Chapter 187
Xiao Yu and the three daughters sat down in the courtyard, talking happily, and everyone mentioned their recent life.

Xiao Yu didn't tell anything about Xiao Haoyun, he was afraid that if the girls knew about it, someone would follow them.

Liu Piaoxu talked the least, she listened quietly most of the time, with a faint smile on her face from time to time.

Xiao Yu turned his gaze to Liu Piaoxu, and said softly, "I'm so sorry for you!"

Liu Piaoxu smiled and said: "It's nothing, I'm willing to do things for you."

Staring at Liu Piaoxu, Xiao Yu couldn't help but think of what happened when he was in the branch hall of Duanyun Sect. At that time, Liu Piaoxu only had hatred in his heart, but now, that feeling has completely disappeared.Not only that, Xiao Yu also had an inexplicable feeling for Liu Piaoxu in his heart, this woman was silently by his side most of the time, when she was about to die on the Xuanwu stage, she still ignored her own safety, Running to his side, how could he treat such a woman as an ordinary friend?

Xiao Yu glanced back and forth in front of Lin Qingbing and Liu Piaoxu, and sighed secretly: "These two are good girls, it is a great blessing for ordinary people to get one of them, I can get their sincerity, really I don’t know if it’s the blessings of many lifetimes of cultivation.”

Yang Xiruo naturally saw Xiao Yu's gaze, and her heart darkened.

"In his heart, he only treats me well because of my father, that's all!"

Thinking of this, she felt discouraged for a while, her heart became more and more depressed, and the smile on her face fell.

Xiao Yu also saw her expression, and was about to say a few words of comfort when a voice suddenly came from outside.

"Hero Xiao, Hero Xiao!"

It was obvious that someone outside the yard was calling Xiao Yu.


Xiao Yu opened the courtyard door and saw two hurried young men standing outside. When they saw Xiao Yu, they took a step back obviously with fear on their faces.

"Hero Xiao! It was Xiao Yundu who asked us to come to you. He told you to return to Xiao's house as soon as possible. He has something to tell you."

The two young men finally recovered their breath and said respectfully to Xiao Yu.

"Okay, I see, you guys go first!"

Xiao Yu nodded, and the two left in response.

"I have something urgent to go back to Xiao's house. Xiruo, Piaoxu, you guys practice hard in Duanyun Sect, you can't waste this great resource. Qingbing, they are new here, they are not familiar with the things here, so I have to trouble you a lot gone."

Xiao Yu turned his head and said to the three women.The three girls all nodded, Xiao Yu felt relieved, but in just a moment, his figure had already disappeared.

"Is he in a hurry again? What a busy man!"

Yang Xiruo said in a slightly resentful tone.

"He can't stay idle, maybe it will be possible in the future!"

Liu Piaoxu smiled mildly and said.

In the Xiao family, Xiao Yun was waiting for Xiao Yu in the hall, with an extremely anxious expression on his face.

"Brother, is there any news?"

A figure in white suddenly flashed in from outside the hall, it was Xiao Yu.

"Xiao Yu, you are back!" Xiao Yun went up to greet him, and said in a deep voice, "The man was found, but..."


A cold light flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes, and he continued.

"how do you know?"

Xiao Yun was slightly taken aback.

"Actually, I thought of this possibility last night in my room!" Xiao Yu frowned slightly, "Where did that person die?"

"The corpse is in a farmer's house thousands of miles away from the imperial city, but there is no one else living in that farmer's house, only Shi Bi." Xiao Yun replied, "I wanted to send someone back to look for you, but I didn't feel right. , so I asked someone to protect the scene, and came back to arrange for someone to find you. Later, when some of my subordinates learned that you had joined the Duanyun faction, I asked them to go in and look for you. After all, I entered the Duanyun faction as a military. Great."

"Shibi? Is that the man's name?"

Xiao Yu asked.

"That's right, he was once one of the two great rulers under my father." Xiao Yun nodded and continued, "I'll take you there without further ado. The analysis is very good."


Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun left the Xiao's house, and rode on a fast horse and went straight to the scene of Shi Bi's death.

It took them a while to reach the farmer where Shi Bi died.

"It's there!"

Xiao Yun pointed to the front, dozens of people were guarding there, staring at the surroundings vigilantly, one of them saw Xiao Yun, and immediately came to salute.


Xiao Yun waved his hand and asked, "The scene hasn't been moved, has it?"

"Back to the capital, the brothers have been waiting here, and no one has touched a single plant or tree."

Xiao Yun nodded, very satisfied, Xiao Yu followed behind him, and walked into this simple farmhouse.

The farmer has only one house, surrounded by a simple fence surrounded by messy wood.The door of the residence was wide open, and Xiao Yu saw a middle-aged man lying in the room at a glance.

He scanned his surroundings and stepped cautiously into the house.

This middle-aged man is Shi Bi, one of Xiao Haoyun's former two major commanders.He was lying face up on the ground with one hand on his chest and the other on the side.Blood oozes from his ears, nose and mouth, and the blood has dried up.A wall next to the place where he was lying had been broken into tatters, and many bricks and stones had flown out of the house. The broken wall formed a huge hollow palm, which was obviously caused by someone with a strong palm force. typed out.

"It seems that Shi Bi dodged this slap, but he couldn't dodge the next slap."

Xiao Yu stared at the shape of a huge palm that was pierced on the wall, and said in a deep voice.

"Xiao Yu, do you mean that the murderer only made two palms?" Xiao Yun asked suspiciously, "Why do you say that?"

Xiao Yu pointed to the wall that had been pierced, and then pointed to Shi Bi who was lying on the ground, already dead.

"Look, the power of the palm on the wall has not diminished. All the power has to be hit on the wall to have this effect. However, Shi Bi is holding his chest, and the seven holes are bleeding, which shows that the opponent's palm power is strong. As far as the murderer is concerned, as long as one hit Shibi's palm, it is enough to be fatal. But if you look at the house, the rest of the house is in good condition, without any traces of fighting, which means that the fighting only ended in an instant, so I said that the murderer only Take two palms."

After hearing Xiao Yu's words, Xiao Yun suddenly realized.

"Uncle said that you are good at observation, which is really good!"

Xiao Yu didn't answer, he observed the situation in the room for a while, then suddenly walked towards the door, before he could get out, he retreated back.

Xiao Yun didn't know what his intention was, so he asked, "Xiao Yu, what are you doing?"

Xiao Yu stopped, pointed at Shi Bi and said, "I just wanted to repeat Shi Bi's actions before his death, and now I can roughly understand the situation at that time."


Xiao Yun immediately became interested, he didn't expect Xiao Yu to have such ability.

(End of this chapter)

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