Chapter 137 Xiao Yun Appears
"Good boy, your tone is arrogant!" Xiao Shan sneered and said, "You better give me a reason for trespassing on Xiao's house, otherwise you will definitely die today. If the reason is right, I can consider to spare your life."

"Old dog!" Xiao Yu's eyes flickered coldly, and he said coldly, "You have ruined the Liu family so thoroughly, and now you are still swearing to spare my life, if you don't kill you today, I won't be called Xiao Yu."

"Xiao Yu?"

Xiao Shan was startled, and suddenly felt that he had heard this name somewhere before.Xiao Lin on the side whispered softly in his ear, Xiao Shan's face changed slightly.

"Are you Xiao Yu, the son of the former Patriarch?"

"So what?"

Xiao Yu took a step forward, and a monstrous momentum gushed out from his body.Xiao Shan's complexion changed again, he had always regarded Xiao Yu as an ignorant young man, who knew he had such strength.

"Since you are the son of the former head of the family, you are a member of my Xiao family. Why do you make things difficult for me because of a mere Liu family?"

Xiao Shan forced himself to suppress the fear in his heart, and said in a deep voice.

"The Liu family has my protection. How can I let you go after you made the Liu family look like that?"

Xiao Yu took another step forward, and Xiao Shan couldn't help but take a step back. He could clearly feel Xiao Yu's realm, which was the first stage of Yuansha realm, but for some reason, he always felt his heart beating.

"You are the son of the former owner, I don't want to argue with you, but don't think that I will be afraid of you!"

Xiao Shan snorted coldly, and his whole body exuded aura. As a strong man at the third level of the Yuan-breaking realm, he naturally wouldn't be afraid of Xiao Yu, who was at the first-level of the Yuan-breaking realm.

"Furthermore, people from the Liu family dare to kill members of my Xiao family and challenge the majesty of our Xiao family. So what if I destroy their entire family?"

Xiao Shan felt confident and confident, and spoke very loudly.

"I killed those three wastes from the Xiao family, and today you will end up with the same result as them!"

Xiao Yu sneered, just as he finished speaking, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a sharp sound burst out in the surrounding air. He had already shot out like a bowstring, and his rapid movement brought a white afterimage.

Xiao Shan's eyes froze, he obviously didn't expect Xiao Yu to have such a ghostly speed, just in an instant, Xiao Yu crossed the distance of several tens of feet between the two.

Xiao Yu turned over in the air and swept down with one leg.After all, Xiao Shan is a master who has been famous for a long time, his reaction is extremely fast, he raised his right hand above his head.


Xiao Shan only felt the bones of his hands creak, and the muscles on his arms were sunk by Xiao Yu's kick, and his whole body was also under tremendous pressure. Has stepped into the hard rock.

The surrounding Xiao family guards were shocked by the aftermath of this powerful blow and retreated, their faces full of horror.The most surprised person was Xiao Lin. Xiao Lin knew more about Xiao Yu than anyone else. Naturally, he knew what Xiao Yu was four years ago. He couldn't believe it. In just four years, they The second young master can actually fight against the core masters in the family and gain the upper hand.


Xiao Shan yelled angrily, pushed his left hand on his right hand, and pushed up at the same time, all the vitality burst out, trying to seriously injure Xiao Yu.

Feeling the strength from Xiao Shan's hand, Xiao Yu sneered in his heart.With this force, he turned over in the air, raised his right leg above his head, and slashed down suddenly, with the momentum of a tiger descending the mountain. Along with the surging vitality, Xiao Shan felt the strong wind pave his face, and his breathing became a little stagnant.

"How is it possible? This kid is obviously only at the first stage of breaking Yuan, why does the strength of Yuan Qi reach this level?"

Xiao Shan was terrified in his heart, he didn't dare to force it, and immediately rolled to one side, extremely embarrassed.


Xiao Yu's foot landed on the ground, and there was a loud noise, the ground that Xiao Yu touched exploded with countless rubble, and smoke and dust rose everywhere, covering Xiao Yu as well.

Xiao Shan rolled aside, propped his palm on the ground, and bounced.The members of the Xiao family are all powerful, and it is almost impossible for them to find opponents within the same level. Take Xiao Shan as an example, although he is only at the third level of the Yuan-breaking realm, his real combat power is not inferior to the fourth-level of the Yuan-breaking realm. This is why he The reason why Xiao Yu still has room to escape is because of his discomfort.

"What a terrifying power! If I really take this blow, I'm afraid I will be severely injured on the spot!"

Xiao Shan looked at the terrible smoke and dust in front of him with a terrified expression.


The smoke and dust moved suddenly, a white figure pierced through it, and another punch had already attacked Xiao Shan suddenly.

This punch was fierce and extremely fast, and with the cover of smoke and dust, it was too late for Xiao Shan to dodge it, so he could only use the vitality in his body to resist with the punch.



There was a crisp sound from Xiao Shan's arm, he let out a muffled grunt, and fell outwards, directly collapsing the wall at the gate of Xiao's house, and fell into the gravel.

Xiao Yu withdrew his fist, looked at Xiao Shan coldly, his eyes shot out an astonishing chill, he stepped out slowly, not in a hurry to kill Xiao Shan, he wanted to let Xiao Shan feel the fear of death slowly.

Death is not the scariest thing, but the long wait before death is the scariest thing.


Xiao Shan took a breath, his arm was broken by the domineering force from Xiao Yu's fist the moment he confronted Xiao Yu just now, and even a few bones were broken.

He raised his head suddenly and saw Xiao Yu approaching step by step, his eyes full of fear.Only now did he know how terrifying the second young master of the Xiao family was.

The group of Xiao family guards in the rear had been stunned for a long time. They thought that even if Xiao Yu had some skills, he would not be Xiao Shan's opponent in the end. Who knew that the fact was completely opposite to what they thought. Xiao Shan couldn't even catch Xiao Yu's attack. Three strokes ended with serious injuries.

"Second Young Master, can't kill him!"

Seeing Xiao Yu's non-stop pace, Xiao Lin hurriedly stopped him.Xiao Lin's status in the Xiao family is not low, if Xiao Yu killed him, it would definitely be a big trouble.

"You want to stop me?"

Xiao Yu turned his head and glanced at Xiao Lin, it was this ordinary look that made Xiao Lin dare not speak again, and kept silent like a cicada.

If it were someone else, Xiao Yu would have killed him long ago, but Xiao Lin had done too much for him back then, quite a few times, so he didn't want to hurt Xiao Lin.

"what happened?"

Suddenly there was a roar outside Xiao's house, and a young man in golden armor strode forward. When he saw Xiao Shan lying in the rubble, the expression on his face became more dignified.

"Uncle Shan, what's wrong with you?"

The young man leaned down and helped Xiao Shan up, and asked in a deep voice.

"He... wants to kill me!"

Xiao Shan pointed at Xiao Yu, and immediately coughed up another mouthful of blood.

The young man turned his gaze to look at Xiao Yu, his originally angry expression suddenly froze when he touched Xiao Yu's face, and turned into ecstasy.

"Xiaoyu? Is that you?"

The person who came was Xiao Yu's eldest brother, Xiao Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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