Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 128 Xiao Yu's Plan

Chapter 128 Xiao Yu's Plan

Seeing Xiao Yu's cynical appearance, Xiao Long felt sour in his heart. Thinking of all the hardships Xiao Yu had suffered over the years, he felt that he had not fulfilled his uncle's obligations.

"Sima Yu, I don't care how good this woman is at disguising, I will definitely let her die a miserable death!"

Xiao Yu was full of anger, and the evil spirit on his body was released little by little, rendering the entire banquet hall a layer of light gray.

"What a terrible evil spirit!"

Xiao Long was startled, he had only heard about Xiao Yu's current strength, and hadn't seen it with his own eyes. Now just by the aura exuded from Xiao Yu's body, he knew that Xiao Yu must have stepped into the Shattering Yuan Realm.

"Yu'er, I have to remind you, although there is a great possibility that your aunt did this, but we don't have any evidence right now. Even if you tell it, no one else will believe it. You must not act rashly."

Xiao Long said seriously.

"I don't need others to believe it, as long as I know the truth of the facts, that's fine."

Xiao Yu said coldly.

"Yu'er, you didn't understand what I said. If others don't believe you, then Sima Yu will be protected by the Xiao family. She is now the mistress of the Xiao family, and her status is equal to the eight elders of the Xiao family. If you want to move him, The Eight Great Elders will definitely not stand idly by, and the situation will only become more and more unfavorable to you."

Xiao Long said in a deep voice, he was afraid that Xiao Yu would rush directly to Xiao's house impulsively, and then it would be really hard to fly.

"Eight Great Elders?"

Xiao Yu was taken aback, although he used to stay in the Xiao family every day, he really knew very little about the affairs of the Xiao family. At that time, he only knew how to ask for flowers and ask willows, causing trouble, and never thought about knowing everything about the Xiao family.

"That's right, the eight great elders are all top experts in the Huoyun Empire today, and their strengths have all reached the fifth level of the Yuan-breaking realm, and the strength of the strongest elder has even reached the sixth level of the Yuan-breaking realm."

When Xiao Long said this, his expression was very solemn. He had a relatively thorough understanding of the eight elders, among whom the elder was his master, and most of his abilities came from the elders.

"Seven of the fifth level of the Yuan-breaking realm, and one of the sixth level of the Yuan-breaking realm?"

Xiao Yu's complexion changed slightly. This lineup is indeed terrifying. Even he is not fully sure that he can compete with it.

"I don't know this yet. The Eighth Elder is a major obstacle. Let's not talk about it for now. What I can't understand the most is Sima Yu." Xiao Long said in a deep voice, "She is definitely very strong. As for how far she has reached, I can't explain clearly, but my induction is stronger than that of ordinary people, and Sima Yu always gives me an extremely dangerous feeling."

Xiao Yu nodded. If Sima Yu was really the man in black who attacked her when she was eight years old, then she would have escaped from under the eyes of Xiao Haoyun, the number one general of the Fire Cloud Empire at that time, and then she would be able to return to the room to change clothes immediately. , walked out as if nothing had happened.This series of things is beyond the capabilities of the powerful.

"Yu'er, there is one more thing that I still can't figure out."

Xiao Long suddenly frowned.

"what's up?"

Xiao Yu asked.

"It's about your injury!" Xiao Long replied, "Why didn't Sima Yu do it earlier or later, but why did he do it that night?"

Xiao Yu was stunned when he heard Xiao Long's question. This was indeed his long-standing doubt.

Sima Yu often played with Xiao Yu since he was a child, and spent a lot of time alone with Xiao Yu. It was easy for her to do something to Xiao Yu, but why did she choose that night?

"This answer, I'm afraid we can't figure it out, we have to wait for her to answer!"

Xiao Yu shook his head and said.

"Yu'er, my uncle has told you everything that should be said, think twice before acting, don't get yourself involved when you can't avenge yourself."

Xiao Long patted Xiao Yu's shoulder, speaking sincerely.

"Hey! Sima Yu!" Xiao Yu sneered and said proudly, "Uncle, there is absolutely no room for maneuver in this matter. I don't care about the Eight Great Elders, or what level Sima Yu's own strength has reached. All I know is that she must die."

"Hey!" Xiao Long sighed, knowing that it would be fruitless to persuade him, he poured a glass of wine and said, "Yu'er, my uncle will support you in whatever you want to do, come on, have a good drink tonight."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Long raised his wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

"Okay, I'll accompany my uncle today!"

Xiao Yu was so angry that he directly picked up the jug and drank it.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that besides Yun'er, your kid has become so bold now, so happy!"

Xiao Long also picked up a jug of wine as he spoke, and drank it vigorously.Xiao Long and Xiao Yu drank heavily, ate meat, chatted happily, and all their troubles were forgotten.

I don't know how long after drinking, Xiao Long has already passed out drunk by the table, Xiao Yu's handsome face is slightly red, and he doesn't feel drunk at all.

"Strange, am I drunk?"

Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Long who was drunk and unconscious, a smile flickered across the corner of his mouth.It's been a long time since he indulged himself like this.

Xiao Yu drank two more pots and felt a little sleepy, so he leaned against the stone pillar to take a rest.

In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Long woke up unsteadily, his eyes were still hazy, and he couldn't really see what was in front of him.


Xiao Long laughed, and the vitality in his body circulated rapidly, forcing out the remaining alcohol in his body.

"Phew! I'm much more energetic now."

Xiao Long stretched his waist, looked at the messy banquet hall, smiled wryly and shook his head.He has always been thrifty and self-respecting, and he does things in an orderly manner, but because he was so happy to see Xiao Yu again yesterday, he really indulged himself.

"Uncle, you didn't wake up early!"

Xiao Yu leaned against the stone pillar in the banquet hall and looked at Xiao Long with a smile on his face.

"You boy, were you not drunk last night?"

Xiao Long was slightly taken aback. He had always been extremely confident in his drinking capacity and was once proud of it. He drank so much last night that he was unconscious. He thought Xiao Yu would sleep for a day and a half, but Xiao Yu didn't expect it. Yu seemed to be much more awake than him.

Xiao Yu smiled but did not answer, at this moment a servant from the City Lord's Mansion greeted him outside the door.

Xiao Long asked his servants to clean up the cups and plates on the table, and he took Xiao Yu to visit the City Lord's Mansion.Xiao Yu didn't have any interest in this matter, but seeing Xiao Long's high interest, he followed him.

"How about Yu'er, uncle, the city lord's mansion is quite impressive, right?"

After strolling around, Xiao Long and Xiao Yu sat in the stone pavilion in the center of the City Lord's Mansion, eating the breakfast served by the servants.

"That's right, you've caught up with half of the Xiao family!" Xiao Yu nodded and asked, "Uncle, how did you come to Tianwu City to be the city lord? I remember that you were also in the army before."

"It's a long story. I'll tell you about it later. What are your plans for the future?"

Xiao Long was very concerned about Xiao Yu's next actions, and he was very worried that Xiao Yu would go directly to the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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