Chapter 133


The guards of the Nine-Life City fell to the ground in all directions, unable to get up one by one, and several of them were even bleeding from their mouths and noses, and their breath was weak.

Liu Piaoxu's heart trembled, she stood up anyway, and said coldly: "Who are you, why did you attack the sect of Tianwu City, and why did you attack us?"

The blood-robed man fixed his eyes on Liu Piaoxu, and said with a sinister smile: "Because you are from the branch sect, I must kill them. As for the little boys from the branch sect behind you, they can't escape either."

"What kind of enmity do you have with us? I don't seem to have met you!"

Liu Xing came out, clenched his fists at the blood-robed man, and spoke very decently.At this moment, the blood-robed man is absolutely hard to resist, it is better to take the initiative to give in and fight for a chance of life.

"Hey!" The blood-robed man looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "Grudges? I don't have any grudges with you, but it's a pity that you joined the wrong sect."

Liu Piaoxu and Liu Xing's hearts sank, they both knew that this matter would never be resolved today.They glanced at the huge boulder blocking the way behind them, and there was a blood-robed man blocking the way ahead, it was really at a loss.

"Okay, that's enough, I'll take you there!"

The blood-robed man sneered, his figure suddenly flashed like lightning, and his target was Liu Piaoxu.Liu Piaoxu was wearing the clothes of the sect of Duanyun Sect, which made him look extremely unpleasant.


Liu Piaoxu retreated in panic, but she knew that she couldn't dodge at all, the speed of the blood-robed man was too fast.


There was a sharp piercing sound, and a white figure was faster than the blood-robed man, shooting from the stone wall of the chaotic rock valley.


The blood-robed man felt the strong wind pressing down on his body behind him, and was startled. At this moment, he had already reached the top of Liu Piaoxu's head, and slapped it with his palm.


A white figure had already blocked Liu Piaoxu's body, and at the same time stretched out a slender white palm to meet her.


There was a muffled sound in the air, and the blood-robed man felt a huge shock all over his body, and fell to the ground from the air, and couldn't help stepping back a few steps.

When he came back to his senses, there was already a person standing in front of him, it was the young man in white who found him in the willow forest.

"It's you?"

The blood-robed man was in doubt.

"Fortunately caught up!"

Xiao Yu heaved a sigh of relief, shot cold eyes at the blood-robed man, and said coldly, "Pojun?"

The blood-robed man laughed loudly, shaking the valley trembling.

"Yes, I am Po Jun. Of course, you can also call me Xuelingzi."

"Xue Lingzi?" Liu Piaoxu startled her delicate body, and said in shock, "Ranked fifth in the blood killing list, Xue Lingzi?"

Po Jun looked at Liu Piaoxu, with a playful look in his eyes: "You know a lot, little girl!"

"I don't care who you are, you can't leave today!"

Xiao Yu raised his eyelids slightly, and his tone was flat, but it contained a chilling intent.

"Can't go?" Po Jun looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "Hahaha, this is the first time I, Xue Lingzi, have heard a junior talk to me like this."

"That's the last time you heard it too!"

Xiao Yu's voice turned cold, and he took a step forward, the surrounding air was shaken by the tyrannical vitality in his body, making a sharp explosion.

Po Jun's expression froze, he had already sensed the dangerous aura coming from Xiao Yu's body.

"Who is this kid?"

Po Jun already had the idea of ​​retreating. In the confrontation between him and Xiao Yu just now, he was obviously at a disadvantage. If he continued to fight now, he might be at his own disadvantage.

"Let me experience the so-called 'Bone-piercing Palm'!"

Xiao Yu sneered at the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his single palm, as if he was ready to strike at any time.

"Hmph, since you want to learn about my 'Body Piercing Palm', then I'll do it for you!"

Po Jun snorted coldly, with his right palm in his hand, strange lines wound from his forearm to his palm, and his entire palm had turned blue-purple.

Po Jun originally wanted to retreat, but he changed his mind after hearing Xiao Yu's words.Xiao Yu obviously didn't pay much attention to "Body Piercing Bone Palm", he had worked hard all his life for this martial skill, which caused people to betray their relatives, now Xiao Yu belittled "Body Piercing Bone Palm", how could he bear it? live?

"Bone-piercing palm, body-piercing madness!"

With a loud shout, Po Jun jumped up into the air, his palm drew a purple-blue wind in the air, and suddenly slapped Xiao Yu.

"Strength through the body!"

Xiao Yu's front and rear feet were staggered, his right fist was already in his waist, and a light blue wave of air spread from his fist, shaking the surrounding gravel.


Xiao Yu roared angrily, his fist went up to meet him, and collided with Po Jun's purple-green palm.

"Puff puff!"

The muffled sound of air bursting continuously came out around the two of them, the ground was cracked inch by inch, and the surrounding stone walls were also shaken so that rocks splashed everywhere.


Po Jun wanted to drive the strange power of "Bone-piercing Palm" into Xiao Yu's body, destroying the tissues in his body, but he found a more domineering force penetrating his body, which was incompatible with his body-piercing body. Bonecrusher is almost the same.


Xiao Yu shouted loudly, stretched his arms forward suddenly, and the violent vitality in his body swept up like a torrent.Po Jun is only at the third level of the Po Yuan Realm, so how can he control Xiao Yu's domineering strength? He only heard a scream, and shot straight out from the air, and his body smashed into the stone wall, causing the surroundings to tremble.


Po Jun protruded a mouthful of blood, panting non-stop, he felt that all the ribs in his chest had been broken.

"Why do you know how to wear the Bone Fragment Palm?"

Po Jun's expression was shocked, and he couldn't believe it.

Xiao Yu didn't answer, walked up to Po Jun, and punched again.


Po Jun only felt severe pain all over his body, a domineering force pierced through his body, cracking every bone in his body, and he almost passed out from the pain.

"How does it feel? The person who died at your hands felt the same way, right?"

Xiao Yu looked at Po Jun with a smile on his face, but Po Jun felt that the smile was like a devil, which made him feel cold all over.

"Are you all alright!"

Looking at a group of stunned disciples, Xiao Yu asked.

"Ah! It's okay, we're okay!"

Everyone cheered in unison, unexpectedly Xiao Yu rescued them again in a critical moment.

"Thank you, Your Excellency!"

Several city guards who did not die struggled to get up, saluted Xiao Yu, and felt terrified at the same time.Just now when they fought against Po Jun, they were defeated almost instantly, but when Po Jun fought against Xiao Yu, they had no power to fight back at all. They all thought in their hearts, how could this young man, who is only double ten years old, have such terrifying strength?

"You guys handcuff that guy and take him back to the City Lord's Mansion!"

Xiao Yu pointed at Po Jun who looked like a dead dog, and several city guards led the way up. When they touched Po Jun's body, they realized that apart from his head, there was no other part of Po Jun intact.

"Xiao Yu, how do you know that something will happen to us?"

Liu Piaoxu walked to Xiao Yu's side and smiled.

Before Xiao Yu could answer in the future, Po Jun suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Xiao Yu in fear.

"You are Xiao Yu, are you Xiao Yu?"

(End of this chapter)

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