Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 139 Guild Wars 8 Elder

Chapter 139 Fierce battle with the eight elders

"Xiao Yu, don't mess around, I'm one of the candidates for the future elders of the Xiao family!"

Xiao Shan uttered these words tremblingly, only hoping to find a way out in Xiao Yu's hands.

Xiao Yu grinned, with a hint of sarcasm in his smile.

"Really? Then don't be this elder!"

As he said that, a vitality dagger appeared in Xiao Yu's hand, the dagger was gray-black, emitting a little bit of cold light.

"I'll use the ominous blade to send you to meet the countless innocent souls of the Liu family!"

A cold light flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes, and he spun on the spot and punched, the vitality dagger in his hand had already slashed towards Xiao Shan's neck.

"Xiaoyu, don't!"

Xiao Yun yelled not far away, but even with a distance of more than ten feet, he still couldn't save Xiao Shan.



Xiao Shan's throat was cut by Xiao Yu's dagger, blood spattered, Xiao Shan covered his neck with his hands and fell down.He was not completely dead yet, he kept twitching on the ground, his eyes looking at Xiao Yu were full of resentment, more of it was fear.

Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Shan indifferently, suddenly his mind moved, and he turned his head to look into the depths of Xiao's house.He saw a little streamer really flying this way.

"Who dares to kill members of my Xiao family?"

The voice of rage resounded through Xiao's house, mixed with the incomparable domineering momentum, the stream of light fell on the courtyard wall of Xiao's house, and an old man with white beard and hair appeared in everyone's sight.

"Xiao Shan!"

Seeing Xiao Shan lying in a pool of blood, the old man's expression changed, and he immediately flew towards Xiao Shan. He could see that Xiao Shan's main artery was damaged. If he didn't deal with it in time, he would definitely lose blood and die.


Xiao Yu snorted coldly, moved his body, and stopped in front of the old man.The two faced each other in the air, the old man didn't expect that the young man would stop him, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and he punched Xiao Yu.This punch actually contained fiery air, and the air where the wind of the fist passed was burned into nothingness.When he saw Xiao Yu blocking him, he must have prevented him from rescuing Xiao Shan, and since then he has not held back his moves.

Xiao Yu's eyes froze, he had already sensed the old man's cultivation, which was at the fifth level of Yuan Breaking Realm.But Xiao Yu couldn't be forced to back away, he also threw a punch, and went straight to the old man's fist wind.

The fist wind of the two can reach tens of feet in front of them, and the two fist winds meet in the air, and both of them are shocked.

The old man was blocked and fell from the sky, while Xiao Yu also turned around and stood on the ground.The old man looked at Xiao Yu with a look of surprise. He had already delivered eight points of strength with his punch just now, but he did not expect that this young man could catch it. Guohuoyun Empire has such outstanding top talents.

Xiao Yu was also heartbroken. Although he didn't try his best just now, he was not able to catch up with the fifth level of the ordinary Yuanyuan Realm. Xiao Yu remembered Xiao Long's words.

"This person should be one of the eight elders!"

Xiao Yu looked at the old man, he had never seen this person before when he was in the Xiao family, obviously at that time he was not qualified to come into contact with people of this level.

"Eighth Elder, this is my second brother Xiao Yu, if you have something to say, don't do it!"

Seeing the old man and Xiao Yu fighting, Xiao Yun's heart sank, he hurried over and cupped his fists at the old man, begging.

"Your second brother? Is he Xiao Yu?"

The Eighth Elder's eyes were fixed, and he paused on Xiao Yu, as if he was inquiring about something.


Xiao Yu felt that he was being spied on, so he snorted coldly, and his vitality rushed out, forming a shield on his body surface, blocking the Eighth Elder's probe.

The Eighth Elder didn't expect Xiao Yu to do this, his expression darkened, and he said: "Xiao Yu, why do you want to stop me from saving Xiao Shan?"

"Hey!" Xiao Yu sneered, "I want to kill him, but you want to save him, why do you think I'm stopping you?"

"You..." the Eighth Elder said angrily, "You actually injured Xiao Shan? Why did you kill him? He is your elder."

"I had my reasons for killing him, why do I need to explain to you?"

Xiao Yu was not polite at all, and said coldly.

"I didn't expect that my Xiao family would produce such an evil beast like you!"

The Eighth Elder was trembling with rage, and streams of vitality overflowed from the top of his head, extremely condensed, this is the strength of vitality possessed by the fifth level of the Possessing Origin Realm.Xiao Yu's assassination of a member of the same clan has aroused his absolute anger.

"Eighth elder, don't do it, the second brother is ignorant, so please hold your hand high!"

Xiao Yun immediately said anxiously, the Eighth Elder has always been ruthless, and he didn't know the severity of his shots. He was afraid that Xiao Yu would be severely injured by the Eighth Elder, and even more afraid that Xiao Yu would be crippled by the Eighth Elder.

"Hmph, ignorant? Killing one's elders is still ignorant? Xiao Yun, you don't need to say more, go and treat Xiao Shan quickly, I will deal with this evil animal myself."

The eighth elder snorted coldly, but Xiao Yun didn't dare to refute, and could only look at Xiao Yu worriedly.But he saw Xiao Yu's calm and calm face, showing no trace of fear.

"Want to save him? I'm afraid you can't do it!"

Xiao Yu sneered again and again, Xiao Shan's aura had completely disappeared at this moment, he could feel it.Hearing these words, the Eighth Elder's complexion also changed, and he was furious immediately.

"Xiao Yu, you caused the tragic death of the elders of the same clan, I will never tolerate you!"

After saying that, Elder Ba had already slapped him with a palm, and a huge palm print of hundreds of feet covered Xiao Yu, and there was a faint sound of wind and thunder.

"Wind Thunder Hand?"

Xiao Yun exclaimed, this wind and thunder hand is one of the top martial arts of the Xiao family, it carries the force of wind and thunder in its strikes, destroys the dead, and has infinite power.

"Just right, let me see what you elders are capable of!"

Xiao Yu laughed loudly, the fire in his hand flashed, and a huge fireball whizzed out towards the palm print.


The moment the fireball came into contact with the palm print, it exploded, and the fiery air waves overflowed in all directions, and the huge palm print was blown into nothingness.

Xiao Yu and the Eighth Elder shook their bodies at the same time, and they both took a step back.

"how can that be?"

The Eighth Elder's eyes were wide open, he didn't expect Xiao Yu to be able to catch the wind and thunder hand that he hit with all his strength.

Xiao Yun opened his mouth wide, he never thought that Xiao Yu could fight the Eighth Elder evenly.

As for the members of the Xiao family guards, they were already numb.

"Elder, that's all!"

Xiao Yu grinned, and his eyes burst out with a fierce fighting intent.He still remembered that Xiao Long once said that if he wanted to kill Sima Yu, he had to pass the level of the Eight Great Elders first.

"Evil animal, rest wild!"

The Eighth Elder suddenly felt ashamed, and immediately roared, and stretched out his palms, the floor in front of him suddenly flew piece by piece, one after another flew in front of him, and in just a moment, a block of floor formed in front of him. thick walls.

"Strike hard!"

The palm of the Eighth Elder suddenly pushed out, and the thick wall in front of him was divided into six sections, which hit Xiao Yu from six directions: up, down, front, back, left, and right, and blocked Xiao Yu almost instantly. Yu's escape route.

(End of this chapter)

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