Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 118 Heavenly Demon Blood Formation

Chapter 118 Heavenly Demon Blood Formation

Xiao Yu rushed to the gate of Fanyun Town. As far as his eyes could see, no clues could escape his eyes. He clearly saw a strange line at the gate of Fanyun Town, which was arc-shaped and crossed the exit of Fanyun Town. Extend around.


Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed, and he looked at the residents and disciples behind him who were busy moving things, and his heart sank.At this moment, everyone is still busy moving, and no one has stepped out of Fanyun Town, but Xiao Yu has already understood that the unreasonable actions of Li Guoxiong and Su Xun are clearly a vicious scheme.

"Hope it hasn't been launched yet!"

Xiao Yu protected his body with vitality, and approached the arc he saw step by step.The moment his left foot stepped on the jumping arc, a bloody light shot up into the sky along the arc, forming a light curtain. Yunzhen was immediately turned blood red by the red light curtain.


Huge power came from the light curtain, Xiao Yu let out a muffled snort, stepped back a few steps before standing still, and there were already several footprints several inches deep under his feet.

A trace of blood slipped from the corner of Xiao Yu's mouth, and he was actually injured.

"Unexpectedly, I would be so careless!"

Xiao Yu regretted secretly in his heart, he knew that he had fallen into the trap carefully set by Li Guoxiong and Su Xun.

"what happened?"

The people in Fanyun Town saw a red light curtain appearing in the sky, and they didn't know what happened. The next thing they found was that the light curtain covered the entire Fanyun Town, like a semicircular hood Covered Fanyun Town in the light curtain.

"Xiao Yu, what happened?"

Liu Piaoxu ran out from the branch hall to look for Xiao Yu, saw Xiao Yu standing at the exit of Fanyun Town, walked up to him, and found blood on the corner of Xiao Yu's mouth, he was startled.

"Xiao Yu, are you injured?"

Liu Piaoxu took out a handkerchief to help Xiao Yu wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, but Xiao Yu suddenly grabbed her hand.

"Have you finished what I asked you to do?"

Xiao Yu asked in a deep voice.

"It's done!" Liu Piaoxu nodded, "I've summoned everyone to the sect hall."

Xiao Yu nodded, but his expression was unprecedentedly dignified. Liu Piaoxu had seen Xiao Yu's expression before, and whenever Xiao Yu had such an expression on his face, it meant that he had encountered an extremely difficult problem to solve.

"What's the matter?"

Liu Piaoxu asked.

"I've been tricked!" Xiao Yu's tone was extremely cold, "No wonder we felt the astonishing aura released by Li Guoxiong and Su Xun when we arrived at the gate of Fanyun Town. Leaving the sect hall, but this is already stepping into their trap."

"Trap? I don't understand!"

Liu Piaoxu shook her head, she had no idea what Xiao Yu was talking about.

"Oh! I was really careless." Xiao Yu sighed and continued, "Listen to me, we are now trapped in a huge formation, which covers the entire Fanyun Town. In the formation It contains powerful blood energy, it is formed by condensing the blood of many living beings, and it must be the two old dogs Li Guoxiong and Su Xun who arranged this formation."

"Array?" Liu Piaoxu's face changed, "Then why didn't there be any signs before? When we entered Fanyun Town, we didn't see this line at the gate of the town!"

"The array was actually set up before we stepped into Fanyun Town!" Xiao Yu's eyes became colder, and he said, "There are two reasons why we didn't see it. One is that the array was not fully opened at that time, and the traces were very It's not obvious, and there's something clever about these two old dogs. They didn't know how to find out my whereabouts, calculated the time when I arrived here, and chose to enter the sect hall to make a fuss not long ago. Unleash the aura of the whole body. After I arrived here with you, I immediately felt the amazing breath released from them, so I could lock their positions and go directly to them. This left me no time to observe Fanyun Town The surrounding situation, I would not think of observing the situation around Fanyun Town."

"Ah? It turned out to be like this?"

Liu Piaoxu covered her red lips lightly. She recalled that before Xiao Yu and her arrived here, they indeed rushed directly towards the branch hall, and did not observe the surroundings of Fanyun Town. At that time, Li Guoxiong and Su Xun's aura Rich, Xiao Yu and she both thought that they were going to kill someone, so they rushed over as quickly as possible, but ignored the information from the outskirts of Fanyun Town.

Xiao Yu nodded and continued: "This is just the first step. The second step is that when the two fought against me, they didn't use all their strength at all. They deliberately showed weakness and then used secret methods to escape. I would take it for granted that they They escaped, but they actually took advantage of this gap to get out of Fanyun Town, and then activated the formation, so that we were all trapped in it."

"They actually have such a terrible plan?"

The shock in Liu Piaoxu's heart was not small.

Xiao Yu said in a deep voice: "If I'm not mistaken, these two people haven't gone far, they should be outside Fanyun Town, he wants to watch us die in the formation."

As Xiao Yu spoke, his eyes kept sweeping towards the hills and bushes outside Fanyun Town.

"Papa papa! Wonderful!"

Li Guoxiong and Su Xun walked down slowly from a hill outside Fanyun Town, clapping and laughing slyly.

The coldness in Xiao Yu's eyes gradually grew, and he shot straight at the two of them.Through the bloody light curtain, Li Guoxiong and Su Xun could still feel Xiao Yu's infinite killing intent.

"Xiao Yu, I have to say, I really admire you. Your quick mind is truly incomparable to few others."

It was Su Xun, who had never spoken, who spoke.

"In order to kill me, you have really tried your best!"

Xiao Yu sneered.

"Hey!" Su Xun said sadly, "We are really terrified of your strength, or in other words, the remnants of the blood evil emperor in our body are very terrified of you, through him we also have a considerable understanding of you , we really don't have the confidence to take you down, so we have to make a bad move and use some means!"

"Su Xun, Li Guoxiong!" Xiao Yu looked at the two of them mockingly, "You are the elders of one power, but unexpectedly you are willing to degenerate for the sake of power. Look at your current appearance, are you still human?"

"Don't worry about it!"

Li Guoxiong and Su Xun yelled at the same time, their faces even more ferocious. In order to practice the Heavenly Demon Dafa passed down to them by the blood evil emperor, they made themselves inhuman and ghost. This is the pain in their hearts.

"Hmph, the power you get is ridiculous, and you are likely to become lunatics controlled by power." The sneer at the corner of Xiao Yu's mouth became more intense, "It's really sad for you who can't even control your power by then."

"Xiao Yu, don't be so rampant. This demonic blood formation is formed by the blood essence of all the people we have killed in the past few days. It has infinite power. After a while, the killing mode will be activated, and you will all die in it. No one can live. As long as you die, the remnants of the blood evil emperor in our body will dissipate, and the power will belong to us completely, and then we will no longer be slaves to be dominated. Hahahaha!"

Li Guoxiong and Su Xun laughed loudly, and the bloody light curtain covering Fanyun Town rippled.

(End of this chapter)

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