Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 1117 True Invincibility

Chapter 1117 True Invincibility (The Finale)

With the deaths of the Holy King and the top ten masters, God's Domain regained its calm.Those forces that were forced to submit to the top ten masters were freed, and they were very happy.The sacred paradise that represented the overlord in God's Domain was also destroyed by the people of Donghuangtai and became the eternal history of God's Domain.The Batian God of War who was imprisoned in it was also rescued by them.

Under Donghuang Taiyi's fire of immortality, the Batian God of War, who had become a useless person, regained his vitality and embarked on the road of cultivation again.

The era of the strong has passed, and the so-called invincible holy king has gradually been forgotten by people. Now it is a title, a name that is praised by countless people.

Proud and mad god——Xiao Yu.

This name has spread throughout the corners of God's Domain. No matter men, women, young or old, strong or rookie, when talking about this name, they only show awe and respect.

Because it was this person who beheaded the so-called invincible holy king and rescued the people who were about to be enslaved.

The deeds of Aotian Kuangshen are deeply rooted in everyone's heart, and even compiled into a book, the sales volume is terrifying.

In God's Domain, you don't need to know your last name, but you must know Xiao Yu, the arrogant and mad god, and his heroic deeds.

In the Demon Emperor's World, Donghuang Taiyi and Wang Yarou stood on the top, overlooking the earth.

"Taiyi, you said Yu'er left, will you come back?"

Wang Yarou's voice was a little sad.

"No, he won't come back!"

Donghuang Taiyi sighed softly, he was quite helpless about this, but he could not interfere with Xiao Yu's decision.

Shenwu Continent, the Xiao family of the Fire Cloud Empire.Xiao Haoyun and Xiao Maifei looked at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of them, with tears in their eyes.

"Yu'er, you're finally back!"

Not only did Xiao Yu come back, he also brought back Ao Zixuan, and when he heard the news of Xiao Yu's return, Liu Piaoxu, Lin Qingbing, Yang Xiruo, and Long Jingxin all left the alliance thing behind and rushed to Xiao's house.

The Xiao family was reunited, enjoying this warm joy, Xiao Yu once again confirmed what he wanted in his heart.

Sanctuary, Happy Home.

Xiaoyao Yuntian quietly sat cross-legged in his other courtyard, the aura around him fluctuated violently, and he was actually attacking the Martial God Realm.

He has reached the peak of the Super God Realm for a long time, and today he is going to advance to the Martial God Realm in one fell swoop.

Xiaoyao Yuntian has already touched the barrier of the Martial God Realm, but he always feels that there is something isolating him, and he has been unable to break through.

"Bastard! Is it going to fail again?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian was extremely angry in his heart. He was full of confidence, but at this moment his momentum was gradually weakening.


A voice suddenly rang in his ears, and he felt that the cyclone in his body exploded instantly, directly breaking through that layer of membrane, and the power in his body instantly entered a new level.

After being promoted, Donghuang Taiyi did not stabilize his realm. He stood up, looked at the person in front of him and said in surprise: "Brother Xiao, is it you?"

Xiao Yu nodded lightly: "Brother Yun, I have nothing to do, so I came to drink with you, are you welcome?"

Under the moonlight, the two figures sat and drank together, very happy.

"Brother Xiao, how do you plan to go in the future?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian took a sip and asked suddenly.

Xiao Yu used his supreme power to forcibly open the channel between God's Domain, the Three Great Domains and Shenwu Continent, so that these regions could be linked together. His deeds were widely spread, and everyone in the world knew that Aotian Kuangshen Became a truly invincible strongman, shocking the past and shining the present.


Xiao Yu answered very briefly, and Xiaoyao Yuntian's eyes suddenly opened wide. He wanted to say something, but he never opened his mouth, and finally turned into a silent sigh.

Sanctuary, Xie family.

Because of Xiao Yu's involvement back then, the Xie family has become the No.11 top power in the sanctuary, and no one dares to mess with it, even the Heaven and Earth Palace gave the Xie family three points of face.

Xie Qinxue, dressed in white, sat at the stone table with a sad face in the Xie family mansion.

Her beautiful eyes were not in focus, she had been sitting in a daze for a whole day.

The head of the Xie family, Xie Bing, was dressed in a golden robe and came in through the courtyard gate. When he saw Xie Qinxue's appearance, his heart ached.

"Qinxue, are you thinking about him again?"

Xie Bing asked.

Xie Qinxue didn't respond, and remained motionless until Xie Bing reached out and shook his hand in front of her before she reacted.

"Ah, brother?"

Xie Bing said helplessly: "Qinxue, don't scare big brother like this anymore, don't worry, brother Xiao will definitely come to see you."

"Really?" Xie Qinxue immediately beamed with joy when she heard it, and said nervously while grabbing Xie Bing's hand, "Brother, is what you said true? Will he really come to see me?"

"That's right, what your elder brother said is true!"

A voice made Xie Bing and Xie Qinxue freeze in place for an instant, and Xiao Yu, dressed in white, floated over and walked towards them.

"Brother Xiao!"

"Xiao Yu!"

Xie Bing was about to say something, Xie Qinxue let go of him, ran towards Xiao Yu, and bumped into his arms.

