Chapter 155
Lin Qingbing had been in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range for five days. She thought she could find Xiao Yu easily, but she still found nothing.

"This spirit beast mountain range is so big, Xiao Yu, where are you?"

Lin Qingbing's face was dusty, a little dust was stained on her white clothes, some places were even torn, exposing her white and snowy skin.

In the past five days, she encountered a lot of spirit beasts, some of which were third-order high-level spirit beasts, comparable to masters above the seventh level of the Shattering Yuan Realm, and she also experienced several fierce battles.Coupled with the lack of rest and poor eating and drinking, she is already haggard at this moment, and she looks like she will collapse at any time.

"No, I can't fall!"

Lin Qingbing felt the weakness in her body, and her steps gradually faltered, but she was still walking, and the belief in her heart kept her clenching her teeth and persevering.

"I must stop him from dying, I must... must..."

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Lin Qingbing finally couldn't hold on anymore, and fell headlong to the ground, the surrounding wind howled, and occasionally a few beast roars came out.


The earth trembled, and Lin Qingbing secretly felt bad.She struggled to open her eyes and looked forward. A huge figure was slowly approaching, and every step would cause great shock.

This is a spirit beast, covered in purple-black scales, with two sharp fangs bending upwards from its mouth, and sticky saliva dripping out of its mouth, making people nauseous.


Lin Qingbing felt that her consciousness was getting blurred and her heart was sinking. This earth dragon is a fourth-order monster, and its strength is comparable to that of a master of Yuan-shattering realm. If she encounters it, she will definitely die.

The earth dragon walked towards her slowly, and when it was ten feet away from her, it suddenly let out a cry, as if it sensed some terrible existence, it let go of its steps and started running, as fast as a gust of wind, rushing towards the dense forest In the depths, Lin Qingbing on the ground didn't care at all.

Lin Qingbing let out a long sigh of relief, this time she really lost consciousness.A figure from far to near landed beside Lin Qingbing.

In Diling City, Liu Piaoxu was at a loss.Naturally, she also received the news that the five major families were going to jointly deal with Xiao Yu, but she was weak alone and could not help Xiao Yu with anything at all.

"Xiao Yu, what should I do?"

Liu Piaoxu clenched her hands tightly, struggling inwardly.She felt her insignificance again.

In this world, without strength, nothing can be changed and nothing can be protected.

In a coma, Lin Qingbing felt warm in her body, as if a soft breath enveloped her.After a moment, she opened her eyes.

"What is this place?"

Lin Qingbing rubbed her temples, looked around, and found that she was in a cave.There was a fire in the cave, and the place where she lay was a stone bed.

"Someone brought me here?"

Lin Qingbing's heart skipped a beat.Slight footsteps came from outside the cave, with a strong sense of rhythm.She looked up and almost cried with joy.

"Xiao Yu!"

Lin Qingbing's beautiful eyes were filled with tears. Xiao Yu was standing at the entrance of the cave and looking at her calmly. He was holding a large leaf with some water in it. Hare.

"Would you like some water?"

Xiao Yu walked to Lin Qingbing's side and handed the leaf to her.

Lin Qingbing was really thirsty too, she picked up the leaf and raised her head to drink it.Sitting next to him, Xiao Yu picked up a branch and passed it through the hare, and put it on the fire to roast it.

"Xiao Yu, I..."

After Lin Qingbing drank the water, she immediately wanted to tell Xiao Yu the matter.Just as she was about to speak, she suddenly thought of something, and immediately fell silent.

Xiao Yu didn't pay attention to Lin Qingbing, and continued to grill the hare on his own. The smell of meat that made people commit crimes came, and Lin Qingbing couldn't help but licked her tongue. She hadn't eaten meat for a few days.

She is a young lady who doesn't know how to survive in the wild. These days, she has just picked some wild fruits to satisfy her hunger. Now she is looking at the roasted hare that is golden and oily, how can she keep calm.

Lin Qingbing looked at Xiao Yu's incomparably handsome side face, feeling extremely entangled in her heart.

"Xiao Yu doesn't seem to know that Yang Xiruo is about to be executed by the five major families. As long as I keep this matter secret, he will be safe!"

Lin Qingbing thought about it again, and felt something was wrong.

"If I don't tell him, with his personality, if he knows the truth in the future, he will definitely hate me. Alas, what should I do?"

Lin Qingbing really couldn't make up her mind, Xiao Yu had already handed the roasted hare in front of her when she was worrying about gains and losses.

"Let's eat, let's talk about it after we finish eating!"

Xiao Yu showed a rare smile.With his intelligence, how could he not know that Lin Qingbing came to find him in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range on purpose?Although he didn't know why Lin Qingbing came to him, but looking at the scars on Lin Qingbing's body and that haggard expression, just this kind of affection moved him.


Lin Qingbing nodded, and took the roasted hare gracefully, feeling a sense of happiness in her heart.It feels sweet and fresh when the person you like cooks for yourself.

Lin Qingbing didn't care about her image at the moment, she picked up the golden and crispy roasted hare and devoured it, Xiao Yu who was watching it was amused, he didn't expect this young lady of the Lin family to have such a wild side.

Xiao Yu's technique is not bad, after all, he has spent three years in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, and he has already mastered it.Although the roasted hare had no salty taste, Lin Qingbing ate it with relish and was very satisfied, only for a moment a whole hare was left with only some bones with shredded meat.

Lin Qingbing was satisfied, and when she raised her head, she met Xiao Yu's smiling eyes, her pretty face flushed slightly, she remembered that she had no image at all just now.

"Okay, tell me, what are you looking for?"

Xiao Yu shook his head, not intending to embarrass her, so he asked.


Lin Qingbing hesitated to speak, at this moment she still didn't think about whether to tell Xiao Yu the truth.

"You came all the way to the Spirit Beast Mountain Range to look for me. You must have something urgent. Why are you hesitating now?"

Xiao Yu said strangely, seeing Lin Qingbing's appearance, a bad premonition flashed in his heart.

"Actually, actually..."

Lin Qingbing rubbed the corner of her clothes, she really didn't know how to speak, her brows were almost knit together.

Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed, he felt that this matter must not be simple.

"Lin Qingbing, what is it that puts you in such a difficult situation? You just say it's okay, no matter what happens, I will try my best to help you solve it!"

Lin Qingbing's heart trembled violently.

"He said that, it proves that he cares about me, how can I have the heart to lie to him?"

Lin Qingbing slowly lowered her head and finally made up her mind.

"Xiao Yu, the five great families are going to deal with you!"

"Five big families?" Xiao Yu frowned slightly, wondering, "Are they all going to deal with me?"

Lin Qingbing nodded worriedly: "Yes, the five major families joined forces this time to deal with you."

The expression on Xiao Yu's face didn't change much, but he felt very strange in his heart. He thought it was reasonable for the Li family and the Xiao family to deal with him, but he didn't expect that the other three families would also want to attack him.

(End of this chapter)

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