Chapter 130 Sudden Attack

"Being killed after being tortured by the murderer? How can you see that?"

Xiao Long leaned over to investigate, but didn't notice anything unusual, the old man's bones were all broken.

"Uncle, touch his elbows and knees."

Xiao Long touched the old man's elbows and knees as he said.

"Touch his other places and see if the bones are broken."

Xiao Long checked other places again, and frowned, he did feel a little different.

"The four bones of the elbow and knee were completely broken, almost truly comminuted, while the bones in other places were left with large fragments of bone."

Xiao Yu nodded, and said: "That's right, so it can be deduced from this that the murderer smashed the elbows and knees of the deceased one by one, in order to torture the deceased, and finally crushed them with a heavy blow." The dead man was all skeletons, and where he struck, I think it was the head."

Xiao Long pondered for a long while, and said: "The murderer used a very special martial technique to strike on the top of each deceased, and the force penetrated into the body, causing all the bones in the body to be shattered, and the fatal injury was caused by the shattered skull. I have never seen this kind of martial arts."

Xiao Yu also became curious about this murderer, he really wanted to know what kind of martial skill had the same effect as his Body Penetrating Strength.

"Let us go, we are members of the Duanyun sect!"

"City Master Xiao Long, it's the old man!"

There was a sudden commotion outside Liulin, Xiao Long turned his head and saw a group of people wearing the costumes of Duanyun Sect's sect sect had a dispute with his city guards, and the leader was a man he knew, who was the Duanyun Sect's Tianwu City sect The head of the sect, Mo Tian.

"Let them come here!"

With a wave of Xiao Long's hand, those city guards stood on both sides to let them go.Mo Tian was followed by more than a dozen people, including three old men, and the rest were all young men and women, who seemed to be disciples of the branch sect.Xiao Yu saw Yang Xiruo at a glance, and Lin Feiyun, Guo Li, Wang Xiu and others were also accompanying him, all of whom were surviving disciples who entered the Death Valley last time.Yang Xiruo's face was full of sadness, Xiao Yu didn't know what was wrong.

"It seems that the identity of this deceased person is not simple. He actually allowed the sect master of the Deduanyun sect to come out in person."

Xiao Long went up to meet him after thinking about it.

"Master Momen!"

Mo Tian also saluted Xiao Long, and said: "City Master Xiao, we came to see the corpse. There was such a big incident in the branch sect, and the old man rushed over as soon as he heard about it."

Xiao Long nodded and made a gesture of please.Yang Xiruo, Lin Feiyun, Guo Li, and Wang Xiu had already seen Xiao Yu, and everyone rushed over with surprised expressions on their faces.

"Xiao Yu!"

Seeing Xiao Yu, Yang Xiruo's originally gloomy face suddenly changed, and she was the first to run to Xiao Yu's side with a moving smile on her face.

"Brother Xiao!"

Lin Feiyun, Guo Li, and Wang Xiu were also overjoyed, and they all surrounded Xiao Yu. The last time they parted in the Battle Emperor's Domain, Xiao Yu's life and death were unknown, so they naturally missed Xiao Yu all the time.

"I'm fine, as I said, no one can kill me!"

Xiao Yu smiled gently, facing these old acquaintances, he couldn't keep his face cold.Xiao Yu suddenly felt an extremely cold gaze, he turned his head and looked aside, Li Yingyu was looking at him with disappointment, his eyes were full of resentment.

Li Yingyu naturally hoped that Xiao Yu would die, but now she had to accept the cruel fact.

"Xiao Yu, I... I'm sorry!"

Looking at Xiao Yu's familiar handsome face, Yang Xiruo's eyes suddenly turned red.

Xiao Yu smiled slightly and shook his head.He knew that what Yang Xiruo was talking about was saying bad words to him in the realm of the Emperor of War, and he only felt guilty towards Yang Xiruo, so how could he blame her?

"Brother Xiao, why are you here? Don't tell me you also know that someone from our branch sect died, so why don't you come over and have a look?"

Lin Feiyun wondered.

"That's the case, let's talk about the old days later, let's go and see if there are any friends of yours here, you'd better be prepared!"

Xiao Yu pointed to the many corpses not far away, and said.

"Okay, let's go take a look first!"

Several people walked towards the corpse together, and Lin Feiyun saw that Mo Tian, ​​the master of the branch sect, was already inspecting the corpses of these fellow sects.

"Ah! Is that Elder Qiuyun?"

Yang Xiruo exclaimed when she saw the old man's body.

"How is it possible? Elder Qiuyun's strength has reached the first stage of the Yuansha Realm, who can kill him?"

Lin Feiyun and the others were also shocked.

"Is that person the elder of the branch sect?"

"That's right!" Lin Feiyun replied, "He is the elder of our branch sect, who unexpectedly died here tragically."

"Why did he bring so many disciples?"

Xiao Yu asked.

"Brother Xiao doesn't know, these are the disciples of Elder Qiuyun. He has a habit, that is, whenever he wants to accept disciples, he will take a few disciples out for training. Those who pass his test will be accepted as real disciples by him, and Liu Mubai is one of his disciples."

Speaking of Liu Mubai, everyone felt a sense of heaviness in their hearts, and Liu Mubai's willingness to die was still vivid in their minds.

"Body-piercing bone-crushing palm! Body-piercing bone-crushing palm!"

Not far away, Mo Tian's expression suddenly changed drastically, and he spoke plausibly, and he took a few steps back.

Xiao Yu and the others also saw this scene. Xiao Yu had sharp ears and heard the words that Mo Tian said.

"Body-piercing bone-crushing palm?"

Xiao Yu frowned, over there Xiao Long had already supported Mo Tian, ​​and asked anxiously: "Master Mo, what's wrong?"

"It's him, it's him who's back!" Mo Tian's expression was full of panic, and he kept shouting, "It's him, he's coming for revenge, he's coming for revenge!"

Mo Tian's expression turned crazy, and his body trembled violently.

"Master Momen, who is the 'he' you are talking about?"

As soon as Xiao Long heard it, he knew that Mo Tian must know something, and quickly grabbed Mo Tian's shoulder, hoping that he would calm down.

It took a long time for Mo Tian to calm down. He glanced at Qiu Yun's body with a sad expression.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Lin Feiyun and the others were puzzled.

"The head of the sect has always been on good terms with Elder Qiuyun, he may be too sad."

Yang Xiruo worried.

"He understands something, wait for him to talk!"

Xiao Yu went up, he wasn't interested in this matter, but he had to take care of it, the murderer was obviously targeting people from Duanyun Sect, so Yang Xiruo was also among them, he didn't settle this matter , and how to go to the Spirit Beast Mountain Range with peace of mind?
"Master Momen, tell us what you know, the murderer is so cruel and vicious, you must catch him as soon as possible."

Xiao Long looked serious.

"Oh, I didn't expect that he actually managed it!"

Mo Tian had a sad face, with a trace of fear on his face, but he didn't say anything.


A strong wind sounded.

Although Mo Tian was in his memory, he could still feel the fluctuations around him keenly. He knew that the strong wind was rushing towards him, so he quickly shot his luck and stopped it in front of his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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