Chapter 1111 Secret News
The remnant soul of the ancestor god turned into a ball of light and floated in the air, and was scorched by Xiao Yu's immortal fire. She was already extremely weak, and she didn't even know how she came to the most sacred place in the holy heaven - Tianchi.

"Yuanyuan, you are finally back!"

The voice of that stalwart figure is loud but full of magnetism, and every word seems to be able to penetrate the soul of a person and resonate in his heart.

The ancestor god who was in a dazed state was suddenly startled when he heard this voice, and the remnant soul suddenly came to life.

She glanced around, and her eyes suddenly became horrified: "This is, where is this? Why am I here?"

The ancestor god looked around, his voice full of fear.She wanted to escape, but found that the surrounding space had been blocked by an inexplicable force, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move a bit.

"Yuanyuan, do you want to leave as soon as you see your father?"

That stalwart figure never turned his head, just turned his back to the ancestor god, but it could make the ancestor god feel a sense of suffocation.

In her heart, she would rather face death than face the person in front of her.

"Father, what do you want to do? Let me go, father!"

If the masters of God's Realm knew that the ancestor god would call someone father, and with such a terrified tone, they would be inexplicably horrified.

"Let you go?" Wei'an smiled softly and turned around slowly.

This is an indescribable picture. At first glance, it looks like a white-haired old man, but when you look at it again, it seems to be a white-haired boy with a childlike face, and it seems to turn into a majestic man. Middle-aged people, so strange.

There are no power fluctuations around him, but the air doesn't seem to dare to touch his body, and it paddles past his body, and the water flows around him automatically, as if he is the king and ruler of this world, and nothing can be violated .

"Yuanyuan, I created you. I want you to come and go whenever I want you to. When will it be your turn to make a decision?"

Although this person had a smile on his face, his words were extremely domineering.The ancestor god is actually a character created by him.

"Father, I was wrong, Yuanyuan knows it!"

The voice of the ancestor god was extremely frightening, and she was trembling in the light group, she just wanted to stay away from this person as much as possible, but she knew she couldn't do it.In this world, I am afraid that no one can escape from the hands of the person in front of him.

"It's good if you know you're wrong!" The man smiled, "Yuanyuan, you know what father asked you to do this time, when he asked someone to bring you back?"

Thousands of thoughts flashed through Ancestral God's mind, but he still didn't understand why the man wanted to take her back to the holy heaven.

"You don't understand, let me tell you!" The man's voice was soft, like a kind elder, "I have been enlightened for a hundred years, and finally realized the key that can free me from bondage, that is you, my daughter, as long as you absorb With your soul, I can completely break free from the shackles of heaven and earth, and leave this place, Yuanyuan, are you happy for your father?"

The ancestor god's eyes were wide open, and fear was overflowing from her heart bit by bit. She thought that she would be tortured in countless ways by this person in front of her, but she didn't expect that he would actually absorb her remnant soul.

"Father, you can't do this, I am your daughter!"

Zushen felt that death was coming, she shook her head again and again, trying to impress the man with that ridiculous relationship.

"You also know that you are my daughter. Isn't it what a daughter should do to let her father get herself?"

With a smile on his face, the man suddenly clenched his palms, and the strong suction force easily pulled the remnant soul of the ancestor god to him. He opened his mouth wide and swallowed the remnant soul of the ancestor god without any hesitation.

"Ah! Holy King, you must die, you must die."

The stern voice of the ancestor god came from the man's mouth and gradually subsided.A burst of strong light suddenly erupted from the man's body, and the halo spread around him.

Thunder tumbling in the sky, it seems that something big is about to happen.

Inside the Demon Emperor's Heaven and Earth, Xiao Yu and Donghuang Taiyi Wang Yarou sat facing each other.

"Yu'er, this matter is extremely urgent, I must tell you clearly!"

Donghuang Taiyi said: "Do you know who the 'scholar' who took away the remnant soul of the ancestor god today is?"

Xiao Yu replied: "I only know that he is from the holy heaven. As for who it is, I don't know!"

Donghuang Taiyi said: "He is called Tian Zun Shen, one of the top ten masters in the holy heaven, and his combat power is very powerful. Compared with me, he is on par with me. I have fought against him several times before ten thousand years ago."

"Heavenly God?"

Xiao Yu chanted the name softly, and at the same time had an idea of ​​the strength of the Holy Heaven.The strength of a god like Tianzun is enough to sweep the entire domain of God, but there are still nine people in the holy heaven whose strength is equivalent to that of Tianzun. This is definitely the strongest force that is well-deserved.

"Do you know why we attacked the ancestor god ten thousand years ago?"

Xiao Yu shook his head lightly.

"Because the Ancestral Temple is ambitious and wants to dominate the God's Domain, but this is only one of the reasons, and the other reason is that the Ancestral God holds a thing that is related to the fate of the people in the world, and this thing is called——Crystal Blue. "

"Crystal blue? Is it related to the fate of the people in the world?"

Xiao Yu was very puzzled.

"In the holy heaven, apart from the top ten masters including Tianzun, there is one person who is above them." Donghuang Taiyi looked solemnly, and slowly spit out two words, "Holy King!"

"Holy King?" This was the first time Xiao Yu had heard of this name, and just this title alone made people feel extremely domineering.He was slightly startled, what kind of terrifying person is the existence of the top ten masters in the holy heaven who would bow their heads and surrender?
"Yu'er, this Holy King, I can tell you clearly that no one in the world can match him, including me!" Donghuang Taiyi said in a deep voice, "The top ten masters of the Holy Heaven are already invincible in the God's Domain, but in the In front of the Holy King, they may not even be able to survive a move."

"What?" Xiao Yu frowned, "No one can match him?"

It was the first time he had heard of someone who was truly invincible in so many years, the existence that even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was so afraid of, which in itself showed the horror of his strength.

"The Holy King is no longer a human being. He is the only holy spirit in this world whose power is beyond our comprehension."

Donghuang Taiyi continued: "But because he is too powerful, he is always restrained by the laws of heaven and earth, so that he can only stay in the heavenly pool of the sacred heaven and cannot leave, but the holy king dare not do this. He has been preparing all the time, wanting to gather all kinds of fetishes to get rid of the shackles of heaven and earth, and this crystal blue is the last treasure he needs."

(End of this chapter)

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