Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 112 Senior Brother Xiao Yu

Chapter 112 Senior Brother Xiao Yu
"Did you really see these words?"

Liu Xing asked again.

Erlong nodded, and said: "I can't read it wrong. Although I was far away at the time, the man in black wrote very clearly, and the characters were also very large. It clearly said ' Call Xiao Yu here'."

Liu Xing was silent when he heard this, and thought hard, but the disciples began to express their views one after another.

"It must be the two men in black who killed so many people, but their strength is too terrifying, right? And the way of killing is too cruel, sucking the blood from the corpse, I don't want to be like that!"

"People from the main sect can't save us, why did the two men in black write 'call Xiao Yu here'?"

"Who is Xiao Yu? Is it some great master?"

The disciples had different opinions, obviously they had a great interest in Xiao Yu.

"No matter who Xiao Yu is, the key is to save us. I don't know if anyone has notified him."

Everyone was walking and discussing, but a voice shook them dizzily at this moment.

"Xiao Yu? This name is so familiar. I remember that three years ago, there was a disciple named Xiao Yu in our branch hall, and he was very famous. I don't know if it is this Xiao Yu!"

Everyone looked at the disciple who spoke together, this disciple was named Liu Feng, he was a relatively senior disciple, because his talent was mediocre, so he was still staying in the sect hall at this moment, he was one of the disciples who were in the same class as Xiao Yu .

"Ah! Brother Liu Feng, do you know Xiao Yu?"

Several female disciples couldn't help but gathered around and said curiously.

Liu Feng smiled awkwardly, and said: "I do know someone named Xiao Yu, who was also a disciple of our branch hall three years ago, but I think it's probably not the Xiao Yu that those two black-robed men were looking for. The power gap is too great."

"Brother, tell me about Xiao Yu, is he famous?"

At this time, other disciples also asked questions one after another. Gossip is very important in the hearts of boys and girls of this age. At this moment, they have forgotten the haze of Fanyun Town, and only want to know about Xiao Yu's matter that Liu Feng said.

"This Xiao Yu, three years ago, was just a third-rate disciple of our Fenzong Hall. His talent was poor, but he was lustful. He often molested female disciples in the Fenzong Hall, but because of him..."

Liu Feng was about to continue, but suddenly thought of something, and looked at Liu Xing with fear in his eyes.

However, Liu Xing sighed and encouraged: "Liu Feng, tell me, there is no need to hide anything, this matter should be known to everyone."

Liu Feng was taken aback for a moment, he thought Liu Xing would never allow him to bring up this matter, but unexpectedly Liu Xing was so magnanimous, and Liu Xing's expression didn't seem fake, so he continued.

"Xiao Yu had a relationship with the branch master at that time, that is, Yang Shucheng, our previous branch master. Yang Shucheng was Xiao Yu's uncle, so those female disciples who were molested because of Yang's relationship could only Swallow your breath and act like it never happened.”

Hearing this, some female disciples couldn't help shouting out: "This Xiao Yu is too bastard, relying on Section Master Yang to act mischievously in the sect hall, why does such a person mention him? I don't want to hear it anymore. "

The rest of the people also showed angry looks on their faces, Xiao Yu's behavior was simply a scum in their eyes.

"This is just the front, but Xiao Yu has changed a lot since then!" Liu Feng waved his hand and continued, "Do you all know who was the number one genius in our sect hall three years ago?"

"Ah, I know!" A male disciple replied excitedly, "It's Senior Sister Liu Piaoxu, I've seen her before, she is absolutely beautiful!"

Everyone also remembered who Liu Piaoxu was, waiting for Liu Feng to write.

Liu Feng nodded and said, "That's right, it's indeed Liu Piaoxu. Do you know that a shocking incident was reported at that time, that Xiao Yu molested Liu Piaoxu."

"how is this possible?"

Everyone was shocked.

"Senior Liu Piaoxu is the number one genius with advanced strength, how could Xiao Yu, a third-rate disciple, molest her?"

"We also thought it was strange at the time, but Hall Master Liu shot and broke Xiao Yu's limbs, so we couldn't believe it."

When Liu Feng said this, he looked at Liu Xing again, but found that he was not angry, but nodded to him, signaling him to continue talking.

"That's right, Senior Sister Liu Piaoxu is Hallmaster Liu's granddaughter, and it's only natural for Hallmaster Liu to cripple Xiao Yu's limbs."

"Yes, that's how it should be. A scum like Xiao Yu should let him learn a lesson. Hall Master Liu did a good job. If I were here three years ago, I would definitely beat Xiao Yu to the ground!"

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and regarded Xiao Yu as a street mouse that everyone shouted and beat.

"But!" Liu Feng changed the subject, "Xiao Yu recovered inexplicably, and within ten days he reached the first level of Qi refining level from the fourth level of Qi refining, and defeated the opponent who had reached the first level of Condensation Realm in the martial arts arena of the Fenzong Hall. Liu Piaoxu, who is at the eighth level of Condensed Origin Realm, announced that she was framed by Liu Piaoxu."


When Liu Feng said this, everyone was shocked.

"Sister Lu Piaoxu framed Xiao Yu? How is it possible?"

"How could it be? Can a third-rate disciple beat Liu Piaoxu, who is known as the number one genius?"

"It's too ridiculous, can you heal if all limbs are broken?"

"From the fourth level of Qi Refining to the first level of Condensation Realm within ten days? Are you kidding me?"

"Even if it is the first level of Condensed Yuan Realm, how can we fight against the eighth level of Condensed Yuan Realm? This is seven small realms behind!"

The disciples exploded one after another, each of them was blushing, and they all expressed their opinions.

"Senior brother Liu Feng, where is that senior brother Xiao Yu now? Where is he?"

A few female disciples asked bluntly, after they heard that Xiao Yu was able to defeat Liu Piaoxu, who was at the eighth level of Yuan Condensation Realm, they immediately became interested, and changed their address to Xiao Yu from "Bastard" to "Senior Brother Xiao Yu" .

"Three years ago, Hall Master Yang Zong died tragically, and he also disappeared and never appeared again!"

Liu Feng sighed, he only mentioned this past when he heard Xiao Yu's name today.

"No, Xiao Yu came back a month ago!"

Liu Xing, who had never spoken until now, spoke.


Even Liu Feng looked at Liu Xing in shock.

"Master Zong, Xiao Yu has he come back?"

Liu Xing nodded, glanced at several outstanding disciples of this class in the sect hall, and mentioned something: "You still remember the one I met in front of the grave of the master Yang Zongtang when I took you on a spring trip a month ago. The youth in black?"

"Ah! That handsome man in black with a cool expression is Senior Brother Xiao Yu?"

A female disciple with an extremely delicate appearance suddenly remembered something and said loudly.

The rest of the disciples who participated in the spring tour also remembered the black-clothed youth who was talking to Hall Master Liu Zong extremely coldly at that time.

"That's right, that's Xiao Yu, your senior brother!"

Liu Xing nodded, and the bloody words Erlong said flashed in his mind again: Call Xiao Yu!
He frowned and thought: "Could it be Xiao Yu they are looking for?"

(End of this chapter)

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