"I miss you so much, woo woo, I really miss you so much!"

Xie Qinxue was crying, Xiao Yu gently stroked her smooth hair, and said softly: "Don't cry, I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Seeing this situation, Xie Bing smiled ambiguously, winked at Xiao Yu, and left the yard.

"Xiao Yu, don't leave me, okay? Now you are the number one in the world that everyone admires. You can't let me go. I really love you. I love you so much that I'm going crazy."

Xie Qinxue cried pitifully, she felt more and more that she couldn't live without Xiao Yu, but she felt that life would be worse than death if she didn't see her for half a month.

"How could I leave you? This time, I just took you away. From now on, I will live with my relatives and never be separated!"

Hearing Xiao Yu's words, Xie Qinxue showed a moving smile on her face, the courtyard was covered with flowers, but the figures of the two had disappeared.

The God Realm, the Three Great Domains, and the Divine Martial Continent, the legends about the arrogant mad god Xiao Yu in these places are still spreading, but Xiao Yu, the arrogant mad god revered by everyone, has disappeared from everyone's sight again. middle.

Disappeared together with him were five stunning beauties from the Shenwu Continental Alliance and the eldest lady of the Xie family in the Sanctuary.

The world is still moving forward, and the legends belonging to this world did not end because of Xiao Yu's disappearance, but became more and more exciting.

Ten years passed in a blink of an eye.

The West Wind Ancient Road is a new scenic spot in the Shenwu Continent. There is a statue standing in it. Everyone who passes by here will stop for a long time and cast respectful and awe-inspiring eyes on the statue.

A few young people passed by here, three years old and two daughters, with a look of despair on their faces.

A few days ago, they went to the alliance to participate in the martial arts competition of the younger generation. Who knew that they were cleared out in the first round and were eliminated miserably.

It was originally full of enthusiasm, but in the end it turned into regret and frustration.

Before coming to the huge sculpture, the five people stopped.

"Hey, why is it so difficult for us to become a martial artist? Hero Xiao Yu, the arrogant and mad god, was already well-known in the mainland when we were our age, but now we are nothing."

One of the youths sighed, feeling that his prospects were bleak.The other four were also downcast, and they no longer had the sharpness they had before participating in the competition.

"Young people should have confidence in themselves, it's not good to be dejected!"

Just when the five of them were in a low mood, a voice came from a distance. A man was wearing a bamboo hat and was tall. He couldn't tell his age from the voice.

The five people all looked at the person who came, but when the person came closer, he didn't even look at the sculpture, he just smiled and said: "One failure is nothing, if you want to succeed on the road of life, you have to experience countless setbacks. If you think you are ordinary, how will you go in the future?"

The voice of the visitor was so magnetic that it seemed to be able to pierce people's hearts, making all five of them listen attentively.

"Senior!" One of the women said with some embarrassment, "We have been taught, it's just that we passed here before and saw this sculpture with emotion."

"Every one of us regards the hero Xiao Yu, the arrogant and mad god, as our belief in our hearts. He has never failed, but we failed miserably this time."

The woman's tone was gloomy, and he expressed the feelings of the five people.

The man wearing the hat chuckled and said: "You guys are wrong. Although Aotian Kuangshen has never been defeated, his road is not smooth. He also has strong enemies and difficulties to face, but Every time he chooses to go head-to-head."

"True invincibility is not invincibility in strength, but invincibility in spirit. The reason why Aotian Kuangshen is strong is because of his disobedience!"

"He doesn't accept anyone. Even if he is knocked down by the enemy, he can still stand up again and again. The belief in his heart that refuses to admit defeat has always supported him, so he was able to take the last step."

After the man finished speaking, he looked at the five people who were stunned, and said earnestly: "Young people, all you need is a firm belief. In the face of failure, you must be able to correct your mentality. I believe that when you go back this time, you will find A whole new world!"

Seeing the five people bowing their heads in deep thought, the man smiled, passed through the five people, and walked forward.

The woman who asked the question just now finally came back to her senses, and asked loudly to the man who had gone away: "Senior, thank you for your guidance. I wonder if you can leave your name? I will thank you later."

"You don't need to thank me, my name is Xiao Yu!"

After the man finished speaking, his back gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

"After listening to the words of Senior Xiao, it really opened my eyes!"

The dejected five people have already taken on a completely new look. They are full of hope for the future, but the woman who asked the question before frowned.

"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, don't you think this name sounds familiar?"

The woman asked suddenly.

The four of them also realized that the name was indeed very familiar to them. The five of them thought about it carefully, and suddenly showed expressions of astonishment.

They rushed forward, where was the figure of the man?The five people were extremely excited, because the person who spoke to them just now was probably the invincible legend who had been hidden from the world for ten years.

The five turned their heads to look at the huge sculpture, and slowly knelt down.

The sculpture is a man with an incomparably handsome face, with his hands behind his back, wearing a long robe, quite immortal, and revealing endless arrogance.

At the foot of the sculpture, four poems written by later generations are vividly remembered.

The mountains and rivers are secluded and the water is singing, who is the first in the past?

The mad god Xiao Yu is furious in the universe, he dominates the world and has no enemy.

(End of the book)

(End of this chapter)

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