he never thought that the woman who once supported him and loved him would say that he was wrong.He also didn't expect that the first meeting after the separation of life and death would become so tit for tat.The Yarou in front of him was very strange to him, and he couldn't find the shadow of Yarou back then.

"Taiyi, there is actually nothing wrong with this plan. The Holy King is right. He wants to raise the potential of people in the God Realm, Shenwu Continent, Saint Realm, Yang God Realm, and Dragon Breaking Realm at the same time, so that they can reach a higher level. Although the realm of martial cultivation does restrict their freedom, it is a price that must be paid, they just have an extra manager on top of their heads, so what's wrong with that?"

Wang Yarou's words were soft and soft, but every word and every sentence fell into Donghuang Taiyi's heart like a needle prick, making his heart feel like a knife.

"Yarou, I really can't believe that's what you said, what's wrong with you?"

Donghuang Taiyi stepped forward and reached out to grab Wang Yarou, but Wang Yarou subconsciously withdrew her hand to avoid it.

Donghuangtai's eyes were fixed, and his heart was hit like a heavy hammer.Wang Yarou actually refused his movements and resisted his approach, why?He felt like he was going crazy.

"Yarou, follow me, you follow me!"

Donghuang Taiyi stretched out his hand again, but he didn't expect that Wang Yarou avoided his palm three times in a row, which made him disappointed and shocked.

At the beginning, Wang Yarou was just an ordinary martial artist who could reach the super god level, but now he was able to avoid him three times, which in itself is an incredible thing.

"Yarou, you."

Donghuang Taiyi stood at the same place, with a trace of sadness in his eyes, Wang Yarou had changed, completely changed, he did not expect Wang Yarou to become such a stranger.

Wang Yarou's face was still calm, she looked at Donghuang Taiyi's face that made her desperately pursue and approach her, and her heart no longer had the same throbbing in her heart.

"Taiyi, our relationship has passed since the moment I died, can you stop doing this?"


Wang Yarou's words hit Donghuang Taiyi's head like a bolt from the blue, and he couldn't help but backed away, straight to the wall, his face pale.

Who would have thought that the all-powerful Donghuang Taiyi would have such a lost side?
"Ya Rou, how did you become like this? How did you do it?" Dong Huang Tai let out a loud cry, "Why? Was it the Holy King who made a mess, was it him?"

Donghuang Taiyi looked like a madman, with long hair fluttering in the wind, and killing intent burst out in his heart.

"Taiyi, don't blame the Holy King, these things have nothing to do with him!"

Wang Yarou shook her head and said, her words seemed to be extremely protective of the Holy King.

"Yarou, I don't believe you are so indifferent to me. We used to 'die' so easily? Do you remember our past? Do you remember our vows? Don't you forget all these, Have you all forgotten?"

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi beat his chest and stomped his feet, violent fluctuations emanated, and there was a tendency to demolish the house.

"Taiyi, don't do this!"

Seeing Donghuang Taiyi's appearance, Wang Yarou's indifferent eyes finally passed a trace of intolerance, she stepped forward a few steps, and gently rubbed her palm on Donghuang Taiyi's chest, as if to help him calm the anger in his heart.

This action made Donghuang Taiyi stiff. Every time he encountered something that made him want to kill wildly, Wang Yarou used this action to soothe his mood, and everything suddenly became familiar.

He could no longer restrain his feelings, he wrapped his arms around Wang Yarou, and in the midst of his exclamation, he sealed those delicate lips.

A strong masculine breath poured into her nostrils, and Wang Yarou, who had always remained calm, could no longer maintain her state of mind, indulging in this deep kiss that had been separated for thousands of years.She was trying to restrain herself before.

After a long time, the lips parted. Donghuang Taiyi hugged Wang Yarou and laughed loudly: "You are still my Yarou, you are still my Yarou, I know that you will never change to me."

Lying in the arms of this beloved man, Wang Yarou was full of emotion in her heart. How could she not have been looking forward to this embrace for thousands of years?

"Yarou, come with me!"

Donghuang Taiyi said affectionately.

There was a flash of excitement in Wang Yarou's eyes, but she quickly suppressed it. She stroked Donghuang Taiyi's chest and said softly: "Taiyi, I really want to go with you, but I can't!"

Donghuang Taiyi wondered: "Why? Even if there are so many masters in the holy heaven, I will definitely take you away. No one can stop me. Even if that old guy, the Holy King, comes, I will not back down in the slightest."

Wang Yarou shook her head lightly: "Tai Yi, although you are powerful, there are definitely more than five masters who can rival you in the holy heaven, not to mention the existence of the Holy King. If he makes a move, you should know that you are taking me with you." No chance of escape."

(End of this chapter)

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